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CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of krill catch data ... and other data, which will be used for research and estimating krill abundance, status and trends. A Special ... . New procedures for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of krill catch data ... and other data, which will be used for research and estimating krill abundance, status and trends. A Special ... . New procedures for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of krill catch data ... and other data, which will be used for research and estimating krill abundance, status and trends. A Special ... . New procedures for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of krill catch data ... and other data, which will be used for research and estimating krill abundance, status and trends. A Special ... . New procedures for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of krill catch data ... and other data, which will be used for research and estimating krill abundance, status and trends. A Special ... . New procedures for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP)
fisheries are a major component of their diet. In the case of ‘krill-dependent species’ used in CEMP ... gazella). Some krill-dependent species, such as crabeater seal (Lobodon carcinophagus), while considered ... likely to respond to changes in krill availability, have not been used in monitoring because they live ... monitoring: quantifying the response of ecosystem indicators to variability in Antarctic krill. ICES Journal ...
Page : Site Section: Science
CAMLR Convention
, Australia, 7–20 May 1980. It is a multilateral response to concerns that unregulated increases in krill ... for seabirds, seals, whales and fish that depend on krill for food. The CAMLR Convention consists of: 33 ... that unregulated increases in krill catches in the Southern Ocean could be detrimental for Antarctic marine ... ecosystems particularly for seabirds, seals, whales and fish that depend on krill for food. The CAMLR ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation (SISO)
Secretariat on standardised logbook forms designed for longline, trawl (finfish and krill) and pot (crabs ... Observer's Manual – Krill Fisheries – Version 2023 (985.99 KB), Scientific Observer's Manual ... Secretariat on standardised logbook forms designed for longline, trawl (finfish and krill) and pot (crabs ...
Page : Site Section: Science
Monitoring, control and surveillance
) for finfish and other fisheries (including krill). SCIC/ Commission Proposal for enhanced VMS reporting ... for krill fisheries. (2014)CCAMLR-XXXIII, Annex 6, paragraphs 200 to 205; (2015)CCAMLR-XXXIV, paragraphs ... /26. EU proposal to amend Conservation Measure 10-09 regarding notification system for krill ... and other fisheries (including krill). SCIC/ Commission Proposal for enhanced VMS reporting ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Working Group on Acoustic Survey and Analysis Methods (WG-ASAM)
to hydroacoustic surveys of Antarctic krill. Each of the meetings of the sub-group have had specific terms ... to hydroacoustic surveys of Antarctic krill. Each of the meetings of the sub-group have had specific terms ...
Page : Site Section: Science