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Biomass of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) off east Antarctica (30–80°E) in January–March 2006
of estimating the biomass (B 0) of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). The mean density of E. superba ... ) Title: Biomass of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) off east Antarctica (30–80°E) in January–March ... the biomass (B0) of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). The mean density of E. superba, integrated to 250 ... Biomass of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) off east Antarctica (30–80°E) in January–March 2006 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-06/16 : Author(s): T. Jarvis, E. van Wijk, N. Kelly, S. Kawaguchi and S. Nicol (Australia)
CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill density during the 1997/98 season in Area 48
Abstract: This paper summarizes the Japanese krill catch data during austral summer through ... of the fishing ground. Author(s): S. Kawaguchi (Japan) Title: CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill density ... This paper summarizes the Japanese krill catch data during austral summer through winter of 1997/98 ... CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill density during the 1997/98 season in Area 48 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-99/48 : Author(s): S. Kawaguchi (Japan)
Pygoscelid penguins vulnerabilities to spatio-temporal changes of the krill fisheries in the Antarctic Peninsula
Abstract: Fast climate changes in the Antarctic Peninsula are reducing krill density, which ... changes of the krill fisheries in the Antarctic Peninsula Microsoft Word File: emm-2019-10.docx Approval ... Fast climate changes in the Antarctic Peninsula are reducing krill density, which, by its turn ... Pygoscelid penguins vulnerabilities to spatio-temporal changes of the krill fisheries ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/10 : Author(s): L. Krüger, F. Santacruz, L. Rebolledo and C. Cárdenas
Procedure for estimating two-hour catches on vessels conducting continuous krill trawling and proposal for adding the description of the procedure as an annex to CM 21-03
of the procedure to derive two-hour catches on Norwegian vessels using the Continuous Trawling System in the krill ... on vessels conducting continuous krill trawling and proposal for adding the description of the procedure ... to derive two-hour catches on Norwegian vessels using the Continuous Trawling System in the krill fishery ... Procedure for estimating two-hour catches on vessels conducting continuous krill trawling ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/19 : Author(s): O.A. Bergstad
Trophic ecology of demersal fish communities in waters to the south of Elephant Island, north of Livingston Island, north of Antarctic Peninsula and east of Smith Island, with note on the ecological role of the krill
Island, with note on the ecological role of the krill Approval: Approved ... of the krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-93/15 : Author(s): M. Takahashi (Japan)
Summary results of krill integrated studies in Statistical Area 48 carried out in research cruises of RV Argus and RV Evrika in 1984-1988 (available in Russian only)
Author(s): V.A. Sushin, L.G. Maklygin and S.M. Kasatkina (USSR) Title: Summary results of krill ... Summary results of krill integrated studies in Statistical Area 48 carried out in research cruises ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-90/23 : Author(s): V.A. Sushin, L.G. Maklygin and S.M. Kasatkina (USSR)
Statistical problems in krill stock hydroacoustic assessments
Abstract: Two primary issues are at question for hydroacoustic assessments of krill, The first ... accuracy of biomass estimates. Author(s): United States of America Title: Statistical problems in krill ... Two primary issues are at question for hydroacoustic assessments of krill, The first is the methods ... Statistical problems in krill stock hydroacoustic assessments ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/22 : Author(s): United States of America
Krill biomass in Area 48 and Area 58: recalculation of FIBEX data
: Krill biomass in Area 48 and Area 58: recalculation of FIBEX data Approval: Approved ... Krill biomass in Area 48 and Area 58: recalculation of FIBEX data ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-92/20 : Author(s): P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom), D. Agnew (Secretariat), D.G.M. Miller (South Africa), J.L. Watkins, I. Everson, M.R. Thorley, E. Murphy, A.W.A. Murray and C. Goss (United Kingdom)
Possible options for the future management of the Antarctic krill fishery in Subarea 48.2
the ecological knowledge base, but identify that this will take time. We conclude that if the krill fishery ... . Godø and S. Hill Title: Possible options for the future management of the Antarctic krill fishery ... base, but identify that this will take time. We conclude that if the krill fishery in Subarea 48.2 ... Possible options for the future management of the Antarctic krill fishery in Subarea 48.2 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/18 : Author(s): P. Trathan, O.R. Godø and S. Hill
CCAMLR protocol for krill biomass estimation
in assessing krill target strength (TS) and identifying acoustic targets have been introduced via both CCAMLR ... (s): S. Fielding, A. Cossio, M. Cox, C. Reiss and G. Skaret Title: CCAMLR protocol for krill biomass estimation ... in assessing krill target strength (TS) and identifying acoustic targets have been introduced via both CCAMLR ... CCAMLR protocol for krill biomass estimation ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-16/02 : Author(s): S. Fielding, A. Cossio, M. Cox, C. Reiss and G. Skaret