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CPUE and proportional recruit indices from Japanese krill fishery data in Subarea 48.1
Japanese krill fishery data in Subarea 48.1 Approval: Approved ... CPUE and proportional recruit indices from Japanese krill fishery data in Subarea 48.1 ... 1980 through 1996 were calculated based on the log book data from Japanese commercial krill trawlers ... . Proportional recruits calculated from fisheries data showed similarity with those from scientific data (Siegel ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/35 : Author(s): Ichii, T., Kawaguchi, S., Naganobu, M.
Analysis and modelling of the Soviet Southern Ocean krill fleet
/ Description: The first part of this document contains an analysis of data pertaining to the Soviet krill ... The first part of this document contains an analysis of data pertaining to the Soviet krill fleet ... and effort data provide about krill abundance or how easily can significant changes in krill biomass ... and effort data provide about krill abundance or how easily can significant changes in krill biomass ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part I (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part I) : 127–235 : Author(s): Mangel, M.
and ice conditions. Results of fisheries are given. Some ideas about allocation of limits of krill catch ... KRILL (EUPHASIA SUPERBA) FISHERIES IN STATISTICAL SUBAREA 48.2 IN 2008 Approval: Approved ... STATE OF ANTARCTIC KRILL (EUPHASIA SUPERBA) FISHERIES IN STATISTICAL SUBAREA 48.2 IN 2008 ... Abstract: The article is based on the data sampled by the authors in the 29th cruise ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-08/24 : Author(s): V.A. Bibik and N.N. Zhuk (Ukraine)
Research data collection in CCAMLR longline fisheries for toothfish using electronic monitoring on fishing vessels
and monitoring data. Author(s): J.M. Fenaughty Title: Research data collection in CCAMLR longline fisheries ... the use of EM to collect research data in the CCAMLR managed Ross Sea toothfish fishery by New  ... Research data collection in CCAMLR longline fisheries for toothfish using electronic monitoring ... as an efficient method of assisting reliable reporting in commercial fisheries. These systems have been ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-2019/13 : Author(s): J.M. Fenaughty
... to evaluate or discuss this. 13. SG-ASAM urged Members with data on icefish TS and modelling to document ... of hydroacoustic data), and obtaining documentation on the ek5 and EV formats. 62. SG-ASAM agreed that other ... in the exploratory toothfish fishery in Subarea 88.1 from December 2005 to February 2006. Data were from ... , and these caught mainly krill. All available acoustic data from the Ross Sea will be examined to qualitatively ... Members with data on icefish TS and modelling to document this so that it is available for consideration ... Clark Ross has collected acoustic data at 38, 120 and 200 kHz for seven years during krill surveys of ... krill is proposed for the International Polar Year (2007/08). SG-ASAM recommended that acoustic data ... carried out in conjunction with the acoustic data collection, and these caught mainly krill. All application/pdf attached to:SG-ASAM-06
Meeting Report : SG-ASAM-06
Commercial krill fisheries in the Antarctic, 1973 to 1988
Paper Title: Commercial krill fisheries in the Antarctic, 1973 to 1988 Abstract / Description ... ) fishery between 1972/73 and 1987/88. The annual krill catch rose gradually to a peak of some 500 000 ... thereafter. In terms of both catch and effort the Soviet and Japanese krill fisheries in Subareas 48.1, 48.2 ... to August). Trends in the fishery with respect to independent estimates of krill abundance and minke whale ... by the fisheries data and available knowledge on krill predators. It is hoped that this approach will contribute ... ) as an indicator of krill stock dynamics. 2. THE KRILL FISHERY 2.1 Available Data Krill catches are reported ... Dependent Data With Other Sources of Information A number of fishery-independent surveys of krill ... few similarities between whale catches and data from the krill fishery. To a large extent, whaling ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/6 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/6) : 229–281 : Author(s): Miller, D.G.M.
sampling protocol for krill fisheries. Author(s): Secretariat Title: PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE SCIENTIFIC ... protocol for krill fisheries. ... are included at the end of this document which require endorsement from the Working Group ... . These are: Proposal for a revised method for recording Krill Feeding Observations, and Proposal for a revised fish ...
Meeting Document : TASO-09/04 : Author(s): Secretariat
Uncertainty in reported geographical distribution and weight of krill catches from Norwegian krill fishing vessels operating continuous fishing systems
potential errors in historical catch report data. As a response, the Norwegian delegation presented a list ... , and these actions were endorsed by the Scientific Committee (SC-CAMLRXXXVI/11). This document presents the outcome ... of the action steps including onboard experiments and analyses of historical catch data. Experiments on board ... ‘Saga Sea’ showed that there is an average delay of approximately 9 minutes between the time krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-18/22 : Author(s): G. Skaret, T. Knutsen, F. Grebstad and O.A. Bergstad
and precautionary development of the krill fishery as it continues to expand. Currently Contracting Parties as well ... as Members are able to participate in krill fisheries. This is different to the approach taken ... ) and the best regulation possible to achieve the orderly and precautionary development of the krill fishery ... development of the krill fishery as it continues to expand. Currently Contracting Parties as well as Members ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVII/37 : Author(s): Delegation of Australia
Can we satisfactorily estimate variation in krill abundance?
of abundance. It is less satisfactory for pelagic fisheries. Evidence is given that CPUE estimated from data ... variation in krill abundance it is important that this be quantified and separated from fishery induced ... to year variation in krill abundance it is important that this be quantified and separated from fishery ... Paper Title: Can we satisfactorily estimate variation in krill abundance? Abstract / Description ... of abundance. It is less satisfactory for pelagic fisheries. Evidence is given that CPUE estimated from data ... SATISFACTORILY ESTIMATE VARIATION IN KRILL ABUNDANCE?* I. Everson1 (United Kingdom) Abstract Knowledge ... of abundance and rates of change of abundance are basic requirements for fisheries models. Catch per unit ... effort (CPUE) has traditionally been used in demersal fisheries assessments as an estimator ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/4 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/4) : 375-376 : Author(s): Everson, I.