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Review of management boundaries (SSRU’s) and biological parameters used for the assessment of D. mawsoni in Subarea 88
to manage the exploratory fishery for D. mawsoni in Subarea 88.1. In determining appropriate SSRU boundaries ... the exploratory fishery for D. mawsoni in Subarea 88.1. In determining appropriate SSRU boundaries we considered ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-SAM 03/8 : Author(s): P. Horn and S. Hanchet (New Zealand)
Progress report of Chilean research on albatross ecology and conservation
of the long-line fishery is similar to that found in CCAMLR waters. The objective of this paper is to inform ... fishery is similar to that found in CCAMLR waters. The objective of this paper is to inform other CCAMLR ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-02/18 : Author(s): J. Arata and C.A. Moreno (Chile)
Length-at-age juvenile Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides
Abstract: The fishery for Patagonian toothfish is one of the most valuable in the CCAMLR Area ... The fishery for Patagonian toothfish is one of the most valuable in the CCAMLR Area. Age based ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-01/16 : Author(s): J. Ashford (USA), I. Everson (UK), C. Jones and S. Bobko (USA)
A first attempt at an assessment of the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) resource in the Prince Edward Islands EEZ
Abstract: The history of the fishery for Patagonian toothfish in the Prince Edward Islands EEZ ... The history of the fishery for Patagonian toothfish in the Prince Edward Islands EEZ is reviewed ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-01/54 : Author(s): A. Brandão, B.P. Watkins, D.S. Butterworth and D.G.M. Miller (South Africa)
Recent information relevant to squid resources in the Convention Area
, management of a Martialia fishery by CCAMLR would require a better understanding of the distribution ... of a Martialia fishery by CCAMLR would require a better understanding of the distribution and demography ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XIV/BG/22 Rev. 1 : Author(s): Delegation of the United Kingdom
Species identification illustrated guide of the Southern Ocean - CCAMLR convention area 48, 58, and 88
) and longliner (Target species: Dissostichus spp.) of commercial fishery purposes in the Southern ocean ... ) and longliner (Target species : Dissostichus spp.) of commercial fishery purposes in the Southern ocean ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-15/06 : Author(s): Delegation of the Republic of Korea
Population dynamics of black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses Diomedea melanophrys and D. chrysostoma at Campbell Island, New Zealand, 1942–96
in the Japanese long-line fishery for tuna Thunnus sp. In the Australasian region. The steep decline of Black ... -browed Albatross numbers in the 1970s was concomitant with the development of this fishery ... in the Japanese long-line fishery for tuna Thunnus sp. In the Australasian region. The steep decline of Black ... -browed Albatross numbers in the 1970s was concomitant with the development of this fishery ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-04/58 : Author(s): S.M. Waugh (New Zealand), H. Weimerskirch (France), P.J. Moore and P.M. Sagar (New Zealand)
Progress report 3: Proposal for GEF (Global Environment Facility) funding
for releasing documents: CCAMLR Secretariat ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/22 : Author(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
Preliminary tag-recapture based population assessment of Antarctic toothfish in Subarea 48.4
Secretariat Workflow Status: Content Approved Delegation responsibility for releasing documents: United ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-17/49 : Author(s): N.D. Walker and T. Earl
Оn seasonal and interannual dynamics of ice conditions in the Weddell Sea and its relation to the WSMPA planning
Delegation responsibility for releasing documents: Russian Federation ...
Meeting Document : WS-DmPH-18/02 : Author(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation