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Integrating Count Effort by Seasonally Correcting Animal Population Estimates (ICESCAPE): a method for estimating abundance and its uncertainty from count data using Adélie penguins as a case study
species showing seasonal variation in availability to sampling methodology. File: 12mckinlay-et-al.pdf ... bootstrap paramétrique pour uniformiser les données de dénombrement des animaux en fonction d'un point de ... correction saisonnière des estimations de populations d'animaux) est une série de routines mettant en jeu un ... disponibilité est effectué en appliquant un facteur d’ajustement fondé sur des séries chronologiques de la ... la disponibilité sont utilisées pour un site lorsqu’il n’en existe pas. Il est important de noter ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 17 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 17) : 213–227 : Author(s): McKinlay, J., C. Southwell and R. Trebilco
Mean circulation and hydrography in the Ross Sea sector, Southern Ocean: representation in numerical models
bathymetric constraints. Western and eastern cyclonic gyral systems separated by shallow bathymetry around 180 ... imply bathymetric constraints. Western and eastern cyclonic gyral systems separated by shallow ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-10/P13 : Author(s): G.J. Rickard, M.J. Roberts, M.J.M. Williams, A. Dunn and M.H. Smith (2010)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 23-07 (2016)
Daily Catch and Effort Reporting System for Exploratory Fisheries, with the exception ... Daily Catch and Effort Reporting System for Exploratory Fisheries, with the exception ... ) Daily Catch and Effort Reporting System for exploratory fisheries, with the exception of exploratory ...
Conservation Measure : 23-07 (2016)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 23-07 (2012)
Daily Catch and Effort Reporting System for Exploratory Fisheries, with the exception ... Daily Catch and Effort Reporting System for Exploratory Fisheries, with the exception ... ) Daily Catch and Effort Reporting System for Exploratory Fisheries, with the exception of exploratory ...
Conservation Measure : 23-07 (2012)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 56/XI (1992)
Effort and Biological Data Reporting System for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Subarea ... Effort and Biological Data Reporting System for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Subarea ... MEASURE 56/XI Effort and Biological Data Reporting System for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical ...
Conservation Measure : 56/XI (1992)
International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) activities 2018–2019: a summary for CCAMLR
Treaty System by openly exchanging pertinent information with other Antarctic stakeholders. Author ... –2019: a summary for CCAMLR Microsoft Word File: cc-38-bg-37.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat ... System by openly exchanging pertinent information with other Antarctic stakeholders. ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/BG/37 : Author(s): Submitted by IAATO
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 26/IX (1990)
Effort and Biological Data Reporting System for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Sub Area ... Effort and Biological Data Reporting System for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Sub Area ... . C O P ~ ~ S E R V ~ L T ~ ~ O N rdziisernrj: x / ~ : Y EFFORT AND RI0UX;lCAL DATA REPORTING SYSTEM FOli L)issostictuls eleginoides ...
Conservation Measure : 26/IX (1990)
... on the Standardisation of Complex Studies Aimed to the Elaboration of the System of the Biological and Oceanographical ... REPORT OF THE AD HOC WORKSHOP ON KRILL CPUE INTRODUCTION 1. The Working Group met on 21, 22 and 29 ... perhaps 1–5 km around the vessel’s track although judging by the daily operational area of catcher boats ... krill density over an area much larger than the path swept by the net (perhaps dimensions of 1–-5 km ... upwards – Item 8 and Document 4) (or possibly areas of 1° latitude by 5° longitude in those areas where application/pdf attached to:WS-KCPUE-85
Meeting Report : WS-KCPUE-85
Description / Abstract: This is the complete volume of SSP-SC-CAMLR/8 as a pdf file. ... This is the complete volume of SSP-SC-CAMLR/8 as a pdf file. ... de ses Groupes de travail en 1991. Les resumes des communications ainsi que les legendes des ... cientificos presentados en las reuniones del Comite Cientifico y de los Grupos de Trabajo del Comite ... Cientffico en 1991. Los resumenes de estos y los titulos de los cuadros y las figuras estan traducidoa a los ... SUO EN JANVIER/FEVRIER 1991 K.-H. Kock, 1. Everson, S. Campbell, G. Parkes, D. Cielniaszek et ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
A review of the effectiveness of streamer lines as a seabird by-catch mitigation technique in longline fisheries and CCAMLR streamer line requirements
streamer line requirements were changed by the Commission in 2003. File: 13melvin-etal.pdf ... Melvin et al. 190 Résumé En raison principalement du précédent établi par la CCAMLR en 1991, la ligne ... de conservation 25-02 (2002), ancienne mesure de conservation 29/XIX) en vue d’une analyse de la ... espèces d’oiseaux de mer de l’hémisphère sud ou de groupes d’espèces aux mêmes habitudes alimentaires en ... établies dans la mesure de conservation 25-02 est examinée et proposée en fonction de conditions ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 11 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 11) : 189–201 : Author(s): Melvin, E.F., B. Sullivan, G. Robertson and B. Wienecke