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Sea Ice Biota: Trophic modelling of the Ross Sea
. 1995). Krill are also known to be attracted to the concentrations of food underneath melting ice ... (chains 10–30 m long) to serve as food for juvenile krill since choanoflagellates forming colonies up ... to 18 m diameter have been shown to serve as sources of food for krill (e.g. Kottmeier & Sullivan 1990 ...
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CEMP Standard Methods
........................................... C2.1–C2.5 Section 4: Monitoring Non Krill-dependent Species Part I, Section 4: Method T1 – Diet ... which are predators on the commercially harvested species (currently krill and fish), such as birds ...
Document : Site Section: Science
Field Identification Guide to Heard Island and McDonald Islands Benthic Invertebrates
90 Krill 92 Amphipods or sand hoppers 93 Isopods or sea slaters 96 Tanaids 99 Cumaceans or hooded ... and shrimps DCP Euphausiacea krill KRX Isopoda sea slaters ISH Amphipoda sand hoppers AQM Ostracoda seed ... . Individuals of the genus Pasiphea are common in the deep waters around HIMI. PAGE 90 COMMON NAME Krill (KRX ... pointing rostrum and a pair of compound eyes. Unlike shrimps, the gills of krill are not enclosed ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Field Identification Guide to Heard Island and McDonald Island Benthic Invertebrates
90 Krill 92 Amphipods or sand hoppers 93 Isopods or sea slaters 96 Tanaids 99 Cumaceans or hooded ... and shrimps DCP Euphausiacea krill KRX Isopoda sea slaters ISH Amphipoda sand hoppers AQM Ostracoda seed ... . Individuals of the genus Pasiphea are common in the deep waters around HIMI. PAGE 90 COMMON NAME Krill (KRX ... pointing rostrum and a pair of compound eyes. Unlike shrimps, the gills of krill are not enclosed ...
Document : Site Section: Science
CCAMLR Calendar 2016
extent of the CAMLR Convention Area MARCH 2016 Volker Siegel, 2013. Juvenile Antarctic krill ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Volume 3: CCAMLR. 1991. Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 3 (1981–1990). CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia.
, and for krill from Subareas 48.1, 48.2, 48.3 and the Prydz Bay Integrated Study Area (bounded by 85° E, 55 ... Channichthyidae Notothe niidae Osteichthyes nei Description krill, euphausids cephalopods skates and rays ... as a result. For the Convention area, four major targeted fisheries are reported, squids, krill (KRI ... at krill, Dissostichus and 'unspecified finfish' only. 3.4 All data is recorded at the CCAMLR data centre ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Volume 9: CCAMLR. 1997. Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 9 (1987–1996). CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia.
. Figures in Section D cover a 5-year time span. Some tables refer to catches of krill outside ... for krill and finfish from the whole of the Convention Area. 1 ~ 11 Some of the data described ... has been required since the 1987/88 season. Reporting of . fine-scale data for krill, however ... D couvrent une periode de 5 ans. Certains tableaux se referent aux captures de krill de la division 41.3.2 ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Volume 10: CCAMLR. 1998. Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 10 (1988–1997). CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia.
a 5-year time span. Please note that some tables include catches of krill taken outside the Convention ... data for the Convention Area has been required since 1987/88. Reporting of fine-scale data for krill ... que certains tableaux incluent des captures de krill effectuees en dehors de la zone de la Convention ... precise sur le krill, cependant, est exigee pour la sous-zone 48.2 depuis la saison 1985/86, pour les ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program Standard Methods
growth ....................................... C2.1–C2.5 Section 4: Monitoring Non Krill-dependent ... which are predators on the commercially harvested species (currently krill and fish), such as birds ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Fishery Report: Exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.3b
. was estimated in 2003 using the precautionary approach adopted for krill (SC-CAMLR-XXII, Annex 5, paragraphs ...
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