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Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 114/XV (1996)
New Fishery for Dissostichus eleginoides and D. mawsoni in Statistical Subarea 48.6 in the 1996/97 ... New Fishery for Dissostichus eleginoides and D. mawsoni in Statistical Subarea 48.6 in the 1996/97 ... MEASURE 114/XV New Fishery for Dissostichus eleginoides and D. mawsoni in Statistical Subarea 48.6 ... to conduct a new fishery in Subarea 48.6 for Dissostichus eleginoides and D. mawsoni in the 1996/97 season ... for Dissostichus eleginoides and D. mawsoni in Statistical Subarea 48.6 shall be limited to the new fishery ... by South Africa. The fishery shall be conducted by longlining only. 2. Fishing shall cease ...
Conservation Measure : 114/XV (1996)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 33/X (1991)
Prohibition of Directed Fishery on Champsocephalus gunnari in Statistical Subarea 48.3 ... Prohibition of Directed Fishery on Champsocephalus gunnari in Statistical Subarea 48.3 for the 1991 ... /X Prohibition of Directed Fishery on Champsocephalus gunnan in Statistical Subarea 483 for the 1991/92 Season ...
Conservation Measure : 33/X (1991)
What do we know about fish stocks in the Southern Scotia region? A review and prospects for future research
. The fishery was lucrative for a few seasons only, and was closed in 1989/90. Stocks of finfish suffered ... substantial declines during the period the fishery was open. Most fish stocks, with the exception of mackerel ... , which had formed the backbone of the fishery remained only small proportions of their initial sizes ... to Elephant Island and the lower South Shetland Islands (60 – 62° S / 54 – 62° W) in 1978/79. The fishery ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-00/14 : Author(s): K.-H. Kock (Germany) and C. Jones (USA)
Finfish distribution and abundance in Subareas 48.1 and 48.2, years 2016–2018
Status: Content Approved Delegation responsibility for releasing documents: Chile ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-16/19 : Author(s): P.M. Arana, G. Plaza, J. Arata, N. Alegría and S. Viquerat
A proposal to make activities targeting toothfish consistent with CCAMLR’s regulatory framework
Secretariat Workflow Status: Content Approved Delegation responsibility for releasing documents: CCAMLR ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXV/14 : Author(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
IUU fishing activity and trends in 2015/16 and IUU Vessel Lists
: Content Approved Delegation responsibility for releasing documents: CCAMLR Secretariat ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXV/12 Rev. 2 : Author(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
Plans for Joint CCAMLR-IWC Workshop
Approved Delegation responsibility for releasing documents: Australia ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/33 : Author(s): The Steering Group of the Joint CCAMLR-IWC Workshop
EU proposal to amend the Rules of Procedure of the Commission and the Scientific Committee
Secretariat Workflow Status: Content Approved Delegation responsibility for releasing documents: European ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXVI/13 : Author(s): Delegation of the European Union
IUU fishing activity and trends in 2016/17 and IUU Vessel Lists
: Content Approved Delegation responsibility for releasing documents: CCAMLR Secretariat ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXVI/28 Rev. 2 : Author(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 86/XIII (1994)
Prohibition of Directed Fishery on Champsocephalus gunnari in Statistical Subarea 48.3 in the 1994 ... Prohibition of Directed Fishery on Champsocephalus gunnari in Statistical Subarea 48.3 in the 1994 ... MEASURE 86/XIII Prohibition of Directed Fishery on Champsocephalus gunnari in Statistical Subarea 48.3 ...
Conservation Measure : 86/XIII (1994)