Search results
Hydrography and acoustic biomass estimates of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) near the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during January 2000: preliminary results
Abstract: To estimate the abundance and distribution of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba ... box (total transect length = 459 nautical miles, area = 11,313 n mile2). Krill were collected ... . The length-weight relationship of krill sampled during the survey was w = 0.0035*(L)3.2108 where ... for integrated backscattering area to areal krill biomass density at 120 kHz was 0.1556. The mean density ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-00/52 : Author(s): D. Kang, Y. Lee, H.-C. Shin, W. Lee and S. Kim (Republic of Korea)
Assessment of fishing intensity of krill in Subarea 48.2 during the season of 1989/90
Abstract: The research performed was aimed at assessment of fishing fleet impact upon krill ... . In the above period total krill catch amounted to 88.9 thous. t which constitutes the upper limit of seasonal ... as the months of the highest fleet pressure for entire period from 1984 to 1993. Krill fishery was concentrated ... in each month critical to dependent species exceeded no 1 0% of initial krill stock at beginning of each ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/51 : Author(s): Ivanova, V.I., Sushin, V.A., Kasatkina, S.M.
Classification of Southern Ocean krill and icefish echoes using Random Forests
. Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, are typically identified through a combination of expert scrutiny ... at two or more echosounder frequencies. For commonly used frequencies, however, the differences for krill ... aggregations, which can be difficult to distinguish acoustically from large krill layers. Mackerel icefish ... . The final random forest classified krill, icefish, and mixed aggregations of weak scattering fish species ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/23 : Author(s): N. Fallon, S. Fielding and P. Fernandes
Developing conceptual models of elements of the Antarctic marine ecosystem: Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)
Abstract: A simple generalised conceptual life history model for Antarctic krill is developed ... relationships between Antarctic krill and its biotic and abiotic environment. Krill life history is thus viewed ... ) Title: Developing conceptual models of elements of the Antarctic marine ecosystem: Antarctic krill ... A simple generalised conceptual life history model for Antarctic krill is developed based ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-04/50 : Author(s): S. Nicol and S. Kawaguchi (Australia)
Collection, processing and potential use of sonar data from krill fishing vessels
of Antarctic krill distribution, and potentially abundance. Data from sonars can be used independently ... acoustic surveys. Sonars are capable of sampling large volumes of water and can image entire krill swarms ... and track changes in swarms through time. Some commercial krill fishing vessels, e.g. ‘Juvel’ and ‘Saga ... . The purpose of this paper is to stimulate discussion on the utility of sonars to describe krill within ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-14/01 : Author(s): G. Skaret (Norway) and M.J. Cox (Australia)
Preliminary model of krill fishery behaviour in Subarea 48.1
Abstract: A simple deterministic model is described which models the behaviour of the krill ... fishery in Subarea 48.1 and estimates the effort applied and the catch of krill in fine-scale squares ... : Preliminary model of krill fishery behaviour in Subarea 48.1 Approval: Approved ... A simple deterministic model is described which models the behaviour of the krill fishery ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-93/14 : Author(s): D.J. Agnew (Secretariat)
Krill (Euphausia superba) distribution contracts southward during rapid regional warming
superba (hereafter, ‘krill’) has contracted southward over the past 90 years. Near their northern limit ... the Antarctic shelves. A concomitant increase in mean body length reflects reduced recruitment of juvenile krill ... krill. However, the total post-larval density has declined less steeply than the density of recruits ... , suggesting that survival rates of older krill have increased. The changing distribution is already perturbing ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/P02 : Author(s): A. Atkinson, S.L. Hill, E.A. Pakhomov, V. Siegel, C.S. Reiss, V.J. Loeb, D.K. Steinberg, K. Schmidt, G.A. Tarling, L. Gerrish and S.F. Sailley
Abstract: We made a survey plan to observe krill escapement, attached an underwater video camera ... on a trawl net of a Japanese commercial trawler, and started observation to collect video images of krill ... obtained via satellite-linked transmission indicated very low incidence of krill escapement from top panels ... OF PRELIMINARY OBSERVATION ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF ANTARCTIC KRILL ESCAPEMENT FROM A TRAWL NET Approval ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-11/36 : Author(s): K. Fujita and S. Hasegawa (Japan)
Acoustic data for the 1994 Krill Flux Workshop
will yield mean krill density along an arbitrary section through the survey area, giving results compatible ... with the specifications given in wg-krill-93 Appendix D. A program written to calculate such sections is also described ... an oceanographic dataset of current direction and speed. The two programs produce compatible vectors of krill ... for the 1994 Krill Flux Workshop Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WS-Flux-94/04 : Author(s): Secretariat
Results of acoustic assessment of krill biomass in Subarea 48.2 during summer 1996
; acoustic assessment of krill biomass and distribution was carried out in study area restricted with 59° 10 ... -tacks distance of 20 miles. The echosurvey was carried out diurnally. Krill target strength ... was estimated by means of TS/length relationship, recommended by WG-krill (SC-CAMLR, 1991). Recorded range ... mln. t at 95% confidence limit CL=93.1 thous.t. Variation coefficients of krill density and biomass ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-96/36 : Author(s): Sunkovich, V.I., Kasatkina, S.M., Abramov, V.M., Polischuk, M.I., Sushin, V.A., Shnar, V.N.