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Extending ecological monitoring to underpin the development of feedback management approaches for the Antarctic krill fishery
Abstract: CCAMLR has agreed to consider and develop a feedback management approach for the krill fishery. Such a management approach may also require the development of a new or extended monitoring programme for dependent species, especially if the krill fishery is to operate over large spatial
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/04 : Author(s): P.N. Trathan (UK), H.J. Lynch (USA), C. Southwell (Australia), P.T. Fretwell (UK), G. Watters (USA) and N. Ratcliffe (UK)
Plan of research program of the Russian Federation in Subarea 48.5 (Weddell Sea) in season 2012/13
Abstract: Closed mostly within the Weddell Sea Subarea 48.5 is one of the closed data-poor CCAMLR subareas, where stock assessment should be carried out. In spite of hard ice conditions during most of the time of the year, this large water area is very similar with the Ross Sea. This similarity,
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-12/04 : Author(s): A.F. Petrov, V.A. Tatarnikov and I.I. Gordeev (Russia)
Results of Phase I and II of the research program for toothfish fishery in Subarea 88.3 during the 2010/11–2011/12 seasons
Abstract: In 2011 and 2012 in Subarea 88.3 research fishing of toothfish has been conducted by Russia. In 2011 fishing was carried out by Russian longliner “Sparta” out and in 2012 it was longliner “Chio Maru 3”. Research program was performed by scientific observers from VNIRO (Moscow, Russia)
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-12/05 : Author(s): A.F. Petrov, V.A. Tatarnikov, K.V. Shust, I.I. Gordeev, E.F. Kulish (Russia)
Report of the 1st and the 2nd stage of research fishing conducted by Russian Federation in SSRU 882A in 2010–2012
Abstract: In accordance with decision of CCAMLR Scientific Committee in 2010 and in 2011 years Russian Federation was conducted research program in SSRU 88.2 A. In seasons 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 Russian vessel “Chio Maru 3” (“Antei” Ltd.) has been conducted research fishing of toothfish. The
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-12/08 : Author(s): E.F. Kulish and I.I. Gordeev (Russia)
Research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in 2012/13 in Subarea 48.6 and Divisions 58.4.1, 58.4.2 and 58.4.3a
Abstract: Research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in the 2012/13 season for Japan in Subarea 48.6 and Divisions 58.4.1, 58.4.2 and 58.4.3a. Author(s): Submitted on behalf of Japan Title: Research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-12/09 : Author(s): Submitted on behalf of Japan
Research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in 2012/13 in Division 58.4.1
Abstract: Research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in 2012/13 for Korea in Division 58.4.1. Author(s): Submitted on behalf of the Republic of Korea Title: Research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in 2012/13 in Division 58.4.1
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-12/10 Rev. 1 : Author(s): Submitted on behalf of the Republic of Korea
Notification for multi-year research in Subarea 48.5
Abstract: Notification for multi-year research in Subarea 48.5. Author(s): Submitted on behalf of Russia Title: Notification for multi-year research in Subarea 48.5 Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-12/11 : Author(s): Submitted on behalf of Russia
Research plan for toothfish in Divisions 58.4.4a and 58.4.4b by Shinsei Maru No. 3 in 2012/13
Abstract: A tagging survey in SSRUs B and C in Division 58.4.4 a & b was conducted in the 2011/12 fishing season with the aims of providing the data required for assessments of the population structure, size, movement and growth of Dissostichus spp. in the centred area of Division 58.4.4 a
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-12/17 : Author(s): Delegation of Japan
Method of age determination for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni)
Abstract: This work is based on material from Antarctic toothfish, collected in the Ross Sea from December 2004 to March 2005 on the longliner “Volna”. Age was determined for 364 individuals. Currently widely applicable "the break and burn method" was used in the present work (Chilton,
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-12/18 : Author(s): E.N. Kyznetsova, A.F. Petrov and V.A. Bizikov (Russia)
Movement of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Subarea 48.3
Abstract: Movement of Patagonian toothfish in Subarea 48.3 was investigated using tagging program data. Data from 33,322 tag releases and 4,203 tag recaptures were used. The mean movement rate of both sexes combined varied from 25 to 34 km year-1. There was no significant difference in movement
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-12/19 : Author(s): T. Peatman, S.M. Martin, J. Pearce and R.E. Mitchell (United Kingdom)