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ARK Workshop for Krill Fishery Representatives and the Scientific Community to Share Information on Krill (5 and 6 July 2014, Punta Arenas, Chile)
Author(s): Submitted by ARK Title: ARK Workshop for Krill Fishery Representatives ... and the Scientific Community to Share Information on Krill (5 and 6 July 2014, Punta Arenas, Chile) Approval ... ARK Workshop for Krill Fishery Representatives and the Scientific Community to Share Information ... on Krill (5 and 6 July 2014, Punta Arenas, Chile) ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXIII/BG/21 : Author(s): Submitted by ARK
Some peculiarities of the USSR krill fishery and possibilities to use fishery statistics in studies of krill biology and stocks
(USSR) Title: Some peculiarities of the USSR krill fishery and possibilities to use fishery statistics ... in studies of krill biology and stocks Approval: Approved ... Some peculiarities of the USSR krill fishery and possibilities to use fishery statistics in studies ... of krill biology and stocks ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/14 : Author(s): V.N. Dolzhenkov, T.G. Lubimova, R.R. Makarov, S.S. Parfenovich and V.A. Spiridonov (USSR)
Acoustic data collection by the krill fishing industry to improve the monitoring of krill abundance
by the krill fishing industry to improve the monitoring of krill abundance Microsoft Word File: asam-2019-01 ... Acoustic data collection by the krill fishing industry to improve the monitoring of krill abundance ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-2019/01 : Author(s): K. Reid and J. Arata
Spatial overlap of krill-dependent predators and krill fishery catches and a proposal for subdivision of catch limits in Subarea 48.1
in Subarea 48.1. In general, overlap of summer and winter foraging habitats with krill catches in Subarea ... . Watters (USA) Title: Spatial overlap of krill-dependent predators and krill fishery catches ... and winter fishing in Subarea 48.1. In general, overlap of summer and winter foraging habitats with krill ... Spatial overlap of krill-dependent predators and krill fishery catches and a proposal ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-14/36 : Author(s): J.T. Hinke, M.E. Goebel (USA), M.M. Santos (Argentina), P.N. Trathan (UK), W.Z. Trivelpiece and G.M. Watters (USA)
Supervised and unsupervised (RapidKrill) estimates of krill density from DY098
up with a similar estimate of krill NASC and krill density as the supervised method ... . An estimate of krill density is supplied for the WCB survey using three methods. The multifrequency method ... produces a krill density of 8.60 gm-2, compared with 21.76 gm-2 (supervised) or 20.41 gm-2 (unsupervised ... ). Author(s): A. Ariza, S. Fielding and R. Blackwell Title: Supervised and unsupervised (RapidKrill ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-2019/09 : Author(s): A. Ariza, S. Fielding and R. Blackwell
Krill (Euphausia superba) distribution in relation to water movement and phytoplankton distribution off the northern South Shetland Islands
surveyed to investigate mechanisms for the formation of krill concentrations and to estimate acoustic ... biomass of krill in the 1990/91 austral summer. Main krill concentrations occurred in the shelf waters ... north of the islands, as usual. Tracks of drifting buoys (with curtain drogues at 30 m depth where krill ... for krill.) High concentrations of chlorophyll a were also measured in the shelf waters, showing a spatial ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-91/22 : Author(s): Delegation of Japan
Factors influencing Antarctic krill distribution in the South Shetlands
Abstract: The influences of biological and physical factors in the environment upon krill ... austral summer. Krill showed a distinct offshore-inshore heterogeneities in abundance and maturity stage ... zone (37.3 g/m2), and the highest along the shelf break (135.1 g/m2) in the inshore zone; krill were ... factors were considered to be responsible for this characteristic distribution of krill. Diatoms were ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-93/38 : Author(s): T. Ichii, H. Ishii and M. Naganobu (Japan)
Differences in distribution and population structure of krill (Euphausia superba) between penguin and fur seal foraging areas near Seal Island
Abstract: Shipboard tracking study for krill-eating predators (penguins and female fur seals ... . Penguin foraging areas were formed in inshore region, where krill frequently occurred but higher density ... areas of krill (≥250g/m2) were rather limited. In contrast, fur sea! foraging areas were formed ... in offshore region, where krill occurred only occasionally but they tended to form extensive aggregations (ca ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-92/27 : Author(s): T. Ichii, H. Ishii (Japan), J.L. Bengtson, P. Boveng, J.K. Jansen (USA) and M. Naganobu (Japan)
Possible effects of different levels of fishing on krill on predators - some initial modelling attempts
of the parameters of predator survival rates as functions of krill abundance, by considering a krill dynamics model ... for certain krill predator species. A "one-way" interaction model is developed, in which krill ... indicate that variability in the annual recruitment of krill results in predator populations being less ... resilient to krill harvesting than deterministic evaluations would suggest. However, the analyses also raise ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-93/43 : Author(s): D.S. Butterworth and R.B. Thomson (South Africa)
Further calculations of the effects of krill fishing on predators
the situation where predator survival rates depend on other factors in addition to krill biomass ... . This is achieved by making the survival rates depend instead on krill "availability", where ... there is a random component in the relationship between krill biomass and availability. An examination ... resilience of the albatross population to the effects of a krill fishery. An approach for estimating ...
Meeting Document : WG-Krill-94/24 : Author(s): D.S. Butterworth and R.B. Thomson (South Africa)