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An ecosystem-based management procedure for krill fisheries: a method for determining spatially-structured catch limits to manage risk of significant localised fisheries impacts on predators
for krill fisheries which draws together past experience in CCAMLR. It provides an empirical ecosystem ... precautionary approach of CCAMLR for krill and can utilise existing datasets, including B0 surveys, local scale ... monitoring of krill densities, local-scale monitoring of predator performance, monitoring of predator ... for providing suitably precautionary advice on how to spatially structure krill fisheries to account ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-15/36 : Author(s): A. Constable and S. Candy (Australia)
Summary of monitoring and research effort and preliminary results from the 2019 Scotia Sea krill monitoring survey with FV Cabo de Hornos
Scotia Sea krill monitoring survey with the F/V Cabo de Hornos. The vessel was chartered ... Research to carry out a significant part of the 2019 Scotia Sea large scale krill monitoring. All sections ... . In addition, deployment of four acoustic moorings and 9 replicate measurements on board of krill acoustic ... , in particular Themisto gaudichaudii and other krill species dominated in some stations. E. superba length ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/46 : Author(s): G. Skaret, M. Martinussen, G. McCallum, R. Pedersen, J. Rønning, A.L. Donoso, O.A. Bergstad and B.A. Krafft
Age determination of Antarctic krill using size, fluorescence, and image analysis techniques
Abstract: The ages of 252 mature female krill, collected from Prydz Bay in January 1985, were ... methods indicate 6 year classes for adult krill. Correspondence between the ages determined by the two ... : Age determination of Antarctic krill using size, fluorescence, and image analysis techniques Approval ... The ages of 252 mature female krill, collected from Prydz Bay in January 1985, were determined ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/48 : Author(s): M.S. Berman, A.L. McVey and G. Ettershank (USA)
CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill during 1995/96 season in the fishing grounds around the South Shetland Islands
Abstract: This paper summarizes Japanese krill catch data during austral summer in 1995/96 season ... area in the previous fishing season. From January through early May, modal size of krill differed ... (s): Naganobu, M., Kawaguchi, S., Ichii, T. Title: CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill during 1995/96 ... This paper summarizes Japanese krill catch data during austral summer in 1995/96 season. Main ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/36 : Author(s): Naganobu, M., Kawaguchi, S., Ichii, T.
Proposal for a multi-national research effort to quantify krill flux into, out of, and within the Bransfield Strait using a Super SWeet ARray of Moorings (SuperSWARM)
, empirical study of krill flux through the Bransfield Strait and across the continental shelf surrounding ... acoustic surveys to estimate krill standing stock within the study area, and, ultimately, data analysis ... -national research effort to quantify krill flux into, out of, and within the Bransfield Strait using ... study of krill flux through the Bransfield Strait and across the continental shelf surrounding Astrolabe ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/BG/19 : Author(s): G. Watters, C. Reiss, G. Cutter, J. Hinke and D. Krause
Options for allocating the precautionary catch limit of krill among small-scale management units in the Scotia Sea
the precautionary catch limit of krill for Area 48 into the small-scale management units (SSMU) adopted at CCAMLR ... in each SSMU; the second is proportional to the estimated standing stock of krill in each SSMU ... for allocating the precautionary catch limit of krill among small-scale management units in the Scotia Sea ... the precautionary catch limit of krill for Area 48 into the small-scale management units (SSMU) adopted at CCAMLR ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-03/36 : Author(s): R.P. Hewitt, G. Watters (USA) and P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom)
KRILLBASE: a circumpolar database of Antarctic krill and salp numerical densities, 1926–2016
Abstract: Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and salps are major macroplankton contributors ... to Southern Ocean food webs and krill are also fished commercially. Managing this fishery sustainably, against ... of KRILLBASE that contains data from 15194 net hauls, including 12758 with krill abundance data and 9726 ... of sampling, and provide both circumpolar- and regional-scale distribution maps. Krill abundance data have ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-17/P03 : Author(s): A. Atkinson, S.L. Hill, E.A. Pakhomov, V. Siegel, R. Anadon, S. Chiba, K.L. Daly, R. Downie, S. Fielding, P. Fretwell, L. Gerrish, G.W. Hosie, M.J. Jessopp, S. Kawaguchi, B.A. Krafft, V. Loeb, J. Nishikawa, H.J. Peat, C.S. Reiss, R.M. Ross, L.B. Quetin, K. Schmidt, D.K. Steinberg, R.C. Subramaniam, G.A. Tarling and P. Ward
The brief review of the AtlantNIRO’s investigations of living marine resources: whales, krill and fish, in the Atlantic sector of the Antarctic
resources: whales, krill and fish. In order to provide the fisheries with rational database the AtlantNIRO ... and population dynamics. Using information collected by whalers, the world krill fishery was commenced ... , krill and fish, were very important, unique and may be used for oceanic ecosystem better understanding ... marine resources: whales, krill and fish, in the Atlantic sector of the Antarctic Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-04/30 : Author(s): F. Litvinov, D. Tormosov, Zh. Frolkina (Russia)
Abstract: 10 years worth of recent finescale haul-by haul krill data were used to characterize ... behaviour of krill fishery. Analysis of travel distance in relation to catch level revealed a pattern ... observers from all vessels participating krill fishery to assist in interpreting the annual fishing results ... . Author(s): S. Kawaguchi (Australia) Title: KRILL FISHERY BEHAVIOUR IN THE SOUTHWEST ATLANTIC Approval ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-08/39 : Author(s): S. Kawaguchi (Australia)
Using effective sample sizes to evaluate the efficiency of length samples collected by at-sea observers in the krill fishery in Subarea 48.1
many krill should be measured by observers should measure (however see Thannasekos et al. 2012). We ... , to characterise how many krill are measured by observers, and for how many hauls. We then simulate the impact ... combination (effective sample size). The median number of krill measured per haul was around 200 (range 0-652 ... by at-sea observers in the krill fishery in Subarea 48.1 Microsoft Word File: sam-16-39.docx Approval ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-16/39 : Author(s): N. Kelly, S. Kawaguchi, P. Ziegler and D. Welsford