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Informe de la observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Isla Camila en la subarea 48.3 (1º de marzo al 17 de mayo de 1995)
eleginoides a bordo del B/P Isla Camila en la subarea 48.3 (1º de marzo al 17 de mayo de 1995) Approval ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-95/57 : Author(s): Quintero, F.
Observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Arbumasa XX en la subarea 48.3 (05 de marzo al 25 de mayo de 1995)
pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Arbumasa XX en la subarea 48.3 (05 de marzo al 25 de ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-95/54 : Author(s): José R. Pacheo B. (Scientific Observer, Chile)
Tendencia de la mortalidad incidental de aves en buques de la flota chilena durante la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides, (Subárea 48.3)
: Tendencia de la mortalidad incidental de aves en buques de la flota chilena durante la pesca de Dissostichus ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-97/26 : Author(s): Gonzalo Benavides, A., Rubilar, P.S., Moreno, C.A.
CCAMLR ecosystem monitoring and management: future work
objectives that articulate the target conditions of relevant aspects of the system, (ii) methods ... for assessing the status of the system, (iii) decision rules on how to adjust harvest controls given ... species and feasible management options need to be clearly articulated to guide this work. File ... objectives that articulate the target conditions of relevant aspects of the system, (ii) methods ... aspects of the system, (ii) methods for assessing the status of the system, (iii) decision rules on how ... de l’exploitation seront ajustés en fonction des informations scientifi ques disponibles et des ... procédures de gestion reposant sur l’écosystème en récapitulant les lacunes de l’approche existante, les ... de krill. Il met en relief la nécessité de diriger les prochains travaux sur ces domaines, en ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 9 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 9) : 233–253 : Author(s): Constable, A.J
Proposal for a general conservation measure to implement Marine Protected Areas in the CCAMLR Area by 2012, including management arrangements needed in conservation measures that will govern the MPAs in CCAMLR in the future
measure to implement a Representative System of Antarctic Marine Protected Areas (RSAMPA) in CCAMLR ... and transparent foundation for establishing a system of CCAMLR MPAs by 2012. Author(s): Delegation of Australia ... to implement a Representative System of Antarctic Marine Protected Areas (RSAMPA) in CCAMLR by 2012, including ... and transparent foundation for establishing a system of CCAMLR MPAs by 2012. ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXX/30 : Author(s): Delegation of Australia
... that all meeting documents should be distributed as locked pdf files (SC-CAMLR-XXIV, paragraph 12.15 ... available on the CCAMLR website and on the meeting server as unlocked pdf files. Agenda 2.3 The agenda ... involving CASAL, immediately prior to WG-FSA, using the input parameter files and associated papers ... files submitted, and the validation that the assessment results as quoted in the accompanying papers ... ) 1 Appendices F to R have been published only in electronic format. For these reports, please refer ... files (SC-CAMLR-XXIV, paragraph 12.15). Locked documents prevented rapporteurs and subgroup ... unlocked pdf files. Agenda 2.3 The agenda of the meeting was discussed and adopted with the addition ... , immediately prior to WG-FSA, using the input parameter files and associated papers submitted to WG-FSA (WG application/pdf attached to:WG-FSA-06
Meeting Report : WG-FSA-06
... living resources; new and exploratory fisheries; current operation of the System of Inspection ... of uncertainty; and cooperation with other international organisations including the Antarctic Treaty System ... Assessment Group ............................................................................ 29 System ... .................................................................................... 55 Centralised Vessel Monitoring System .................................................. 55 ... of the System of Inspection and the Scheme of International Scientific Observation; compliance with ... organisations including the Antarctic Treaty System and CITES. The Reports of the Standing Committee on ... ...................................................................... 1 ORGANISATION OF THE MEETING............................................................ 2 ... System of Inspection ................................................................................ 31 application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-XXII
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-XXII
Provisional agenda SCOI-96/02 List of documents SCOI-96/03 Improvements to the System of Inspection concerning ... SCOI-96/06 System of Inspection- FV Estela Secretariat SCOI-96/07 Summary of reports on sightings ... in accordance with paragraph VII of the System of Inspection Secretariat SCOI-96/09 System of Inspection ... (as amended at CCAMLR-XIV) Secretariat SCOI-96/10 New Zealand’s experience with the vessel monitoring system ...
Comparison of age readings from scales and otoliths of the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) from South Georgia
recommended by CCAMLR. File: 10cassia.pdf ... determiner l'bge de D. eleginoides car elle ne sous-estime pas l'bge et se reville la plus efficace en ... rencontre serait de 24 ans, ce qui se rapproche des 22,8 ans estimes par la formule de Taylor qui met en ... bacalao de profundidad (Dissosticht~s eleginoides) capturados en la region de Georgia del Sur (Subarea ... 48.3). La edad estimada a partir de ambas estructuras fue identica en 44% de 10s ejemplares. Se ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 5 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 5) : 191–203 : Author(s): Cassia, M.C
... , establishment of a system of observation and inspection of fishing and research activities in the Convention ... IMPLEMENTATION OF ARTICLE XX OF THE CONVENTION ESTABLISHMENT OF A SYSTEM OF OBSERVATION AND INSPECTION ... an appropriate reporting system was devised (Conservation Measure 9/VI). 75. Basing this system on a 10-day ... reporting period provided exact complementarity with the system already adopted for reporting fine-scale ... : Catch Reporting System for Champsocephalus gunnari in Statistical Subarea 48.3 1. For the purposes of ... e-cc-vi.pdf CC87cp.doc 1 CCAMLR-VI ... CCAMLR, establishment of a system of observation and inspection of fishing and research activities in ... 10/VI IMPLEMENTATION OF ARTICLE XX OF THE CONVENTION ESTABLISHMENT OF A SYSTEM OF application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-VI
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-VI