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Abstract: Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is a large euphausiid, widely distributed within ... of the population of postlarval krill is typically confined to the top 150 m of the water column. Here, we report ... for the first time the existence of significant numbers of Antarctic krill feeding actively at abyssal depths ... summer of 2006/07 have revealed the presence of adult krill (Euphausia superba Dana), including gravid ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-08/P01 : Author(s): A. Clarke and P.A. Tyler
Acoustic data analysis and models of krill spatial distribution
used in three descriptors of krill spatial aggregation: power spectra for krill biomass fluctuations ... in space, semivariogram (spatial autocorrelation of krill biomass) and the frequency distribution of krill ... . The computed frequency distribution of krill biomass is bimodal and appears to be the mixture of two lognormal ... of data analysis suggest that krill patch size or rather a basic swarm size should be smaller that 200 ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/25 : Author(s): United States of America
Sensitivity analysis identifies high influence sites for estimates of penguin krill consumption on the Antarctic Peninsula
Abstract: Krill consumption by natural predators represents a critical link between surveys ... and models of standing krill biomass and the design of a sustainable krill fishery for the Scotia Sea ... . Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is a significant component of diet for penguins breeding in this region ... and, consequently, uncertainties regarding penguin population abundances contribute to uncertainties in krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/P02 : Author(s): H.J. Lynch, N. Ratcliffe, J. Passmore, E. Foster and P. N. Trathan
Preliminary results on the composition and abundance of the krill stock in the southern Bellingshausen Sea (Antarctic, CCAMLR Subarea 88.3)
Abstract: Krill sampling was carried out onboard RV ‘Polarstem’ from January 25 to March 11, 1994 ... south of 66°S, between 68°W and 120°W. Krill Euphausia superba abundance and biomass was in the lower ... spatial separation for size groups was observed for krill, with small size groups being more abundant ... . The overall krill length frequency distribution was similar to the composition reported from the South ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-95/18 : Author(s): Siegel, V.
Dietary segregation of krill-eating South Georgia seabirds
period in 1986. For five species, Antarctic krill Euphausia superba was the main food (39-98% by mass ... ); grey-headed albatrosses took mainly the ommastrephids squid Martialia hyadesi (71 %) and only 16% krill ... . The size of the krill taken was similar between seabird species, although there were small but significant ... differences between penguins and the other species. Sex and reproductive status of krill. however ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/15 : Author(s): Prince, P.A., Croxall, J.P., Reid, K.
Investigations of intensity of krill drift near South Georgia Island
Abstract: Calculation of drift’s speed (transport with current) of Antarctic krill along ... density of krill before the beginning of transport along the island’s shore was assumed about 0.1 ... g m-3. Total amount of krill immigration on island’s shelf (in above indicated limits) were examined for three ... main types of water circulation (the typisation according to Maslennikov, 1979). Duration of krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-CEMP-92/32 : Author(s): V.V. Popkov (Russian Federation)
Krill caught by predators and nets revisited: interpreting prey selection in proper temporal–spatial scales
Abstract: Krill demography and recruitment are tracked through time using scientific net sampling ... show differences that have fueled speculation of prey selectivity by predators. Krill, however ... habitat and its proximity to breeding colonies where diet studies are conducted. We compare krill length ... in fur seal foraging habitat. Both are compared to krill in fur seal diet. When spatial temporal scales ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-04/49 : Author(s): M.E. Goebel, V. Loeb, D.P. Costa, S.N. Sexton, A.R. Banks, J.D. Lipsky and A.C. Allen (USA)
Changes observed in krill length frequency distribution during repeated sampling on the South Georgia shelf in 2000 January–February
Abstract: Krill sampling were carried out Northwest and Northeast South Georgia, first during ... in krill inhabiting Northwest and Northeast South Georgian waters. According to the data available ... the difference do not disappear in time, instead certain increase of krill length was observed in both parts ... . The data analyzed confirm that krill on the Northern South Georgian shelf has different origin: krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-01/40 : Author(s): V.A. Sushin and F.F. Litvinov (Russia)
Preliminary results of the Polish commercial krill fishery in the Antarctic during 1990/91 season
Abstract: Four Polish commercial trawlers participated in the krill fishery in 1990/91 season ... on the fishing grounds in statistical Sub-areas 48.2 and 48.3. In total 9 333.7 tonnes of krill were harvested ... : Preliminary results of the Polish commercial krill fishery in the Antarctic during 1990/91 season Approval ... Four Polish commercial trawlers participated in the krill fishery in 1990/91 season on the fishing ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-91/36 : Author(s): I. Wójcik and R. Zaporowski (Poland)
Fishes caught along with the Antarctic krill in the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands during the austral summer months of 1994
of krill concentration (Figs. 1 and 2). The large incidental catch of fishes occurred in hauls with the low ... krill catch rates (Hauls. 36 and 47), and fishes are not found or rare within krill swarms of higher ... density. Author(s): T. Iwami (Japan) Title: Fishes caught along with the Antarctic krill in the vicinity ... was calculated (Tables 2 and 3). Fish abundance could have been depended on the density of krill concentration ...
Meeting Document : WG-Krill-94/25 : Author(s): T. Iwami (Japan)