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... geodetic datums. The datum used for a navigation system is specified in the system set-up of GPS units ... potential for recovery because of isolation from recruitment sources. All of the taxa included in Table 1 ... included in the evaluation of benthic taxa are defined below: 1. Habitat-forming – One of the main ... information on particular taxa were lacking. 3.7 The Workshop agreed that Table 1 is a living document that ... that the parameters listed in Table 1 relate to the intrinsic vulnerability of VME taxa and that the application/pdf attached to:WS-VME-09
Meeting Report : WS-VME-09
Low genetic diversity and temporal stability in the Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) from near-continental seas of Antarctica
study of the genetics of Antarctic toothfish. File: 04 Mugue et al.pdf ... Sea – that cut deep inland and have their own systems of circular currents and a vast shelf area ... 1. DNA extraction was carried out using the Wizard SV 96 Genomic DNA Purification System (‘Promega ... e 2: D is so st ic hu s m aw so ni P C R p rim er s. Lo ca tio n nu m be r G en e Lo cu ... s: S N P po si tio n SN P Pr im er Pr im er se qu en ce R ef er en ce 1 R ib os om al ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 21 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 21) : 1–9 : Author(s): Mugue, N.S., A.F. Petrov, D.A. Zelenina, I.I. Gordeev and A.A. Sergeev
Schedule of Conservation Measures in Force 2005/06
introduced a new numbering system for conservation measures in force. Under the new system, each measure ... . The numbering system for resolutions remains unchanged. All cross references to conservation measures ... Convention Area and its statistical areas, subareas and divisions. The texts of the CCAMLR System ... .............................................. 4 CONSERVATION MEASURE 10-04 (2005) Automated satellite-linked Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Fishing for structure; can we describe normal patterns in toothfish fishing operations using catch and effort data?
and effort data reporting system. We then describe statistical properties of the recorded variables and how ... patterns in toothfish fishing operations using catch and effort data? Microsoft Word File: fsa-16-36.docx ... data reporting system. We then describe statistical properties of the recorded variables and how ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-16/36 : Author(s): J.M. Fenaughty and K. Large
Fishery Report: Dissostichus eleginoides Prince Edward Islands South African EEZ (Subareas 58.6 and 58.7)
the previous model implementation. The model code, data and parameter initiation files have been deposited ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Report on Dissostichus mawsoni exploratory fishery research in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) between the 2011/12 and 2017/18 fishing seasons
and 2017/18 fishing seasons Microsoft Word File: fsa-18-58r1.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-18/58 Rev. 1 : Author(s): P. Yates and P. Ziegler
Schedule of Conservation Measures in Force 2004/05
of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. At CCAMLR-XXI, the Commission introduced a new numbering system ... for conservation measures in force. Under the new system, each measure is identified by an Arabic number ... of the measure was adopted or revised follows in brackets. The numbering system for resolutions remains ... areas, subareas and divisions. The texts of the CCAMLR System of Inspection and the CCAMLR Scheme ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Reports on abundance and biological information of toothfish in Division 58.4.3b by Shinsei Maru No.3 in the 2010/11 and proposal of the consecutive survey in the 2011/12
No. 3, from May 7 to 16, 2011. Shinsei Maru Trot line system was used as fishing gear for 19 hauls. Comparison ... test using trotline and Spanish line systems were made for 5 hauls. Total catch (excluding fish ... trotline system was employed. This was lower than 125 ± 13.1kg / 1,000 hooks in the 2009/10 survey ... No. 3, from May 7 to 16, 2011. Shinsei Maru Trot line system was used as fishing gear for 19 hauls. Comparison ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-11/05 : Author(s): K. Taki, T. Iwami and M. Kiyota (Japan)
Schedule of Conservation Measures in Force 1994/95
......................................................... 8 Conservation Measure 40/X Monthly Catch and Effort Reporting System ... /XII Five-day Catch and Effort Reporting System ... .................................... 9 Conservation Measure 52/XI Monthly Effort and Biological Data Reporting System for Trawl Fisheries ... .................................................... 10 Conservation Measure 54/XI Biological Data Reporting System for Electrona carlsbergi ...
Document : Site Section: Publications