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Approach to the study of the ecosystem effect in the krill fishery
Abstract: The key issues for development of krill fishery management schemes based ... are considered. Author(s): S. Kasatkina Title: Approach to the study of the ecosystem effect in the krill ... The key issues for development of krill fishery management schemes based on the ecosystem approach ... Approach to the study of the ecosystem effect in the krill fishery ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/57 : Author(s): S. Kasatkina
Proportional recruitment indices of Antarctic krill from Japanese fisheries data in Subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3 during 1980 through 1997
from logbook data of Japanese commercial krill fisheries during 1980 to 1997. Inter-annual patterns ... of the distribution of small krill by commercial fisheries. Inter-annual pattern of R1 and R2 in Subarea 48.2 showed ... and M. Naganobu (Japan) Title: Proportional recruitment indices of Antarctic krill from Japanese fisheries data ... data of Japanese commercial krill fisheries during 1980 to 1997. Inter-annual patterns of R1 and R2 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-98/33 : Author(s): S. Kawaguchi, T. Ichii and M. Naganobu (Japan)
Laboratory target strength measurements of free swimming Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)
Abstract: Target strength measurements of free swimming krill at 120kHz were made using a single ... beam monostatic system in a 10 m3 laboratory tank. Krill (grouped according to length classes) swam ... of free swimming Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) Approval: Approved ... Target strength measurements of free swimming krill at 120kHz were made using a single beam ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/75 : Author(s): Pauly, T., Penrose, J.D.
Krill faecal pellets drive hidden pulses of particulate organic carbon in the marginal ice zone
model the potential hidden flux of POC originating from Antarctic krill, whose swarming behaviour could ... and bulk egestion of rapidly sinking faecal pellets (FPs). Our model results suggest a seasonal krill FP ... : Krill faecal pellets drive hidden pulses of particulate organic carbon in the marginal ice zone Approval ... the potential hidden flux of POC originating from Antarctic krill, whose swarming behaviour could result ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/P01 : Author(s): A. Belcher, S.A. Henson, C. Manno, S.L. Hill, A. Atkinson, S.E. Thorpe, P. Fretwell, L. Ireland and G.A. Tarling
On the consequences of differentiating between adult and sub-adult survival rates in the krill-predators model
Abstract: The krill-predators model is generalised by splitting post-first-year animals ... evaluations of the level of resilience of a predator to krill fishing depend on the values for both ... between adult and sub-adult survival rates in the krill-predators model Approval: Approved ... The krill-predators model is generalised by splitting post-first-year animals into adults and sub ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-95/39 : Author(s): Butterworth, D.S., Thomson, R.B.
Using data recorded during commercial krill fishing in Feedback Management
distribution and abundance of krill in the South Orkney Islands. However, due to the lack of survey design ... there is an unknown impact/uncertainty of the effect of using data collected during aimed trawling at high krill ... krill fishing in Feedback Management Microsoft Word File: emm-16-74.doc Approval: Approved Secretariat ... distribution and abundance of krill in the South Orkney Islands. However, due to the lack of survey design ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/74 : Author(s): O.R. Godø, G. Skaret and E. Niklitschek
Some aspects of repeated operation on the same patch in Japanese krill fishery
difficulties were thought in identification of krill patch(es). Author(s): T. Ichii (Japan) Title: Some ... aspects of repeated operation on the same patch in Japanese krill fishery Approval: Approved ... were thought in identification of krill patch(es). ... Some aspects of repeated operation on the same patch in Japanese krill fishery ...
Meeting Document : WS-KCPUE-85/06 : Author(s): T. Ichii (Japan)
Data from krill questionnaire
Abstract: Data from the krill questionnaire are presented for the Polish-flagged vessel Acamar ... of questionnaires to be completed and returned to the Secretariat. Author(s): Secretariat Title: Data from krill ... Data from the krill questionnaire are presented for the Polish-flagged vessel Acamar fishing ... Data from krill questionnaire ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-01/70 : Author(s): Secretariat
Approach to the study of the ecosystem effect in the krill fishery
Abstract: The key issues for development of krill fishery management schemes based ... effect in the krill fishery Microsoft Word File: sc-xxxvii-bg-24.doc Approval: Approved Secretariat ... The key issues for development of krill fishery management schemes based on the ecosystem approach ... Approach to the study of the ecosystem effect in the krill fishery ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/BG/24 : Author(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation
On spatial-temporal variability of krill length composition in Subarea 48.1. Comments and proposals
Abstract: The issues are discussed on estimating spatial-temporal distribution of krill length ... . Author(s): S. Kasatkina and A. Sytov Title: On spatial-temporal variability of krill length composition ... The issues are discussed on estimating spatial-temporal distribution of krill length composition ... On spatial-temporal variability of krill length composition in Subarea 48.1. Comments and proposals ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/56 : Author(s): S. Kasatkina and A. Sytov