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1995 assessment of the Falklands longline fishery for toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides
Author(s): Des Clers, S., Kirkwood, G., Baranowski, R. Title: 1995 assessment of the Falklands ... Des Clers, S., Kirkwood, G., Baranowski, R. ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-95/26 : Author(s): Des Clers, S., Kirkwood, G., Baranowski, R.
Author(s): A.L. DeVries, D.G. Ainley and G. Ballard (USA) Title: DECLINE OF THE ANTARCTIC ... A.L. DeVries, D.G. Ainley and G. Ballard (USA) ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-08/21 : Author(s): A.L. DeVries, D.G. Ainley and G. Ballard (USA)
Proposal for a revision of the compliance status categories in CM 10-10
Since 2013 the Secretariat of the Commission has been preparing an annual compliance report ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXV/27 : Author(s): Delegación de Chile
... predictability of locating fishable krill swarms compared to offshore areas, additional information ... for an integrated assessment, and noted the increasing amount of information, both from observations and models ... information for use within analyses of the international ICED Program (Integrating Climate and Ecosystem ... provide additional information to characterise water masses in the area, which may assist application/pdf attached to:WG-EMM-10
Meeting Report : WG-EMM-10
... information on recruitment patterns of toothfish. 3.4 The Working Group recommended that WG-FSA consider ... . Sensitivity testing or management strategy evaluation would be informative to determine whether the decision ... be useful for informing the evaluation of research proposals. 3.9 The Working Group recommended ... the development of spatial overlap statistics to assist in evaluating the prospects of informative estimates ... practices to better inform tagging practices by all Members fishing in the Convention Area, as these data application/pdf attached to:WG-SAM-18
Meeting Report : WG-SAM-18
Fishes: Trophic modelling of the Ross Sea
roles, and where there is enough reliable information on each group to drive the modelling. Given ... the large variety of fishes in the Ross Sea, and the poor basic information on the basic ecology ... of grouping Example Rationale Single species Dissostichus mawsoni, P. antarctica etc Information ... and management is usually by species. But, too many species and too limited information on rarer species ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Sea Ice Biota: Trophic modelling of the Ross Sea
epontic algal biomass in the Ross Sea by an indirect method, namely, by considering all information ... on sea ice algae in the Antarctic, and transferring this information to the particular conditions ... production rates from 18 publications covering a range of Antarctic areas, generally in spring and autumn ... Sea indirectly. A summary of all readily available published information on bacterial abundance ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Information from repeat acoustic transects to inform feedback management strategies: data for SG-ASAM 2016
vessels is one approach to collecting data to inform within season feedback management schemes. However ... . AMLR Program in Sub-area 48.1, can provide background information to help develop these feedback ... approaches. In this paper I present some basic information from data collected by the U.S. AMLR Program along ... management strategies. Author(s): C.S. Reiss Title: Information from repeat acoustic transects to inform ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-16/04 : Author(s): C.S. Reiss
The importance of obtaining annual biomass information in CCAMLR Subarea 48.2 to inform management of the krill fishery
Monitoring and Management Working Group to consider a proposal to obtain annual krill biomass information ... ) Title: The importance of obtaining annual biomass information in CCAMLR Subarea 48.2 to inform ... and Management Working Group to consider a proposal to obtain annual krill biomass information in CCAMLR sub-area ... The importance of obtaining annual biomass information in CCAMLR Subarea 48.2 to inform management ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-10/09 : Author(s): N. Jensen (Norway), R. Nicoll (Australia) and S.A. Iversen (Norway)
SCAF - Background Information for Item 4 : Additional information on the Proposed Budget for 1987
Title: SCAF- Background Information for Item 4: Additional information on the Proposed Budget ... SCAF - Background Information for Item 4 : Additional information on the Proposed Budget for 1987 ...
Meeting Document : SCAF-86/04