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Results of scientific observation on board RKT-S (cannery fishing super trawler) Konstruktor Koshkin in Statistical Area 48 in March–June 2003 as compared with previous seasons
Abstract: This report presents data on Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) catches in the areas ... conditions, assessment of krill abundance in aggregations and of fisheries situation in subareas 48.2 ... This report presents data on Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) catches in the areas of vessel ... , assessment of krill abundance in aggregations and of fisheries situation in subareas 48.2 and 48.3 in 2003 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-04/10 : Author(s): V.A. Bibik and S.A. Klementiev (Ukraine)
... notifications received for exploratory fisheries for toothfish and established fisheries for krill for 2018/19 ... supported that the issue of the relative costs of administering and managing krill and toothfish fisheries ... of management scenarios for the krill fishery. 11 5.8 The Commission noted that notifications ... for the krill fisheries in 2018/19 included notifications from five Members and a total of 12 vessels ... and established fisheries for krill for 2018/19 had been received in time, with the required ... for the krill fishery. 11 5.8 The Commission noted that notifications for the krill fisheries ... valuable data on the distribution and abundance of krill and krill- dependent species in Area 48 that would application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-XXXVII
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-XXXVII
approach for the Antarctic krill fishery P.N. Trathan and O.R. Godø SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/11 Candidate baseline ... -XXXVII/24 Invitation to participate in a workshop on krill fishery management for Subareas 48.1 and 48.2 ... management strategies for the krill fishery in Subareas 48.1–48.3 Delegation of the USA SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/BG/13 ... -based management for the Antarctic krill fishery: a work in progress Submitted by ASOC SC-CAMLR-XXXVII ...
of notifications for krill fisheries 2011/12 Secretariat CCAMLR-XXX/11 Rev. 1 Summary of notifications for new ... by SCAR CCAMLR-XXX/BG/19 30 years of krill fisheries management – challenges remain Submitted by ASOC ... of the United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-XXX/BG/06 On the management of Antarctic krill fisheries in the CCAMLR Area ... (s): Monday, 24 October 2011 to Friday, 4 November 2011 Meeting documents Doc Number Title CCAMLR-XXX/05 ...
on Antarctic krill and icefish, which are targeted by regional fisheries. We used a state-space formulation ... to ecosystem-based approaches to fisheries management, where harvesting must be sustainable for targeted ... to combine (1) a mark-recapture open-population model and individual identification data to assess seasonally ... energy, IE), but ca. 12–16% of the local gentoo penguin population (20% IE). Antarctic krill (28% IE ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-09/P08 : Author(s): J. Forcada, D. Malone, J.A. Royle and I.J. Staniland
... and observer data from the krill fishery, as well as associated research data, which can contribute ... data for the Japanese krill fishery had also been received by the Secretariat. The Commission thanked ... data from all vessels operating in the krill fishery (see section 10). 4.28 In recognising the need ... data from its vessels in the krill fishery to assist with the deliberations of the Scientific ... ); fisheries management and conservation under conditions of uncertainty (section 13); data access and ... and observer data from the krill fishery, as well as associated research data, which can contribute ... ). 4.22 The Commission noted that fine-scale data had been received from all Members fishing for krill in ... 2004/05. In addition, the historical series of haul-by-haul data for the Japanese krill fishery had application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-XXV
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-XXV
Scientific Abstracts 1993
submitted at the Twelfth Meeting of the Scientific Committee); or WG-Krill-92/8 (document number 8 submitted ... at the Twelfth Meeting of the Scientific Committee); or WG-Krill-92/8 (document number 8 submitted at the 1992 ... ”; and (iv) Supplementary scientific papers (i.e., listing of data submitted, summary of analyses performed ... is preceded with a unique CCAMLR document number, e.g. SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/11 (background document number 11 ... submitted at the Twelfth Meeting of the Scientific Committee); or WG-Krill-92/8 (document number 8 submitted ... krill fisheries and krill-dependent predators. Potential impacts of krill and finfishing ... in the krill fishery to incidental mortality of birds during longline operations and the entanglement of seals ... for the krill fishery, which needs to take implicit account of the demands of natural predators, particularly ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
... for the krill fishery to provide similar data. Given the longevity of krill, there is a need to collect data ... differences in the krill fishery, with a winter fishery operating around South Georgia and a summer fishery ... into at least three areas as the fishery starts to approach the catch limit for the entire region; (c) data ... several years in advance of a model needing such data and hence it was recommended that the fishery start ... data. Given the longevity of krill, there is a need to collect data several years in advance of a ... Program on ‘Identifying and Resolving Key Uncertainties in Management Models for Krill Fisheries’, held ... stage, an evaluation of the risks to krill, predators and the fisheries of the different options for ... data in models ....................................................... 530 Models application/pdf attached to:WG-SAM-07
Meeting Report : WG-SAM-07
Scientific Abstracts 1994
submitted at the Twelfth Meeting of the Scientific Committee); or WG-Krill-92/8 (document number 8 submitted ... at the Twelfth Meeting of the Scientific Committee); or WG-Krill-92/8 (document number 8 submitted at the 1992 ... ’; and (iv) Supplementary scientific papers (i.e., listing of data submitted, summary of analyses performed ... is preceded with a unique CCAMLR document number, e.g. SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/11 (background document number 11 ... /19 Access to and use of data within CCAMLR. D.G.M. Miller, Convener WG-Krill (Sea Fisheries Research ... submitted at the Twelfth Meeting of the Scientific Committee); or WG-Krill-92/8 (document number 8 submitted ... to data from an acoustic survey, will yield mean krill density along an arbitrary section through ... on the distribution of krill concentrations, as well as catch data. Data have been obtained on the frequency ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
longline and finfish trawl fisheries CCAMLR Secretariat WG-FSA-17/04 Fish by-catch in the krill fishery ... data CCAMLR Secretariat WG-FSA-17/07 A characterisation of the toothfish fishery in the Ross Sea region ... and reporting on research plans in data-poor fisheries S.J. Parker and D.C. Welsford WG-FSA-17/14 Rev ... and B. Sharp WG-FSA-17/58 Rev. 2 Summary of scientific observer data collected in CCAMLR fisheries ...