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Performance reviews for Regional Fisheries Management Organisations
Author(s): Secretariat Title: Performance reviews for Regional Fisheries Management Organisations Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVI/BG/10 : Author(s): Secretariat
On the scientific research of marine protected area within the bounds of the Argentina Islands Archipelago
Author(s): Delegation of Ukraine Title: On the scientific research of marine protected area within the bounds of the Argentina Islands Archipelago Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVI/BG/11 : Author(s): Delegation of Ukraine
Correspondence with Vanuatu
Author(s): Secretariat Title: Correspondence with Vanuatu Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVI/BG/8 ADDENDUM : Author(s): Secretariat
E-CDS trial and software improvements
Author(s): Secretariat Title: E-CDS trial and software improvements Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVI/BG/15 : Author(s): Secretariat
List of documents
Title: List of documents Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVI/BG/1 Rev. 1
Implementation of conservation measures in 2006/07
Author(s): Secretariat Title: Implementation of conservation measures in 2006/07 Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVI/BG/17 : Author(s): Secretariat
Summary of current conservation measures and resolutions in force 2006/07
Author(s): Secretariat Title: Summary of current conservation measures and resolutions in force 2006/07 Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVI/BG/18 : Author(s): Secretariat
Report on the Fourth Meeting of the FIRMS Steering Committee
Author(s): Secretariat Title: Report on the Fourth Meeting of the FIRMS Steering Committee Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVI/BG/19 : Author(s): Secretariat
La réserve naturelle des Terres australes et antarctiques françaises : un exemple d'aires marines protégées
Author(s): Délégation française Title: La réserve naturelle des Terres australes et antarctiques françaises: un exemple d'aires marines protégées Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVI/BG/21 : Author(s): Délégation française
Recommended Best Practices for Regional Fisheries Management Organizations: Executive Summary
Author(s): Secretariat Title: Recommended Best Practices for Regional Fisheries Management Organizations: Executive Summary Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVI/BG/31 : Author(s): Secretariat