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fishery. The methods of sampling, preparing, reading, and modelling random reader error for this reference ... readings by 4 readers of a set of 203 reference otoliths sampled from the HIMI fishery. The methods ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-09/07 : Author(s): S.G. Candy, G.B. Nowara, D.C. Welsford and J.P. McKinlay (Australia)
A von Bertalanffy growth model for Division 58.5.2 fitted to length-at-age data and a comparison of predicted with observed growth from mark–recapture data
by trawl in Heard Island fishery were fitted using a von Bertalanffy (VB) growth model taking into account ... in Heard Island fishery were fitted using a von Bertalanffy (VB) growth model taking into account variable ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-SAM-06/07 : Author(s): S.G. Candy, A.J. Constable, T. Lamb and R. Williams (Australia)
Investigating the uncertainty of age determinations for Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) and the implications for stock assessment
class strength (YCS) from the CASAL assessment of the HIMI fishery to evaluate the effects ... ) from the CASAL assessment of the HIMI fishery to evaluate the effects of these three methods along ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-14/46 : Author(s): P. Burch, P. Ziegler, W. de la Mare and D. Welsford (Australia)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 38/X (1991)
Secretary has not received haul-by-haul data for two consecutive reporting periods he shall notify ... the Contracting Party that the fishery will be closed to that Contracting Party unless those data (including ... arrears of data) are provided by the end of the next reporting period. If at the end of the next ... reporting period those data have still not been provided, the Executive Secretary shall notify all ...
Conservation Measure : 38/X (1991)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 175/XVIII (1999)
of implementing this conservation measure: (i) the Catch Reporting System set out in Conservation Measure 40 ... /X shall apply in the 1999/2000 season; (ii) the Monthly Fine-scale Catch and Effort Data Reporting System ... Fine-scale Biological Data Reporting System set out in Conservation Measure 121/XVI shall also apply ... by the Commission. 2 The specified period is adopted in accordance with the reporting period specified ...
Conservation Measure : 175/XVIII (1999)
Submission of papers to meetings of the Commission
(s) for review and re-submission within the stated deadlines. 5. Background papers, including reports from ... the stated deadlines. 5. Background papers, including reports from observers to the meeting, should ...
Page : Site Section: Meetings
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 153/XVII (1998)
Prohibition of Directed Fishery on Gobionotothen gibberifrons, Chaenocephalus aceratus, Pseudochaenichthys ... season shall be limited to 4 840 tonnes in Statistical Subarea 48.3. 2. The fishery for Champsocephalus ... 4 840 tonnes, whichever is sooner. 3. If, in the course of the directed fishery for Champsocephalus ... was retrieved by the fishing vessel. 5. The use of bottom trawls in the directed fishery for Champsocephalus ...
Conservation Measure : 153/XVII (1998)
Krill biomass estimates for two survey boxes to the north east and north-west of South Georgia in January 1996: the beginning of a five-year monitoring program
therefore provide data of value to fishery scientists, ecologists and environmental modellers. The acoustic ... therefore provide data of value to fishery scientists, ecologists and environmental modellers. The acoustic ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-96/18 : Author(s): Watkins, J.L., Murray, A.W.A., Brierley, A.S.
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 194/XIX (2000)
in Statistical Subarea 48.3. 2. The fishery for Champsocephalus gunnari in Statistical Subarea 48.3 shall close ... of the directed fishery for Champsocephalus gunnari, the by-catch in any one haul of any of the species named ... was retrieved by the fishing vessel. 5. The use of bottom trawls in the directed fishery for Champsocephalus ... gunnari in Statistical Subarea 48.3 is prohibited. 6. The fishery for Champsocephalus gunnari ...
Conservation Measure : 194/XIX (2000)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 123/XVI (1997)
in Statistical Subarea 48.3. 2. The fishery for Champsocephalus gunnari in Statistical Subarea 48.3 shall ... . 3. If, in the course of the directed fishery for Champsocephalus gunnari, the by-catch in any one haul of any ... vessel. 5. The use of bottom trawls in the directed fishery for Champsocephalus gunnari ... in Statistical Subarea 48.3 is prohibited. 6. The fishery for Champsocephalus gunnari in Statistical Subarea ...
Conservation Measure : 123/XVI (1997)