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Modelling the predator–prey interactions of krill, baleen whales and seals in the Antarctic ecosystem
Abstract: The history of human harvests of seals, whales, fish and krill in the Antarctic ... is summarized briefly, and the central role played by krill emphasized. The background to the hypothesis ... of a krill surplus in the mid 20th Century is described, and the information on population and trend levels ... the need for recourse to environmental change hypotheses. A model is developed including krill, four baleen ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/34 : Author(s): M. Mori and D.S. Butterworth (South Africa)
Southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) reproductive success is influenced by krill (Euphausia superba) density and climate
change in the abundance of the species main prey, krill (Euphausia superba), on the feeding grounds ... analysis we examined the response of the species to climate anomalies and krill densities. Significant ... correlations were found with krill densities (r = 0.69, p = 0.002, lag 0 years), Oceanic Niño Index (r = −0.65 ... whale breeding success in southern Brazil by determining variation in food (krill) availability ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/P06 : Author(s): E. Seyboth, K.R. Groch, L. Dalla Rosa, K. Reid, P.A.C. Flores and E.R. Secchi
Concordance of inter-annual fluctuations in densities of krill around South Georgia and Elephant Islands: biological evidence of same-year teleconnections across the Scotia Sea
Abstract: Acoustic estimates of the densities of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, in areas ... and 1997. Estimated densities of krill at El were most often higher than at SG, although this may simply ... mirrored by those at the other location; for example, 1991 and 1994 were years of very low krill density ... similarities suggests that densities of krill at both locations are directly linked, and may be impacted ...
Meeting Document : WS-AREA 48-98/11 : Author(s): A.S. Brierley (UK), D.A. Demer, R.P. Hewitt (USA) and J.L. Watkins (UK)
fishing for krill in Subarea 48.3 were analysed using Variance Components Analysis. Krill mean and median ... a rate of sampling equivalent to 18% of total hauls taken in a season being sampled for krill and 11 ... % for larval fish. For both krill and larval fish between vessel variance was slightly lower than between haul ... % of total season hauls sampled for krill and an equivalent or higher sampling proportion for larval fish ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-09/25 : Author(s): D.J. Agnew, P. Grove, T. Peatman, R. Burns and C. Edwards (United Kingdom)
Distribution and abundance of Antarctic krill in the vicinity of Elephant Island during the 1994 austral summer
Abstract: The distribution and abundance of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) were estimated ... n.mile2 immediately north of Elephant Island. During the first survey, the highest densities of krill were ... X 106 t. Five weeks later highest densities of krill were mapped north of Elephant Island and biomass ... of krill were mapped in the shoal waters to the north of Elephant Island; biomasses were estimated to be 87 ...
Meeting Document : WG-Joint-94/09 : Author(s): R.P. Hewitt and D.A. Demer (USA)
Variability of krill fishery operations in Subarea 48.2 in relation to fishing methods: spatial–temporal distribution of CPUE and of fishing efforts
Abstract: The author continue to analyze krill fishery data for understanding fishery operations ... - temporal variability of krill fishery based on CPUE trends, trawling duration, catch per haul, fishing ... . The author suggest that understanding fishery strategy and performance requires knowledge of krill ... distribution in the fishing grounds with special attention to krill aggregation patterns as the factors ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-14/22 : Author(s): S. Kasatkina (Russia)
Distribution and size of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) in the Polish commercial catches in the Atlantic sector of Antarctica in 1997–1999
Abstract: The distribution, density and length composition of krill in commercial concentrations ... be assumed that there are other factors besides illumination which have an impact on the degree of krill ... to 31,370 specimens * m-3. At night, the krill concentrations were scattered throughout the water, however ... . The size structure of the krill was diverse during all periods and in all areas, however, a decrease ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-01/13 : Author(s): E. Jackowski (Poland)
to the CCAMLR 2000 synoptic survey data to generate a quality checked krill biomass for area 48 following ... the acoustic protocol identified in ASAM 2009. The total biomass of krill in the Scotia Sea was estimated from ... acoustic and net data collected during the international multi-ship krill biomass in the Scotia Sea in 2000 ... and include additional information of krill density by strata and transect published for the original ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-11/20 : Author(s): S. Fielding and J. Watkins (UK) and ASAM participants: A. Cossio, C. Reiss and G. Watters (USA), L. Calise and G. Skaret (Norway), Y. Takao (Japan), X. Zhao (People’s Republic of China), D. Agnew (UK) and D. Ramm and K. Reid (CCAMLR Secretariat)
Acoustic estimates of krill abundance at South Georgia, 1981–1998
Abstract: Acoustic estimates of abundance of the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, at South ... includes some previously published estimates arising from cruises where determination of krill density ... as a subsidiary during other studies of the pelagic ecosystem at South Georgia. Krill abundance at the island ... and 1994 austral summer seasons were characterised by particularly low abundances of krill. For five ...
Meeting Document : WS-AREA 48-98/9 : Author(s): A.S. Brierley, J.L. Watkins, C. Goss, M.T. Wilkinson and I. Everson (UK)
Proposals for study of spatial-temporal dynamics of krill distribution for management applications
for providing sufficient information with the aim of quantitative understanding regularities and trends of krill ... for krill stock in the Area 48. Proposals concerning scientific activity needed for resolving issues ... are shown. Practical implementation of these proposals will contribute to attaining CCAMLR goals in krill ... dynamics of krill distribution for management applications Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXX/BG/09 : Author(s): Delegation of Russia