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... , reviewed the data requirements from the krill and finfish fisheries and identified the need to determine ... of VMS data for validation of positions in fishery and observer data............. 89 Scientific ... -flagged vessels in the krill fishery .............................................. 103 Change ... vessels); • five cruises on krill fishing vessels. Fisheries 1.12 CCAMLR Member countries ... cruises on pot vessels); • five cruises on krill fishing vessels. Fisheries 1.12 CCAMLR Member ... targeted toothfish, icefish and krill, and included a number of exploratory fisheries. 1.13 Fifteen ... fisheries (Annex 5, paragraphs 7.8 and 7.42 and Appendix D, paragraphs 117 to 124); (iv) krill trawling ... considered the state of the scientific observer program, reviewed the data requirements from the krill and application/pdf attached to:SC-CAMLR-XXV
Meeting Report : SC-CAMLR-XXV
... Management of the Krill Fishery Fish Resources Squid Resources1 Ecosystem Monitoring and Management1 Data ... Integrated Study Regions (SC-CAMLR-IX, paragraph 2.65); (iv) length frequency data from the krill fishery ... OF POSSIBLE LIMITS ON KRILL CATCHES IN SUBAREA 48.3 UNEXPLOITED AND UNDER-EXPLOITED FISHERY RESOURCES ... ACQUISITION OF FISHERIES DATA FROM NON-MEMBER COUNTRIES (ii) OBSERVATION AND INSPECTION COMPLIANCE ... -EXPLOITED FISHERY RESOURCES ACQUISITION OF FISHERIES DATA FROM NON-MEMBER COUNTRIES (ii ... ) haul-by-haul data on krill catches should be reported from areas within 10 km of land based predator ... collect data on krill demographic parameters from the fishery on the form developed by the WG-Krill (SC ... least 50 krill per haul, per vessel, per day (SC-CAMLR-IX, paragraph 2.67); (v) data on the by-catch application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-IX
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-IX
... of exploratory and krill fisheries........................................... 36 Compliance evaluation ... Notification of intent to participate in a krill fishery.............................. 54 Bottom fishing ... ). It also noted that SCIC was considering the question of cost-recovery for processing krill fishery ... Scientific Observation (section 11); new and exploratory fisheries (section 12); data access and security ... exploratory and krill fisheries........................................... 36 Compliance evaluation ... exploratory fisheries (section 12); data access and security (section 14); cooperation with other ... ________________________________________________________________________________________ This document is produced in the official languages of the Commission: English, French ... . Abstract This document is the adopted record of the Twenty-seventh Meeting of the Commission for the application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-XXVII
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-XXVII
... -scale data from the krill fishery on a haul-by-haul basis. 3.41 Because of the complex shape ... ON MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES ..................................... 168 STATUS AND TRENDS IN THE KRILL FISHERY ... that the first workshop to evaluate management procedures for the krill fishery should examine the six candidate ... on: (i) the spatial distribution of catches by the krill fishery; (ii) the spatial distribution of predator demand ... STATLANT data, the total catch of krill in Area 48 was 118 166 tonnes. Japan remained the largest taker ... knowledge of the krill fishery and encouraged further overall analysis of the entire by-catch data. Fur ... database holds scientific observer data from 20 trips/deployments in the krill fishery between 1999/2000 ... the diagrams of vessel track and positions of krill aggregations. 174 Regulatory issues Data application/pdf attached to:WG-EMM-05
Meeting Report : WG-EMM-05
Spatio-temporal dynamics of the Antarctic krill fishery within fishing hotspots in the Bransfield Strait and South Shetland Islands
of the krill fishing hotspots and a description of the daily CPUE pattern for the krill fishery. This paper has ... The present document is an update of document EMM-16/52, presenting refine analysis of the krill ... fishing hotspots and a description of the daily CPUE pattern for the krill fishery. This paper has now ... Spatio-temporal dynamics of the Antarctic krill fishery within fishing hotspots in the Bransfield ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-18/P11 : Author(s): F. Santa Cruz, B. Ernst, J.A. Arata and C. Parada
... reporting to krill fisheries. 3.40 It was noted by some Members that one-hourly VMS data reporting ... was preferred for implementation of the one-hourly VMS data reporting frequency for the krill fishery. 3.45 ... Exploratory finfish fisheries and research in data-poor fisheries and closed fisheries ... for Dissostichus spp. and krill. 3.16 Following the consideration of CM 21-02, the fishery notifications ... reporting to krill fisheries. 3.40 It was noted by some Members that one-hourly VMS data reporting was in ... difficulty in investigating the methodology used for by-catch data collection in all fisheries, as equipment ... -catch in krill fisheries due to technical issues that arise in fishery operations and varying gear application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-XXXIV
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-XXXIV
07 e-cc-vii 1988.pdf
... buffer zones for protection from fisheries; (iv) the establishment of specialist subgroups in krill ... of the Convention, the Commission agreed that reporting of fine-scale catch data for krill taken from Subarea 48.2 ... . It also agreed that fine-scale fishing effort data for krill should be collected by Members and held ... to evaluate all existing data on C. gunnari relevant to proposing closed seasons in the fishery to protect ... buffer zones for protection from fisheries; (iv) the establishment of specialist subgroups in krill and ... reporting of fine-scale catch data for krill taken from Subarea 48.2 and the three CEMP Integrated Study ... fishing effort data for krill should be collected by Members and held in national archives. 13 Fish ... document presents the adopted record of the Seventh Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-VII
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-VII
Catch and effort data
for completing the data forms (352.72 KB) (finfish fisheries and krill fisheries, see also 'Download' ... : CEf_v2023 – for finfish fisheries (65.89 KB) CEk_v2023 – for krill fisheries (57.91 KB) Instructions ... ; above). Data Source: Fishery ... :107393] [doc:107394] (finfish fisheries and krill fisheries, see also 'Download' above). ...
... notifications submitted by Members proposing to participate in exploratory or krill fisheries for 2014/15 ... to participate in krill fisheries in 2014/15 (Annex 6, paragraph 110). 3.18 The Commission noted that SCIC had ... monitoring and enhance the use of VMS data in SAR efforts. Proposals for new and revised measures Krill ... of data to improve estimates of krill biomass. 3.53 Many Members welcomed the proposals by Chile ... notifications submitted by Members proposing to participate in exploratory or krill fisheries for 2014/15, as ... participate in krill fisheries in 2014/15 (Annex 6, paragraph 110). 3.18 The Commission noted that SCIC had ... availability of data to improve estimates of krill biomass. 3.53 Many Members welcomed the proposals by Chile application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-XXXIII
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-XXXIII
... in the fishery. (viii) Historic aggregated data from the krill fishery had been included in the review ... that historical data from Japanese and Ukrainian krill fisheries (1975–1995) indicated ... the state and space–time dynamics of the distribution of krill; (ii) data about the meaning of fishery ... management of the CCAMLR system in mitigating negative impact of fisheries, function of data contribution ... excellent management of the CCAMLR system in mitigating negative impact of fisheries, function of data ... ) impacts on catch rates of toothfish and krill fisheries which would be small, noting that sustainable ... effort in the fishery. (viii) Historic aggregated data from the krill fishery had been included in the ... that new data be obtained, and therefore, propose to open new 14 fisheries in line with CM application/pdf attached to:SC-CAMLR-IM-I
Meeting Report : SC-CAMLR-IM-I