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Krill fishery report: 2012 update
have fished for krill in Area 48; one vessel is using the continuous fishing system. The total catch ... used the continuous fishing system. The largest catch of krill was taken off the South Orkney Islands ... for krill in Area 48; one vessel is using the continuous fishing system. The total catch reported to May ... fishing system. The largest catch of krill was taken off the South Orkney Islands in Subarea 48.2 where ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/05 : Author(s): Secretariat
A risk-management framework for avoiding significant adverse impacts of bottom fishing gear on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems
in their implementation. File: 09martin-smith.pdf ... . Résumé La CCAMLR a adopté une nouvelle mesure de conservation en 2007 pour veiller à éviter les impacts ... spatiale de ce cadre de gestion devrait être en relation avec l’échelle des VME, qui est actuellement ... inconnue. On peut toutefois procéder en premier lieu à une gestion au niveau des rectangles à échelle ... les informations pertinentes ou nouvelles ont été prises en compte, que des plans appropriés de ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 16 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 16) : 177–193 : Author(s): Martin-Smith, K
Analysis of results from demersal fish surveys at South Georgia, undertaken by the United Kingdom and the USSR, January and February 1990
into the analysis. File: 13-Joint-UK-USSR.pdf ... campagne d'evaluation effectuee a bord du navire march and Hill Cove en janvier 1990 et du navire de ... recherche Akademik Knipovich en fevrier 1990 autour de la Georgie du Sud. Les deux campagnes etaient ... realizada alrededor de Georgia del Sur por el BI Hill Cove en enero de 1990 y por el BI Akademik Knipovich ... en febrero de 1990. Ambas prospecciones se caracterizaron por la vasta cantidad de lances pequeiios ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 223–254 : Author(s): (Report of a Joint UK/USSR Workshop, 23 to 27 July 1990)
Evaluation of some processing techniques applied to acoustic recordings from two krill fishing vessels
management system under development. The possibility to collect such data from the fleet has been ... to acoustic recordings from two krill fishing vessels Microsoft Word File: asam-17-03.docx Approval ... to assess local krill abundance and distribution, and even as input to the CCAMLR feedback management system ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-17/03 : Author(s): X. Wang, G. Skaret and O.R. Godø
. Importantly for CCAMLR, work in designing such a system should be complementary with developmental work being ... marine ecosystems as well participating in designing and implementing an early-warning system to identify ... . Importantly for CCAMLR, work in designing such a system should be complementary with developmental work being ... marine ecosystems as well participating in designing and implementing an early-warning system to identify ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-09/37 : Author(s): A.J. Constable
Reports on abundance and biological information of toothfish in Division 58.4.4a & b by Shinsei Maru No. 3 in 2012/13 season
, 2013. A total of 64 research hauls using normal trotline system were made in SSRUs C and D. Total catch ... trotline system. A total of 233 fish of D. eleginoides in good physical condition and single-hooked were ... . A total of 64 research hauls using normal trotline system were made in SSRUs C and D. Total catch ... the normal trotline system. A total of 233 fish of D. eleginoides in good physical condition and single ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-13/20 : Author(s): K. Taki, T. Ichii, T. Iwami and M. Kiyota (Japan)
. Vessel Monitoring System, a system used to detect and monitor the movements of vessels, is nowadays ... . Vessel Monitoring System, a system used to detect and monitor the movements of vessels, is nowadays ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXIX/41 : Author(s): Delegation of the European Union
Information System (ITIS) as an interim coding system to improve the resolution of benthic by-catch data ... Information System (ITIS) as an interim coding system to improve the resolution of benthic by-catch data. ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-08/59 : Author(s): T. Hibberd and K. Moore (Australia)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 54/XI (1992)
Biological Data Reporting System for Electrona carlsbergi in Statistical Subarea 48.3 Species ... Biological Data Reporting System for Electrona carlsbergi in Statistical Subarea 48.3 ... MEASURE 54/XI Biological Data Reporting System for Electrona carlsbergi in Statistical Subarea 48.3 ...
Conservation Measure : 54/XI (1992)
... in Subarea 48.3. However, estimates of the effect of introducing a reward system after a tagging program has ... agreed that incentive systems to report tags may be difficult to implement generally across CCAMLR ... reporting system (i.e. form C4). Evaluation of research plans from Members notifying to fish ... released and 1 878 tagged individuals have been recaptured over this period. However, in the exploratory ... tagging programs and producing abundance estimates from tag recaptures (Tables 1 to 4). 2.7 The ... as shown in Appendices 1 to 3 of WG-SAM-12/31, for consideration by WG-FSA-12. It also recommended ... the effect of introducing a reward system after a tagging program has been established are likely to application/pdf attached to:WG-SAM-12
Meeting Report : WG-SAM-12