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Estimation of krill (Euphausia superba) mortality and production rate in the Antarctic peninsula region
Abstract: A net sampling survey for krill was carried out by RV ‘Meteor’ along the Antarctic ... a factor of 1.6 times. Krill mortality was calculated by linearized catch curve analysis and resulted ... of 0.88 to 0.94 for different years. The exchange rate of water masses and krill biomass within one summer ... (s): Delegation of Germany Title: Estimation of krill (Euphausia superba) mortality and production rate ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-91/15 : Author(s): Delegation of Germany
How trophic dynamics of adult Antarctic krill Euphausia superba responses to the condition of no ice in the water during the winter: a case study at South Georgia?
Abstract: Understanding the variation in krill diet during winter is crucial to elucidate ... the overwintering of krill in the Southern Ocean. The information on trophic variation of krill under ice-free ... waters during the winter can also provide the insight for understanding the response of krill to global ... in diet of adult krill with size and month during the winter season (June to September 2016) at the South ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/P04 : Author(s): G.P. Zhu, H.T. Zhang, B. Deng and Q.Y. Yang
Hydroacoustic assessment of krill in Area 58 of the Indian Ocean sector of the Antarctic region
Abstract: On the basis of acoustically registered krill swarms along a 1097 nm transect ... in the area 58 of Indian Ocean Sector of Antarctic region, the biomass density of krill, their spatial ... and depth distribution are presented. The mean density of krill biomass between 60°00'S and 61°00' ... ; S parallels 34°00'E and 40°00'E meridian was recorded as Presence of krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-98/36 : Author(s): Z. Klusek and A. Anrose (India)
Male krill grow fast and die young
Abstract: The size-differentiated sex ratio (proportion of males: POM) of Antarctic krill ... and the southwest Atlantic sector, and from the krill fishery in the Southern Ocean. The percentage of males in size ... classes of adult krill was generally high in krill of 30-35 mm total length, always low in 38-42 mm krill ... , sometimes showed higher values in 45-50 mm krill, but always decreased in the largest krill (>50 mm ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-07/P6 : Author(s): S. Kawaguchi, L.A. Finley, S. Jarman, S.G. Candy (Australia), R.M. Ross, L.B. Quetin (USA), V. Siegel (Germany), W. Trivelpiece (USA), M. Naganobu (Japan) and S. Nicol (Australia)
Abstract: This report describes the multipurpose AKES survey (Antarctic Krill and Ecosystem ... purposes for the AKES project were to • evaluate the links between the krill resources and distribution ... in the area and Bouvetøya based mammals and birds • study krill biology and ecology • establish TS (Target ... strength; the ability of an organism to reflect sound) for krill and ice fish • study aggregations of krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-08/28 : Author(s): S.A. Iversen (Norway), W. Melle, E. Bagøien, D. Chu, B. Edvardsen, B. Ellertsen, E. Grønningsæter, K. Jørstad, E. Karslbakk, T. Klevjer, T. Knutsen, R. Korneliussen, H. Kowall, B. Krafft, S. Kaartvedt, P.B. Lona, S. Murray, L. Naustvoll, L. Nøttestad, M. Ostrowski, V. Siegel, Ø. Skagseth, G. Skaret, H. Søiland, X. Zhao and C.B. Årnes
Effects of sea-ice extent and krill or salp dominance on the Antarctic food web
Abstract: Krill (Euphausia superba) provide a direct link between primary producers and higher ... are not a major dietary item for Antarctic vertebrate predators, their blooms can affect adult krill reproduction ... and survival of krill larvae. Here we provide data from 1995 and 1996 that support hypothesized relationships ... between krill, salps and region-wide sea-ice conditions. We have assessed salp consumption as a proportion ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/73 : Author(s): Hewitt, R., Trivelpiece, S., Fraser, W., Holm-Hansen, O., Siegel, V., Trivelpiece, W., Loeb, V.
Fishing intensity of Russian fleet krill fishery in Subarea 48.2 and 48.3
Abstract: The purpose of this paper was estimating commercial fleet impact on krill population ... in the AtlantNIRO. Intensity of commercial fleet impact on krill population, on biomass and density of krill ... operation during the seasons of its largest fishing pressing shows no fishing effect on the krill stock ... and, consequently, on krill-dependent predators. Krill fishery, neither by the removal value nor by intensity ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-02/62 : Author(s): S.M. Kasatkina and V.F. Ivanova (Russia)
Krill fishery report: 2013 update
Abstract: In 2011/12, 12 vessels from five Members fished for krill in Area 48 and the total ... catch of krill was 161085 t (Subarea 48.1: 75630 t; Subarea 48.2: 29040 t; Subarea 48.3: 56415 ... t). The largest catch of krill by small-scale management unit was taken in ‘South Georgia East’ in Subarea 48.3 ... and Ukraine have fished for krill in Area 48. The total catch reported to the end of May 2013 was 151161 t, 86 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-13/37 Rev. 1 : Author(s): Secretariat
and Poland have fished for krill in Area 48. The total catch reported to May 2011 was 110949 t, most of which ... taken by two vessels using the continuous fishing system. The forecast total catch of krill ... for the season falls in the range 153000-214000 t. In 2009/10, 10 vessels fished for krill in Area 48 ... , the catches of krill approached the apportioned limit for Subarea 48.1 (25% of the trigger level: 155000 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-11/05 : Author(s): Secretariat
Variation in the distribution of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba around South Georgia
of South Georgia. Here we summarize the length-frequency distributions of krill caught on each ... of these cruises and look particularly at differences between krill taken from the eastern and western ends ... types with relatively simple biological characteristics: cluster 1 were medium-sized year 2+ krill (mean ... size 39.7 mm); cluster 2 were a mixture of year classes (mean size 37.7 mm); cluster 3 were large krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/47 : Author(s): Daly, H.I., Murray, A.W.A., Watkins, J.L.