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Schedule of Conservation Measures in Force 1995/96
. The text of the CCAMLR System of Inspection is appended for information. CONTENTS Page Map ... ......................................................... 8 CONSERVATION MEASURE 40/X Monthly Catch and Effort Reporting System ... -day Catch and Effort Reporting System .................................... 9 CONSERVATION MEASURE ... 52/XI Monthly Effort and Biological Data Reporting System for Trawl Fisheries ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Definition: Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer – Earth Observing System Status: Content ... Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer – Earth Observing System ...
Interactions of Patagonian toothfish fisheries with killer and sperm whales in the Crozet Islands Exclusive Economic Zone: an assessment of depredation levels and insights on possible mitigation strategies
preliminary insights into possible mitigation solutions to the widespread depredation issue. File: 10tixier ... de Chizé CNRS, UPR 1934 Villiers-en-Bois, 79360 France Email – 2 MNHN ... ailleurs, en cas de déprédation, il est recommandé aux navires de quitter leur zone de pêche et de s'en ... éloigner de >40 miles nautiques pour empêcher les orques de les retrouver en quelques heures. Bien que ... orca) y cachalotes (Physeter macrocephalus). Se observaron sólo cachalotes en un 32.6% de los 4 289 ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 17 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 17) : 179–195 : Author(s): Tixier, P., N. Gasco, G. Duhamel, M. Viviant, M. Authier and C. Guinet
Comparison of two methods to assess fish losses due to depredation by killer whales and sperm whales on demersal longlines
, fishery economics and/or conservation of odontocetes. File: Gasco et al.pdf ... of longline may also play a role in catching by-catch. For instance, trotline- system hooks do not lay ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 22 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 22) : 1–14 : Author(s): Gasco, N., P. Tixier, G. Duhamel and C. Guinet
Fish stock assessment survey in Subarea 48.3
that this decline may be due to either a massed migration or high mortality. File: 03-Everson-et-al.pdf ... la composition en taille des captures. 11 est revele que le stock existant de l'une des especes ... 25 Resumen En este documento se describe una prospecci6n de peces demersales realizada cerca ... de Georgia del Sur, en la Subarea 48.3 de la CCRVMA, y se proporcionan detalles de la posici6n de ... no presentan una reducci6n tan drastica. No se ha notificado ninguna pesqueria comercial de C. gunnari en esta ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/8 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/8) : 25–67 : Author(s): Everson, I., G. Parkes, K.-H. Kock, S. Campbell, Z. Cielniaszek and J. Szlakowski
Revised reports on abundance and biological information of toothfish in Division 58.4.4 a & b by Shinsei maru No. 3 in 2012/13 season
, 2013. A total of 64 research hauls using normal trotline system were made in SSRUs C and D. Total catch ... was captured by using the normal trotline system. A total of 233 fish of D. eleginoides in good physical ... . A total of 64 research hauls using normal trotline system were made in SSRUs C and D. Total catch ... was captured by using the normal trotline system. A total of 233 fish of D. eleginoides in good physical ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-13/34 : Author(s): K. Taki, T. Ichii, T. Iwami and M. Kiyota (Japan)
Research plan for toothfish in Divisions 58.4.4a and b by Shinsei Maru No. 3 in 2011/12
segments of Trot line system and Spanish line system respectively, will be conducted at 14 hauls, due ... segments of Trot line system and Spanish line system respectively, will be conducted at 14 hauls, due ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-11/07 : Author(s): Delegation of Japan
Ecosystem modelling for the Antarctic krill fishery
and another for areas 48.2 and 48.3 combined. Organisms in the system were combined into groups (of one ... fishing importance, in order to simulate the trophic interactions of the system. Both models are being ... and another for areas 48.2 and 48.3 combined. Organisms in the system were combined into groups (of one ... fishing importance, in order to simulate the trophic interactions of the system. Both models are being ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-01/65 : Author(s): T. Antezana, J. Cornejo, E. Bredesen, P. Faundez (Chile), A.W. Trites and T. Pitcher (Canada)
Demonstrating global leadership in marine spatial protection
the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) goal of designating a representative system of marine ... Members and NGOs to help create the initial system of MPAs and Marine Reserves. Adoption of a general ... the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) goal of designating a representative system of marine ... Members and NGOs to help create the initial system of MPAs and Marine Reserves. Adoption of a general ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXX/BG/20 : Author(s): Submitted by ASOC
A review of rattail (Macrourus spp.) and skate by-catch and analysis of standardised CPUE, for the exploratory fishery in the Ross Sea (CCAMLR Subareas 88.1 and 88.2) from 1997/98 to 2004/05
rates of rattails were lower with the Spanish line system than with the autoline system. Russian ... with the Spanish line system than with the autoline system. Russian and Korean vessels had extremely low catch ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-05/24 : Author(s): S.L. Ballara and R.L. O’Driscoll (New Zealand)