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Glossary of acronyms and abbreviations
Automatic Identification System AKES Antarctic Krill and Ecosystem Studies ALK Age–length Key AMD Antarctic ... -E Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer – Earth Observing System ANDEEP Antarctic Benthic Deep-sea ... and Governance of the Antarctic region ATS Antarctic Treaty System ATSCM Antarctic Treaty Special Consultative ... Device BICS Benthic Impact Camera System BIOMASS Biological Investigations of Marine Antarctic Systems ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Krill fishery report: 2010 update
. Approximately 40% of the catch has been taken by two vessels using the continuous fishing system. The forecast ... in Area 48 and reported a total catch of 125826 t; two vessels used the continuous fishing system ... vessels using the continuous fishing system have exceeded 800 t of krill per day. Author(s): Secretariat ... % of the catch has been taken by two vessels using the continuous fishing system. The forecast total catch ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-10/05 : Author(s): Secretariat
Remotely-sensed vessel positioning and data reporting systemsApplication to the CCAMLR Convention Area
the two most commonly used satellite-linked systems, with particular reference to their costs ... vessel-tracking system is proposed, based on the use Immarsat-C transponders linked with Global ... Positioning System (GPS) positioning satellites. Author(s): Secretariat Title: Remotely-sensed vessel ... positioning and data reporting systemsApplication to the CCAMLR Convention Area Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XIII/11 : Author(s): Secretariat
Conservation at CCAMLR: Understanding Article II of the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
. As CCAMLR moves through its fourth decade of service as a vital part of the Antarctic Treaty system ... Article II of the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources Microsoft Word File ... through its fourth decade of service as a vital part of the Antarctic Treaty system, the delegations ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXV/BG/28 : Author(s): Delegations of Australia and the USA
Depth distribution and spawning pattern of Dissostichus eleginoides at South Georgia
-spawning fish may have some implications for the management of the fishery. File: 02agnew-etal.pdf ... legine australe (Dissostichus eleginoides) sont examinees en utilisant les donnees d'environ 7000 ... plan statistique est decelee dans le changement de la longueur moyenne en fonction de la profondeur et ... B divers moments de l'annee. La longueur moyenne en profondeur est elevee en mai et aofit, et faible en ... juillet/aofit, une ponte secondaire pourrait avoir lieu en avril/mai. L'examen approfondi des donnees de ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 6 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 6) : 19–36 : Author(s): Agnew, D.J., L. Heaps, C. Jones, A. Watson, K. Berkieta and J. Pearce
The use of predator-derived krill length-frequency distributions to calculate krill target strength
ship-board acoustic systems but not to conduct scientific netting, i.e during logistic/re-supply ... on board data collection systems it will be possible to gain important estimates of krill biomass at times ... ship-board acoustic systems but not to conduct scientific netting, i.e during logistic/re-supply ... on board data collection systems it will be possible to gain important estimates of krill biomass at times ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-00/42 : Author(s): K. Reid and A.S. Brierley (United Kingdom)
Seabird mortality in the Patagonian toothfish longline fishery around Crozet and Kerguelen Islands, 2001–2003
and Division 58.5.1 respectively). File: 04delord-etal.pdf ... de Chizé / Centre National de la Recherche Scientifi que 79 360 Villiers-en-Bois, France Email ... septembre 2001 à août 2003. En général, le pétrel à menton blanc (Procellaria aequinoctialis) était ... accidentelle de pétrels gris (Procellaria cinerea) (en grand nombre), de pétrels géants (Macronectes spp ... étude, que la mortalité des pétrels à menton blanc et des pétrels gris dépende en grande partie de ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 12 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 12) : 53–80 : Author(s): Delord, K., N. Gasco, H. Weimerskirch, C. Barbraud and T. Micol
A feedback approach to Ecosystem Based Management: model predictive control of the Antarctic krill fishery
on their predicted performance in a model of the controlled system. Here we use MPC to develop a robust control ... strategy for a simulation model of a spatially resolved predator-prey system. We identify optimal HCRs ... objectives are defined; and reliable models of system uncertainty. The approach also readily evaluates ... on their predicted performance in a model of the controlled system. Here we use MPC to develop a robust control ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/19 : Author(s): S. Hill and M. Cannon (United Kingdom)
and analysis with some results for one selected station are presented. A Simrad EK60 split beam system ... for pressure, compass, pitch and roll. A stereo camera system was also mounted directly on the transducer ... platform with the purpose of measuring the orientation of the organisms. All system communication between ... with some results for one selected station are presented. A Simrad EK60 split beam system operating at 38 ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-09/13 : Author(s): G. Skaret, L. Calise and E. Ona (Norway)
Description of the tagging process and the development of a cradle for optimum landing and measuring of large fish followed by the Spanish F/V Tronio
alteration to further improve the system. Author(s): R. Sarralde, C. Heinecken and P. Lafite Title ... fish followed by the Spanish F/V Tronio Microsoft Word File: fsa-18-48r1.docx Approval: Approved ... improve the system. ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-18/48 Rev. 1 : Author(s): R. Sarralde, C. Heinecken and P. Lafite