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Updated species profile for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni)
Sea fishery, it also presents data from other areas and fisheries where available. It is intended ... on D. mawsoni. Although the report still focuses primarily on data collected from the Ross Sea fishery, it also ... presents data from other areas and fisheries where available. It is intended that this report form ... Abstract: A species profile, covering aspects of the biology, fisheries and stock assessment ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-10/24 : Author(s): S.M. Hanchet (New Zealand)
Fishing intensity of the Soviet fleet in krill fisheries in the southern Atlantic (Subareas 48.2 and 48.3)
Paper Title: Fishing intensity of the Soviet fleet in krill fisheries in the southern Atlantic ... statistical theory of fishery systems developed at AtlantNIRO. The impact of the commercial fleet on the krill ... population – on biomass and the density of krill aggregated in the fishing grounds – was assessed using data ... Fishing intensity of the Soviet fleet in krill fisheries in the southern Atlantic (Subareas 48.2 ... (2003): 15–35 15 FISHING INTENSITY OF THE SOVIET FLEET IN KRILL FISHERIES IN THE SOUTHERN ATLANTIC ... that Ichii et al. (1994) found from an analysis of haul-by-haul data from the Japanese krill fi shery ... of krill in Subarea 48.2 during the season of 1989/90. Document WG-EMM-97/51. CCAMLR, Hobart ... trawls and feasible cri- teria of krill trawls ecological safety. Document WG-Krill-93/34. CCAMLR ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 10 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 10) : 15–35 : Author(s): Kasatkina, S.M. and V.F. Ivanova
... . In the 1990/91 season, a survey of krill distribution together with the collection of data on some ... fisheries research and studies of krill distribution in the Atlantic Ocean sector between 30° and 60 ... Committee. These included consideration of data from predators, specifically predator food (i.e. krill ... it is ‘downstream’ of major krill fisheries, it is in an oceanographic transition zone, as well as being a site ... fisheries research and studies of krill distribution in the Atlantic Ocean sector between 30° and 60° W ... liaison, including interchange of results of data analysis, between WG-CEMP and WG-Krill. PREDATOR ... Bouvet Island. Bouvet Island is an important site because it is ‘downstream’ of major krill fisheries ... boundaries of Subarea 48.1. This change will make it easier to incorporate the fine-scale krill catch data application/pdf attached to:WG-CEMP-90
Meeting Report : WG-CEMP-90
... unable to sustain themselves even in the absence of a krill fishery). Contributors of the predator data ... Review of Available Data Krill Biomass Estimates in the Integrated Study Regions (ISRs) Fine-scale ... Catch Data Fine-scale Surveys PREDATOR MONITORING ECOSYSTEM INTERACTIONS Distribution of Krill ... -XII, paragraphs 8.13 and 8.14); • the presentation of (i) fine-scale data from fisheries within 50 ... fisheries within 50 and 100 km of CEMP sites, (ii) indices of krill availability to the fishery, product ... krill distribution and abundance in ice-covered areas. Review of Available Data Krill Biomass application/pdf attached to:WG-KRILL/CEMP-94
Meeting Report : WG-KRILL/CEMP-94
Commercial krill fisheries in the Antarctic 1973–1988
(Euphausia superba) fishery between 1972/73 and 1987/88. With time the annual krill catch rose gradually ... fisheries in Statistical Sub-areas 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3 dominate exploitation of krill in the CCAMLR ... in the fishery with respect to independent estimates of krill abundance and minke whale (Baleonoptera ... acutorostrata) catches are discussed. Author(s): Delegation of South Africa Title: Commercial krill fisheries ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/11 : Author(s): Delegation of South Africa
Integrated models for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) using survey data from 1981–2014 in Subarea 48.1
, incorporating data from the krill fisheries and observer program, and possibly begin to incorporate predator ... , incorporating data from the krill fisheries and observer program, and possibly begin to incorporate predator ... extended to include estimates of krill growth consistent with survey data and to use multi-nation survey ... of Antarctic krill in Subarea 48.1 based on different aggregations of the data are described to illustrate ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-14/20 : Author(s): D. Kinzey, G.M. Watters and C.S. Reiss (USA)
Background for evaluation of the suitability of the software suite Large Scale Survey System (LSSS) for inspection and processing of acoustic data from krill fishing vessels
Abstract: The coordinated collection of acoustic data from the krill fishing fleet ... the krill fishing vessel ’Juvel’ it is here demonstrated that LSSS has flexible and efficient data loading ... , pre-processing and database functionality. The well-documented Simrad standard ’.raw’ data format ... Survey System (LSSS) for inspection and processing of acoustic data from krill fishing vessels Approval ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-14/02 Rev. 1 : Author(s): G. Skaret and R.J. Korneliussen (Norway)
Spatial distribution of predator/prey interactions in the Scotia Sea: implications for measuring predator/fisheries overlap
and arrives at contradictory conclusions. At-sea data from observations of krill predators during the CCAMLR ... 2000 krill survey were used to identify the areas of potential overlap with fisheries in the Scotia Sea ... and krill fisheries and an effort-corrected index of relative abundance as a function of distance from land ... km and the relationship with distance from land showed a log-linear decline. Krill fisheries operated ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-02/14 : Author(s): K. Reid, M. Sims, R.W. White and K.W. Gillon (United Kingdom)
Using data recorded during commercial krill fishing in Feedback Management
, Niklitschek and Skaret (2015) (EMM-16 doc) utilize spatial statistics to show that fisheries acoustic data ... there is an unknown impact/uncertainty of the effect of using data collected during aimed trawling at high krill ... , Niklitschek and Skaret (2015) (EMM-16 doc) utilize spatial statistics to show that fisheries acoustic data ... there is an unknown impact/uncertainty of the effect of using data collected during aimed trawling at high krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/74 : Author(s): O.R. Godø, G. Skaret and E. Niklitschek
... in the Secretariat on improving the quality, documentation and availability of data related to the krill fishery ... Krill fishery data ........................................................................ 187 Net ... /23 provided data layers for use in a risk assessment framework for krill fisheries management ... of the krill fishery in Area 48 based on data which are currently available or will become available before ... framework for krill fisheries management in Area 48.1, i.e. data layers describing the distribution and ... Krill fishery data ........................................................................ 187 Net ... krill biomass and penguin performance was less clear. Continued collection of data on local krill ... krill fisheries management strategy would facilitate near-term implementation. The proposed strategy application/pdf attached to:WG-EMM-2019
Meeting Report : WG-EMM-2019