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Updated background paper (2018) on the Domain 1 MPA. Part B: rationale of changes
the meetings detailed above, and includes new information about the identification of krill areas, scientific ... the meetings detailed above, and includes new information about the identification of krill areas, scientific ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/BG/08 : Author(s): Delegations of Argentina and Chile
Domain 1 MPA Proposal CM 91-XXrev1: Rationale of the changes for the Proposal for the Establishment of a Marine Protected Area in the Western Antarctic Peninsula- South Scotia Arc
publications, WG-EMM discussions and documents regarding krill fishery management workplan, and suggestions ... , WG-EMM discussions and documents regarding krill fishery management workplan, and suggestions made ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/BG/03 : Author(s): Delegations of Argentina and Chile
Domain 1 MPA Proposal CM 91-XXrev1: Rationale of the changes for the Proposal for the Establishment of a Marine Protected Area in the Western Antarctic Peninsula – South Scotia Arc
publications, WG-EMM discussions and documents regarding krill fishery management workplan, and suggestions ... , WG-EMM discussions and documents regarding krill fishery management workplan, and suggestions made ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/BG/22 : Author(s): Delegations of Argentina and Chile
Joint Polish/American hydroacoustic survey of Elephant Island in the vicinity of King George Island, 1988
Abstract: The hydroacoustic survey found a low krill abundance in most areas covered by last ... The hydroacoustic survey found a low krill abundance in most areas covered by last years survey ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/21 : Author(s): United States of America
Abundance, distribution, energy density and trophic position of euphausiids during winter 2012: preliminary results from the first US AMLR Winter Survey
reporting the distribution, size and properties of krill and other euphausiids and present some data ... the distribution, size and properties of krill and other euphausiids and present some data on water column ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-13/40 : Author(s): C. Reiss and C. Jones (USA)
Environmental variability effects on marine fisheries: four case histories
and distribution of the stock. Four examples, ranging from Antarctic krill to oysters, are given that clearly ... examples, ranging from Antarctic krill to oysters, are given that clearly illustrate environmental control ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/66 : Author(s): Hofmann, E.E., Powell, T.M.
A way forward in the multivariate analysis of Antarctic predator, prey and environment indices: predator-environment interactions at Seal Island
a multivariate model which relates chinstrap penguin breeding success, krill abundance and sea ice conditions ... which relates chinstrap penguin breeding success, krill abundance and sea ice conditions, which ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-96/27 : Author(s): Agnew, D.J., Watters, G., Hewitt, R.
Policy issues arising from CCAMLR inspections undertaken from HMS Protector during 2015-16
CCAMLR licensed krill fishing vessels. This paper provides some further information about the inspections ... with four CCAMLR licensed krill fishing vessels. This paper provides some further information about ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXV/02 : Author(s): Delegations of the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand
SC-CAMLR work on Climate Change (Paper XP19 to CEP–SC-CAMLR Workshop 2016)
and Management (WG-EMM). In this regard, WG-EMM has focussed on the effects of climate change on Antarctic krill ... in SC-CAMLR: (i) the design of krill feedback management strategies to accommodate the potential ... of climate change on Antarctic krill and its habitats, along with a proposal to manage ocean areas adjacent ... on at least three current issues in SC-CAMLR: (i) the design of krill feedback management strategies ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/71 : Author(s): A. Constable
AMLR Hydroacoustic Survey System Description of Methods, A Case Study
of krill mandates the use of covariance methods for the calculation of confidence intervals. This often ... and repeatability of analytic results. The variability inherent in the distribution of krill mandates the use ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-89/10 : Author(s): M.C. Macaulay (USA)