Search results
Fine-scale catch and effort data (C1 trawl fisheries)
, and must be submitted to the Secretariat by email (data [at] ccamlr [dot] org) before the end of the month ... to the Secretariat by email ( before the end of the month following the month of data collection ...
Fine-scale catch and effort data (C5 pot fisheries)
, and must be submitted to the Secretariat by email (data [at] ccamlr [dot] org) before the end of the month ... to the Secretariat by email ( before the end of the month following the month of data collection ...
Fine-scale catch and effort data (C2 longline fisheries)
, and must be submitted to the Secretariat by email (data [at] ccamlr [dot] org) before the end of the month ... to the Secretariat by email ( before the end of the month following the month of data collection ...
A proposal to modify the boundaries of Statistical Division 58.4.3 and neighbouring divisions to define Elan and BANZARE Banks
Approved Document Release Consent: Yes Delegation responsibility for releasing documents: CCAMLR ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XX/05 : Author(s): Delegation of Australia
Annex to WS-DmPH-18 report: Towards the development of a stock hypothesis for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in Area 48
: CCAMLR Secretariat ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-18/33 Rev. 1 : Author(s): M. Söffker, A. Riley, M. Belchier, K. Teschke, H. Pehlke, S. Somhlaba, J. Graham, T. Namba, C.D. van der Lingen, T. Okuda, C. Darby, O.T. Albert, O.A. Bergstad, P. Brtnik, J. Caccavo, A. Capurro, C. Dorey, L. Ghigliotti, S. Hain, C. Jones, S. Kasatkina, M. La Mesa, D. Marichev, E. Molloy, C. Papetti, L. Pshenichnov, K. Reid, M.M. Santos and D. Welsford
Conversion Factors used for Patagonian toothfish in Division 58.5.1. and Subarea 58.6
: Conversion Factors used for Patagonian toothfish in Division 58.5.1. and Subarea 58.6 Microsoft Word File ... Consent: No Delegation responsibility for releasing documents: CCAMLR Secretariat ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-15/77 : Author(s): N. Gasco (France)
(CCAMLR sub-area 48.4) during the 1996/7 austral summer. Two surveys of a north-east facing beach (1 km ... Beach debris surveys were carried out at two sites in the South Sandwich Islands (CCAMLR sub-area ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XVI/BG/10 : Author(s): Delegation of the United Kingdom
Directions followed by the French fishing companies involved in the toothfish fishery of the French EEZ, in order to minimise the incidental mortality of birds
during the CCAMLR XXII, XXIII and XXIV. At the end of the Nineties, the French companies involved ... the CCAMLR XXII, XXIII and XXIV. At the end of the Nineties, the French companies involved in the toothfish ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXV/BG/23 : Author(s): Delegation of France
The toothfish fishery in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 from 1997/98 to 2002/03: New Zealand vessel summary
of the 2002–03 CCAMLR split fishing year), and to compare these results with previous years. Note this report ... the analysis of data collected in the toothfish fishery for the 2003 season (this is part of the 2002–03 CCAMLR ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-03/44 : Author(s): M.L. Stevenson, S.M. Hanchet and P.L. Horn (New Zealand)
Informe de la campaña de investigación biológico-pesquera de palangre de fondo en aguas del Atlántico sur-oriental y en los sectores Atlántico e índico de la CCRVMA (Subárea 48.6 y División 58.4.4)
to the Antarctic Convergence (Meteor) and in the CCAMLR region (Shona, Spiess, western slope of the Bouvet Island ... Convergence (Meteor) and in the CCAMLR region (Shona, Spiess, western slope of the Bouvet Island, Ob and Lena ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-98/48 : Author(s): L.J. López Abellán y J.F. González Jiménez