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Meta-analysis of catch reporting in CCAMLR exploratory fisheries
in CCAMLR exploratory fisheries (as an update to WG-FSA-15/04 Rev. 1). The number of fish belonging ... that were identified in 2015 remain apparent in the data. Measures to improve the quality of bycatch data ... reported in CCAMLR fisheries may include the development of a detailed manual on by-catch sampling as well ... as bycatch profiles for individual fisheries and gear types. Author(s): CCAMLR Secretariat Title: Meta ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-18/14 : Author(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
. The Japanese scientific observers are trained through an educational program on fishery, krill and bycatch ... information for the management of fishery, krill resources and Antarctic ecosystem. Author(s): M. Kiyota ... and T. Iida (Japan) Title: JAPANESE SCIENTIFIC OBSERVER ACTIVITIES FOR KRILL FISHERY IN CCAMLR CONVENTION ... scientific observers are trained through an educational program on fishery, krill and bycatch species ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-09/19 : Author(s): M. Kiyota and T. Iida (Japan)
... ) investigate the feasibility of archiving data in the HAC format, and obtain documentation on SonarData’s ek5 ... of the archived data files is well documented. Some current file formats (such as EK60 raw files) have ... appropriate documentation and SG-ASAM recommended that this should be archived along with the data files ... that the post-processing software and file structure should be documented along with the processed data. Where ... ...................................................................... 563 Collection of acoustic data from commercial vessels ................................... 563 ... Data archiving .............................................................................. 563 ... INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON KRILL ACOUSTICS........................ 565 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK ON ... KRILL ............................ 566 JOINT SESSION REVIEW OF THE ACOUSTIC SAMPLING PROTOCOLS FOR application/pdf attached to:SG-ASAM-07
Meeting Report : SG-ASAM-07
... Data layers from the krill fishery .......................................................... 260 ... distribution at South Georgia during winter based on Japanese krill fishery data during the period 1990–2012 ... population and the krill fishery in Subarea 48.1 by using catch per unit effort (CPUE) data collected from ... noted that VMS data from the krill fishery could be used to examine fleet dynamics to better understand ... Data layers from the krill fishery .......................................................... 260 ... assessment for the krill fishery in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2. In terms of future data streams for risk ... sources of data to inform on the more recent distributions and abundances of krill, but stressed the ... decadal-scale krill catch data to evaluate the likelihood that ice krill (Euphausia crystallorophias application/pdf attached to:WG-EMM-18
Meeting Report : WG-EMM-18
Managing fisheries to conserve the Antarctic marine ecosystem: practical implementation of the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)
formed the basis of substantial fisheries, krill (Euphausia superba) and mackerel icefish ... data arising from CEMP into management procedures. Title: Managing fisheries to conserve the Antarctic ... of substantial fisheries, krill (Euphausia superba) and mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari), both of which ... potential effects of a fishery for the very abundant Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba. This species ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XVIII/BG/26
... to be used and the consequent requirements for routine data collection in the krill fishery. REVIEW ... of Data Collection 60. The simulation study of the Japanese krill fishery (WS-KCPUE-89/4) indicated ... , it was not possible to comment on the practicalities of data collection from the Soviet krill fisheries ... in the krill fishery. MATTERS ARISING FROM DOCUMENTS DISCUSSED AND ANALYSES OF RESULTS Concentration Types ... practicalities of data collection from the Soviet krill fisheries. For a similar reason, no comments could be ... ANNEX 4 REPORT OF THE WORKSHOP ON THE KRILL CPUE SIMULATION STUDY (Southwest Fisheries Centre, La ... layers of krill. 5. Data routinely collected by USSR survey vessels are amenable to analyses which ... Krill. Conclusions and Recommendations 17. The USSR and Japanese fisheries operate in different ways application/pdf attached to:WS-KCPUE-89
Meeting Report : WS-KCPUE-89
Background information to support development of a feedback management strategy for the krill fishery in Subarea 48.1
and information needed to support development of a feedback management strategy for the krill fishery in Subarea ... negatively impacting the krill fishery while simultaneously mitigating risks to krill-dependent predators. We ... the correlations between acoustic estimates of krill biomass and two measures of fishery performance, krill catches ... , we examine the overlap of krill catches and predator foraging distributions using data from a large ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/45 : Author(s): Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division, Southwest Fisheries Science Center and NOAA Fisheries
... ) of krill abundance using a combination of acoustic and fisheries data collected off Elephant Island ... OBJECTIVES AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA REVIEW OF FISHERIES ACTIVITIES Fisheries Information Data ... an Appropriate Value for g Yield Estimates Review of Precautionary Catch Limits ADVICE ON KRILL FISHERY ... Access to and Use of Data within CCAMLR Future Work and Organisation of WG-Krill 2 Review of Terms ... Fisheries Information Data Submission 3.1 An analysis by the Secretariat of fine-scale krill catch data ... 1992/93. 3.2 A full set of fine-scale krill catch data from 1974 to 1994 and krill catch data on a ... krill catch data from 1978 from the former Soviet Union was presented in WG-Krill-94/10. Only YugNIRO application/pdf attached to:WG-KRILL-94
Meeting Report : WG-KRILL-94
information to aid data collection requirements for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) fisheries ... the year. The Statistical Bulletin summarises catch and effort data from fisheries in the CAMLR Convention ... every one or two years. Manuals The Scientific Observer's Manual – Krill Fisheries – Version 2023 ... . The Commercial Data Collection Manual – Longline Fisheries – Version 2023 (651.1 KB) covers the terms and methods ...
Page : Site Section: Publications
The distribution of spatial management and Antarctic krill catch across pelagic bioregions in the Southern Ocean
for developing marine spatial protection. Our analysis of catch data focused on the Antarctic krill fishery ... on the Antarctic krill fishery, which accounted for 92% of catch biomass in the Southern Ocean in 2010/11 (CCAMLR ... to provide standardised and accessible information on the location and extent of spatial fisheries management ... measures in the Southern Ocean. We used the GIS in combination with catch data and the results of the 2007 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/15 : Author(s): S.M Grant, S.L. Hill and P. Fretwell (United Kingdom)