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Seabird abundance and by-catch on Brazilian longline fishing fleet
-nosed Albatross, and Spectacled Petrel. Strong overlap between longline fishery and seabirds in southern ... -nosed Albatross, and Spectacled Petrel. Strong overlap between longline fishery and seabirds in southern ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-05/67 : Author(s): T.S. Neves, L. Bugoni, D.S. Monteiro, L. Nascimento and F. Peppes (Brazil)
Beach debris survey – Main Bay, Bird Island, South Georgia, 2001/02
, particularly during the winter months when the South Georgia longline fishery is most active, is encouraging ... when the South Georgia longline fishery is most active, is encouraging. This would indicate ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXII/BG/10 : Author(s): Delegation of the United Kingdom
Increase in relative abundance of fjord Notothenia rossii in Potter Cover, South Shetland Islands, after the decrease associated with commercial fishing in the area
years is the effect of the offshore commercial fishery in the area in the late 1970s ... is the effect of the offshore commercial fishery in the area in the late 1970s. This interpretation ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-99/30 : Author(s): E.R. Barrera-Oro, E.R. Marschoff and R.J. Casaux (Argentina)
Avoidance of incidental mortality of seabirds and the implementation of Conservation Measure 169/XVII in Statistical Subarea 88.1 in the 1998/99 season
Abstract: New Zealand conducted Longline weighting trials during the 1998/99 fishery ... New Zealand conducted Longline weighting trials during the 1998/99 fishery for Dissostichus spp ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-99/35 : Author(s): J. Molloy and N. Smith (New Zealand)
A revised estimate of short-term yield for the mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) off Heard Island based on a trawl survey in 1998
little to the biomass in subsequent years. If recruitment to Age 2 in 1999 is also weak then the fishery ... in subsequent years. If recruitment to Age 2 in 1999 is also weak then the fishery in 2000 will be predominantly ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-98/54 : Author(s): A. Constable and D. Williams (Australia)
Selectivity of standard polish commercial trawl codends on Antarctic fishing grounds
Abstract: steelon codends used in commercial fishery, with a nominal mesh size A = 80 mm ... steelon codends used in commercial fishery, with a nominal mesh size A = 80 mm and A = 100 mm, made ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/11 : Author(s): J. Zaucha (Poland)
A preliminary assessment of age and growth of eel cod (Muraenolepis sp.) and violet cod (Antimora rostrata) in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
obtained from the bycatch of the longline fishery for toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni and D. eleginoides ... the bycatch of the longline fishery for toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni and D. eleginoides) in the Ross Sea ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-10/19 : Author(s): P.L. Horn and C.P. Sutton (New Zealand)
Report of vulnerable marine ecosystems in South Georgia Islands (CCAMLR Subarea 48.3) through research dredge sampling
Institute of Fishery Research and Development (INIDEP) and the Argentine Antarctic Institute (IAA) during ... of Fishery Research and Development (INIDEP) and the Argentine Antarctic Institute (IAA) during April-May ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-13/58 : Author(s): E. Gaitán, L. Schejter, D. Giberto, M. Escolar and C. Bremec (Argentina)
Seasonal and inter-annual variability in the distribution of Electrona carlsbergi in the southern Polar Front area (the area to the north of South Georgia is used as an example)
distribution generally remains the same each season and each year. Data from trawl-acoustic surveys, carried ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 337–367 : Author(s): Kozlov, A.N., K.V. Shust and A.V. Zemsky
1986 to Saturday, 19 July 1986 Submissions Due: Monday, 30 June 1986 Meeting documents Doc Number ...