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Timing of clutch initiation in Pygoscelis penguins on the Antarctic Peninsula: towards an improved understanding of off-peak census correction factors
censos, se debe saber (i) la fecha del censo en relación con el período de máxima puesta, y (ii) la ... Petermann) en relación con los posibles factores determinantes del inicio de la puesta de huevos (vg ... . temperatura, precipitación, hielo marino etc.). Se encontró que las temperaturas promedio del mes de octubre ... manchots sur la péninsule antarctique font souvent l’objet de défis logistiques qui empêchent le décompte ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 16 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 16) : 149–165 : Author(s): Lynch, H.J., W.F. Fagan, R. Naveen, S.G. Trivelpiece and W.Z. Trivelpiece
A first attempt at an assessment of the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) resource in the Prince Edward Islands EEZ
/97 a 1999/2000 provienen de los informes del grupo WG-FSA de la CCRVMA. Los valores para 2000/01 se ... последствия для наблюдения. Resumen Se resume la historia de la pesquería del bacalao de profundidad ... simple basado en la estructura por edades (ASPM) proporciona una buena indicación de que la biomasa del ... , comunicación personal). Los análisis del caso de base utilizan los parámetros de la Subárea 48.3; los ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 9 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 9) : 11–32 : Author(s): Brandão, A., D.S. Butterworth, B.P. Watkins and D.G.M. Miller
... for Antarctic marine living resources, and co- operation with other international organisations. The report ... ORGANISATIONS ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN NEXT MEETING OTHER BUSINESS ADOPTION OF THE REPORT AND CLOSE ... . A copy of the agenda is at Annex B. 10. The Chairman, Mr Edmond De Wilde of Belgium, welcomed Spain ... by ensuring that the organisation of the meeting be done in a manner which takes advantage of travel ... the Meeting without comment. A copy of the agenda is at Annex B. 10. The Chairman, Mr Edmond De ... organisation of the meeting be done in a manner which takes advantage of travel by scientists for other ... organisation of meetings and provision of secretariat support for high level committees; (iv) tertiary
application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-VI
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-VI
Estimating the abundance of pack-ice seals off east Antarctica
), B. de la Mare (Canada), P. Boveng (USA), A.S. Blix and E.S. Nordoy (Norway) Title: Estimating ... C. Southwell (Australia), D. Borchers, C. Paxton (United Kingdom), B. de la Mare (Canada ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/23 : Author(s): C. Southwell (Australia), D. Borchers, C. Paxton (United Kingdom), B. de la Mare (Canada), P. Boveng (USA), A.S. Blix and E.S. Nordoy (Norway)
Évaluation préliminaire du risque d'impact négatif significatif des activités de pêche de fond proposées sur les écosystèmes marins vulnérables (VME) [Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems]
significatif des activités de pêche de fond proposées sur les écosystèmes marins vulnérables (VME) [Preliminary ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/39 : Author(s): Délégation française
Listado de naves con licencia internacional de Panama (available in Spanish only)
Author(s): Secretaría Title: Listado de naves con licencia internacional de Panama (available in ...
Meeting Document : SCOI-01/09 : Author(s): Secretaría
... was prepared by Drs A. Constable and W. de la Mare (Australia), Mr D. Miller (South Africa), Drs C. Moreno ... ) 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ORGANISATION OF THE MEETING ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA ... The Convener welcomed participants to the meeting. ORGANISATION OF THE MEETING 2.1 As in the past ... accepted for consideration. 2.3 The report was prepared by Drs A. Constable and W. de la Mare (Australia ... TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ORGANISATION OF THE MEETING ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA ... meeting. 1.2 The Convener welcomed participants to the meeting. ORGANISATION OF THE MEETING 2.1
application/pdf attached to:WG-FSA-93
Meeting Report : WG-FSA-93
Killer whale (Orcinus orca) and sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) interactions with longline vessels in the Patagonian toothfish fishery at South Georgia, South Atlantic
observadores de la CCRVMA registraron las interacciones de orcas (Orcinus orca) y cachalotes (Physeter ... macrocephalus) con las operaciones de pesca de palangre en Georgia del Sur (Subárea 48.3) durante los años 2000 ... eleginoides) en el intervalo de 169 a 2 150 m de profundidad, concentrándose la mayor parte del esfuerzo en ... à la palangre ont été enregistrées par les observateurs de la CCAMLR entre 2000 et 2002 en Géorgie du ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 11 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 11) : 111–126 : Author(s): Purves, M.G., D.J. Agnew, E. Balguerías, C.A. Moreno and B. Watkins
An assessment of toothfish in Subarea 48.3 using CASAL
las Islas Georgia del Sur (Subárea 48.3) mediante el software CASAL para la evaluación de stocks ... criterios de decisión de la CCRVMA. Keywords: stock assessment, MCMC, CCAMLR ... de légine autour de la Géorgie du Sud (sous-zone 48.3), effectuée au moyen du logiciel CASAL ... données. Étant donné la nature intégrée de l’évaluation, une attention toute particulière est accordée ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 13 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 13) : 65–95 : Author(s): Hillary, R.M., G.P. Kirkwood and D.J. Agnew
Organisms Delegation of Brazil SC-CAMLR-XVI/BG/37 Rapport de la 26ème conférence technique régionale sur les ... pêches de la commission du pacifique sud (CPS) Délégation de la France ...