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... items of expenditure expected to exceed the budgeted amounts in 1995. PUBLICATIONS DISTRIBUTION POLICY ... of publications to Members in 1996: • Members will receive the same numbers of publications in 1996 ... be directed to ascertain more efficient methods of disseminating information and report his findings ... the policy on distributing publications. CCAMLR SCIENCE 15. The Committee received the report ... there are no other items of expenditure expected to exceed the budgeted amounts in 1995. PUBLICATIONS ... distribution of publications to Members in 1996: • Members will receive the same numbers of publications in ... should reconsider the policy on distributing publications. CCAMLR SCIENCE 15. The Committee received ... • reduce Publications by A$5 300 to permit the publication, in 1996, of Observer Logbooks and revised application/pdf attached to:SCAF-95
Meeting Report : SCAF-95
Fishery Commission SCOI-02/09 Informe de causas sustanciadas en Chile por infracciones a la norma CCAMLR ... Secretariat SCOI-02/07 Control y fiscalización de la actividad pesquera en el Área de la Convención para la ... conservación de los recursos vivos marinos antárticos (CCRVMA/CCAMLR), temporada 2001/2002 (available ... in Spanish only) Chile SCOI-02/08 Information from Bolivia on the establishment of the Bolivian Maritime ...
Resources CCAMLR-XVII/20 Deadlines set by CCAMLR for the submission of information by Member countries ... Executive Secretary CCAMLR-XVII/7 Publication and distribution of Understanding CCAMLR’s Approach ... Republic of Korea CCAMLR-XVII/BG/1 List of documents CCAMLR-XVII/BG/10 Relevamiento de materiales de ... Delegación de Uruguay CCAMLR-XVII/BG/11 Report on the assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality ...
Desechos marinos recolectados en Cabo Shirreff, isla Livingston, durante las temporadas antárticas 2002/03 y 2003/04
recolecciones de desechos marinos en las playas de Cabo Shirreff, isla Livingston. Se obtuvo un total de 337 ... artículos durante la temporada 2002/2003, con un peso de 5,02 kg y con un 88% de plásticos, y 626 restos de ... basuras en la temporada 2003/2004, con un peso de 39,05 kg y 97% de elementos plásticos. En total, para ... ambas temporadas se recolectaron 963 artículos con un peso de 44,07 kg, con un 93% de plásticos. Se ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXIII/BG/10 : Author(s): Delegación de Chile
... ............................................................................... 106 Acoustic observations of krill to inform spatial and temporal dynamics of krill ... 107 ... Islands from 2013 to 2019. 2.8 The Working Group reiterated the value of including the nautical area ... in WG-ASAM-2021/13, since these were often informative of the underlying variability of NASC. 2.9 WG ... . Acoustic observations of krill to inform spatial and temporal dynamics of krill Spatial and temporal ... surveys conducted by the Chinese fishing vessel Fu Rong Hai around the South Shetland Islands from 2013 ... further guidance for adjusting thresholds. Acoustic observations of krill to inform spatial and ... Professor Patricio M. Arana Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaíso Dr application/pdf attached to:WG-ASAM-2021
Meeting Report : WG-ASAM-2021
Review of CCAMLR translation requirements – accompanying document to CCAMLR-XXIX/8 (Previously CCAMLR-XXVIII/10 Rev. 1)
by the Commission. A la demande de la Commission, le présent document évalue quels étaient les besoins de la CCAMLR ... en matière de traduction pour la période 2001–2008. Mention est faite de la demande croissante de ... traduction, en termes de nombre de pages à traduire annuellement et de complexité accrue des traductions. Les ... tendances des coûts de traduction pour le secrétariat sont également fournies. Dans le contexte établi par ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXIX/BG/06 : Author(s): Secretariat
Information Note for WG-SAM-17, WS-SISO-17 and WG-EMM-17
Dates The following information is provided by the Secretariat for the use of participants ... a visa. You can look for visa information here or at the Argentine Embassy or Consulate in your country ... for participants: LOI SUITES ARENALES Arenales 855 +54 11 4324 9400 LOI SUITES ESMERALDA Marcelo T de Alvear 842 ... , reference to ‘CCAMLR meetings’ and credit card information. SUIPACHA SUITES Suipacha 1235 +54 11 4819 3600 ...
Page : Site Section: Meetings
Report on the transfer of a crew member from the vessel Globalpesca I during exploratory fishing in the area of CCAMLR
Abstract: El presente documento contiene información respecto al trasbordo de un tripulante desde ... nave de pabellón chileno “Globalpesca I” a otra de pabellón de Togo, en el área de la Convención. El ... acontecimiento sucedió el 26 de enero del 2006, día en que el tripulante Sr. Juan Carlos Carrillo Valderrama, fue ... transbordado desde la nave chilena “Globalpesca I” a la nave “Sargo” de pabellón de Togo. Dado que la ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXV/BG/25 : Author(s): Delegation of Chile
/BG/19 Information on the development of a methodology for the assessment of marine protected areas ... by-catch in longline fisheries: catch fish not birds Submitted by ASOC SC-CAMLR-XIX/BG/22 Information ... of notifications for new and exploratory fisheries in 2000/2001 Secretariat SC-CAMLR-XIX/BG/24 Informe del ... Observador de la CCRVMA a la Reunión del Grupo de Especialistas en Pinnípedos del SCAR (Tokio, Japón, 6–9 de ...
Proposal for research fishing in CCAMLR Subarea 48.6 during the three-year period 2016/17–2018/19
Abstract: Presentar antecedentes y el objetivo de contribuir con un barco mas en la pesca de ... investigación en la Subárea 48.6 que aumentaria las chances de cuota de pesca de investigación y asi el número ... de peces observados y marcados, a efectos de lograr un nivel que permita robustecer el tamaño del ... stock estimado. Este documento presenta un Plan de investigación para el período 2016/17- 2018/19, en el ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-16/12 : Author(s): Delegation of Uruguay