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Biomass of krill in Division 58.4.2 and an estimation of precautionary yield, including a subdivision of the precautionary catch limit along the 55ºE longitude
Abstract: This paper presents a revised analysis of krill biomass for Division 58.4.2 using data ... of Australia Title: Biomass of krill in Division 58.4.2 and an estimation of precautionary yield, including ... This paper presents a revised analysis of krill biomass for Division 58.4.2 using data from ... Biomass of krill in Division 58.4.2 and an estimation of precautionary yield, including ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXVI/07 : Author(s): Delegation of Australia
Report of acoustic survey of Antarctic krill using FV FUKUEI-MARU
data as a pilot study to monitor Antarctic krill distribution and fishing grounds formation. Author ... (s): K. Abe, Y. Takao and T. Ichii (Japan) Title: Report of acoustic survey of Antarctic krill using FV ... as a pilot study to monitor Antarctic krill distribution and fishing grounds formation. ... Report of acoustic survey of Antarctic krill using FV FUKUEI-MARU ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-14/03 Rev. 1 : Author(s): K. Abe, Y. Takao and T. Ichii (Japan)
Antarctic krill and ecosystem monitoring survey off the South Orkney Islands in 2018
Abstract: This report presents activities and preliminary results from a krill and ecosystem ... , L.A. Krag and R. Pedersen Title: Antarctic krill and ecosystem monitoring survey off the South Orkney ... This report presents activities and preliminary results from a krill and ecosystem monitoring ... Antarctic krill and ecosystem monitoring survey off the South Orkney Islands in 2018 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-18/P03 : Author(s): B.A. Krafft, G. Skaret, L.A. Krag and R. Pedersen
Spatial and temporal operation of the Scotia Sea ecosystem: a review of large-scale links in a krill centred food web
. This production is consumed by a range of species including Antarctic krill, which are the major prey item ... , pushing polar water to lower latitudes, carrying with it krill during spring and summer, which subsidize ... primary and secondary production and influences biogeochemical cycles. It also affects krill population ... -scale links in a krill centred food web Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-07/P8 : Author(s): E.J. Murphy, J.L. Watkins, P.N. Trathan, K. Reid, M.P. Meredith, S.E. Thorpe, N.M. Johnston, A. Clarke, G.A. Tarling, M.A. Collins, J. Forcada, R.S. Shreeve, A. Atkinson, R. Korb, M.J. Whitehouse, P. Ward, P.G. Rodhouse, P. Enderlein, A.G. Hirst, A.R. Martin, S.L. Hill, I.J. Staniland, D.W. Pond, D.R. Briggs, N.J. Cunningham and A.H. Fleming (United Kingdom)
Soviet krill fishery in the Atlantic sector of Antarctic in 1977–1992: Part II – CPUE changes and fleet displacement
Abstract: CPUE values of the Soviet krill fishery in 1977-1992 in subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3 ... . Berezhinskiy (Russia) Title: Soviet krill fishery in the Atlantic sector of Antarctic in 1977–1992: Part II ... CPUE values of the Soviet krill fishery in 1977-1992 in subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3 ... Soviet krill fishery in the Atlantic sector of Antarctic in 1977–1992: Part II – CPUE changes ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-02/27 : Author(s): F.F. Litvinov, P.S. Gasiukov, A.Z. Sundakov and O.A. Berezhinskiy (Russia)
Glider-based estimates of Antarctic krill in Bransfield Strait, and the West shelf off Livingston Island, Antarctica
biomass assessments of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Bransfield Strait and the west shelf ... surveys conducted between 1997 and 2011. The mean biomass density of krill derived from restricting from ... , these data show that acoustically-equipped glider surveys can provide defensible estimates of krill density ... and G. Watters Title: Glider-based estimates of Antarctic krill in Bransfield Strait, and the West shelf off ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/13 : Author(s): C. Reiss, A. Cossio, G. Cutter, J. Walsh and G. Watters
with the agreed calendar, as specified by the WG-SAM, that describes changes in the abundances of krill ... a combinatorial framework that considers krill movement (or lack thereof) and the shape of a relationship ... . This reference set encapsulates hypotheses that go beyond the basic contrasts between krill movement and predator ... these ongoing trends will likely need to be separated from changes caused by krill fishing. Although we believe ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-08/13 : Author(s): G.M. Watters, J.T. Hinke (USA) and S. Hill (United Kingdom)
Method for data treatment of biological samples of multidimensional parameters applied to: Euphausia superba Dana (krill) (+) (received too late for discussion during meeting)
of krill individuals by means of a data process deigned to obtain criteria for the coherent selection ... superba Dana (krill) (+) (received too late for discussion during meeting) Approval: Approved ... The method here described permits to overcome the gaps in the knowledge of the age of krill ... to: Euphausia superba Dana (krill) (+) (received too late for discussion during meeting) ...
Meeting Document : WG-DCH-84/28 : Author(s): J.S. Panizza, A.P. Tomo, E. Marschoff and C. Massigoge (Argentina)
Comparison of NASC values calculated by swarm-based and grid-based acoustic data processing methods for Antarctic krill density estimation
for Antarctic krill density estimation. The comparisons suggest that the calculated NASC values of swarm-based ... surveys. Therefore, it is concluded that the krill density estimated by swarm-based and grid-based method ... methods for Antarctic krill density estimation Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status: Content ... -Wallis tests) to examine the validation of the developed swarm-based method for Antarctic krill density ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-18/04 Rev. 1 : Author(s): X. Yu, X. Wang and X. Zhao
Ecological games in space and time: the distribution and abundance of Antarctic krill and penguins
. As an illustrative example, we model the habitat selection of Antarctic krill and penguins during the time when ... pattern of both species. Size-dependent diel vertical migration of krill also strongly affects penguin ... and abundance of Antarctic krill and penguins Approval: Approved ... . As an illustrative example, we model the habitat selection of Antarctic krill and penguins during the time when ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-03/33 : Author(s): S.H. Alonzo, P.V. Switzer and M. Mangel (USA)