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Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 32-17 (2003)
by the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (WG-FSA) and a decision that the fishery be reopened is made ... by the Commission based on the advice of the Scientific Committee; or a research plan for an exploratory fishery ...
Conservation Measure : 32-17 (2003)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21/IX (1990)
FISHERY ON Notothenia gibberifrons, Chaemcephalus aceratus, Pseudochaenichthys gicorgianus ... OF DIRECIlED FISHERY ON Patagonotothen !~revicauda guntheri IN STATlSTlICAL SUBAREA 48.3 FOR THE 1990/91 ...
Conservation Measure : 21/IX (1990)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 172/XVIII (1999)
MEASURE 171/XVIII Prohibition of Directed Fishery on Gobionotothen gibberifrons, Chaenocephalus aceratus ... that the fishery be reopened is made by the Commission based on the advice of the Scientific Committee ...
Conservation Measure : 172/XVIII (1999)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 9/VI (1987)
will be reached. The fishery shall close at the end of the last day of the reporting period within which ... FISHERY ON Champsocephalusgunnari IN SUBAREA 48.3 FROM 4 NOVEMBER 1988 TO 20 NOVEMBER 1989 ...
Conservation Measure : 9/VI (1987)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 29/X (1991)
is prohibited for any directed fishery for Champsocephalus gunnari. 2. The mesh size specified above ... been employed in the longline fishery for tuna immediately to the north of the Convention Area ...
Conservation Measure : 29/X (1991)
Scar group of specialists – Marine living resources of the Southern Ocean
The population dynamics and ecology of the krill 2.3 The provision of data/information base for the ... Population Dynamics and Population Ecology of Krill - Dr. M. A. McWhinnie ~~ Outl~ne of Research Program ... to Study Antarctic Krill - Lie. A. P. Tomo Population Dynamics and Ecology of Marine Mammals - Dr ... Coordination and Cooperation- Dr. S. J. Halt Research and Exploration of Antarctic Krill from the Federal ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
Living Resources of the Southern Ocean
(Fisheries) , wh 0. als o suppl emented the information in the document and indicate the act ivities it ... . This item and the rel evant document, COFI/78/7, wcr~ introduced by the Ass istant Director General ... should be welcomed. 44. The Assistant Director-General (Fisheries) referr e,:. als o to the results ... of the FAO/UNDP Southern Ocean Fisheries Survey Programme recently completed and to the fact that ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 73/XII (1993)
to and analysed by the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment and a decision that the fishery be re-opened ...
Conservation Measure : 73/XII (1993)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 72/XII (1993)
to and analysed by the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment and a decision that the fishery be re-opened ...
Conservation Measure : 72/XII (1993)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 73/XVII (1998)
Assessment and a decision that the fishery be reopened is made by the Commission based on the advice ...
Conservation Measure : 73/XVII (1998)