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Observers report from the 1992 meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission
Author(s): Observer (W.K. de la Mare, Australia) Title: Observers report from the 1992 meeting ... Observer (W.K. de la Mare, Australia) ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/06 : Author(s): Observer (W.K. de la Mare, Australia)
Observers report from the 1991 Meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission
Author(s): Observer (W.K. de la Mare, Australia) Title: Observers report from the 1991 Meeting ... Observer (W.K. de la Mare, Australia) ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-X/BG/15 : Author(s): Observer (W.K. de la Mare, Australia)
Observers Report from the 1990 Meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission
Author(s): Observer (W.K. de la Mare, Australia) Title: Observers Report from the 1990 Meeting ... Observer (W.K. de la Mare, Australia) ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-IX/BG/17 : Author(s): Observer (W.K. de la Mare, Australia)
Seabird mortality in longline fisheries around South Georgia
Author(s): Dalziell, J. and M. de Poorter. 1993. Polar Record, 29 (169): 143-145. Title: Seabird ... Dalziell, J. and M. de Poorter. 1993. Polar Record, 29 (169): 143-145. ...
Meeting Document : WG-IMALF-94/05 : Author(s): Dalziell, J. and M. de Poorter. 1993. Polar Record, 29 (169): 143-145.
Marine mammal fishery interactions: modelling and the Southern Ocean (contribution of IUCN)
Author(s): J.R. Beddington and W.K. de la Mare (United Kingdom) Title: Marine mammal fishery ... J.R. Beddington and W.K. de la Mare (United Kingdom) ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-III/BG/07 : Author(s): J.R. Beddington and W.K. de la Mare (United Kingdom)
... introduced an improvement to the proportional recruitment model developed by de la Mare (1994a, 1994b ... . The Working Group highlighted the importance of consistent time series of survey information in order ... . 3.20 The Working Group further recalled that de la Mare (1994b), used the age-2 group, instead ... of the 2019 assessment, and requested that the paper to WG-FSA- 2021 present additional information justifying ... proportional recruitment model developed by de la Mare (1994a, 1994b) to simulate stochastic recruitment based ... population within the area represented by the simulation. 3.20 The Working Group further recalled that de ... surveyed area. The Working Group further noted that these results could inform the toothfish population ... milestones could not be achieved due to by-catch issues (WG-SAM-2021/17), in order to inform any potential application/pdf attached to:WG-SAM-2021
Meeting Report : WG-SAM-2021
Report of the CCAMLR Observer to the Meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission
Author(s): W. de la Mare (Australia) Title: Report of the CCAMLR Observer to the Meeting ... W. de la Mare (Australia) ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/29 : Author(s): W. de la Mare (Australia)
Factors to consider in developing management measures for krill
applicable management is being developed. File: 11-de-la-Mare.pdf ... de la Mare, W.K. ... MANAGEMENT MEASURES FOR KRILL W.K. de la Mare>l< Abstract A brief review of the objectives ... . Resume Vne breve vue d'ensemble des objectifs de la Convention sur la conservation de la faune et la ... flore marines de l'Antarctique est presentee ici, avec un aper~u des stades d'evolution des procedures ... de gestion des pecheries de krill. Les grandes lignes des elements possibles des procedures telles ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 175–187 : Author(s): de la Mare, W.K.
Comparative feeding ecology of Dissostichus eleginoides in Argentine continental shelf and South Georgia (Statistical Subarea 48.3)
Author(s): García de la Rosa, S.B., Figueroa, D., Sánchez, F. Title: Comparative feeding ecology ... García de la Rosa, S.B., Figueroa, D., Sánchez, F. ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-96/43 : Author(s): García de la Rosa, S.B., Figueroa, D., Sánchez, F.
... CCAMLR Data Management Publications Activities of the Scientific Committee during the 2000/01 ... -informed assessment of the status of krill. This had also provided a significant contribution ... is given in Annex 3. Accession to the Convention 2.3 The Chair informed all Members that Namibia had ... Commission meeting in 1998, our delegate informed a similar gathering about our intentions to amend our ... Exemption CCAMLR Data Management Publications Activities of the Scientific Committee during the 2000/01 ... the Secretariat submit a paper on this topic at CEP-IV. Publications 4.32 The Commission noted application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-XIX
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-XIX