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Fishery Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS) Scientific Committee ... /fishery/cwp/en Fishery Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS) Scientific ... the following: Coordinating Working Party on Fisheries Statistics (CWP) ...
Page : Site Section: Data
... to use a three-frequency ‘drop TS’ system during the forthcoming IPY survey of the Scotia Sea scheduled ... located) and New Zealand had proved impossible as the scanning facility was not able to provide a file ... on the SonarData ek5 file format specification and the feasibility of archiving Echoview data in the HAC format ... levels of archiving existing data: raw data files (which contain variables such as position, Sv ... archived data files is well documented. Some current file formats (such as EK60 raw files) have ... 1 A global standard being developed for the storage of hydroacoustic data. 559 50 m. However ... ) indicated that Norway planned to use a three-frequency ‘drop TS’ system during the forthcoming IPY survey ... Zealand had proved impossible as the scanning facility was not able to provide a file format that application/pdf attached to:SG-ASAM-07
Meeting Report : SG-ASAM-07
Explanation of terms
, but is not preceded by an act of signature. Antarctic Treaty System The Antarctic Treaty System is made up of four ... described in Article I of the CAMLR Convention (see ... /search/en). Areas may be further divided into subareas, and subareas may be further divided ... met at Canberra, Australia, 7–20 May 1980. The CAMLR Convention is part of the Antarctic Treaty System ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Mortalidad incidental de aves en la pesquería de cherna con palangre semipelágico
(s): Y.H. Marín, A. Stagi and J. Chocca (Uruguay) Title: Mortalidad incidental de aves en la pesquería de ... Mortalidad incidental de aves en la pesquería de cherna con palangre semipelágico ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-04/38 : Author(s): Y.H. Marín, A. Stagi and J. Chocca (Uruguay)
... , Annex 1, was sufficient to examine long-term trends in the distribution of catches across Area 48 using ... which was about 18%. This was equivalent to a catch-to-product conversion of 1:1. 2.24 The Working ... . At other stations in the vicinity the catch rate was 1–20 per tonne of krill. 2.31 The Working Group ... -00/6 Rev. 1 presented an analysis of the krill distribution patterns in Area 48 using data collected application/pdf attached to:WG-EMM-00
Meeting Report : WG-EMM-00
Mortalidad incidental de aves en la pesqueria de Dissostichus eleginoides en el Area 48.3 (temporada 1995)
eleginoides en la subarea 48.3 entre el 1 de marzo y el 16 de mayo de 1995. Los datos tienen su origen en los ... Abstract: En este trabajo, se reunió la información de mortalidad incidental de aves marinas ... ocurridas en los buques argentinos y chilenos que operaron en la temporada de pesca del Dissostichus ... paises y en los informes presentados por los Observadores Científicos. De esta manera, se pudo evaluar ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-95/42 : Author(s): Rubilar, P.S., Moreno, C.A., Benzaquen, L., Marschoff, E.
... Adopted in 1997 2.25 The report of the Secretariat on the implementation of the System of Inspection ... on Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS). These reports were received from Australia, Argentina, Chile ... , prevented the establishment of the system in the time required by CCAMLR. It is anticipated ... that its VMS system will be fully operational by the end of 1998 (SCOI-98/7). Priority in the system ... to Members as an attachment to the Provisional Agenda of the Commission (CCAMLR-XVII/1). No ... USA reported that, since 1 January 1998, the use of specific codes is required on all documentation ... Secretariat on the implementation of the System of Inspection and other CCAMLR enforcement provisions ... establishing VMS (SCOI-98/15). Financial constraints, however, prevented the establishment of the system in the application/pdf attached to:SCOI-98
Meeting Report : SCOI-98
Desechos marinos recolectados en Cabo Shirreff, isla Livingston, durante las temporadas antárticas 2002/03 y 2003/04
recolecciones de desechos marinos en las playas de Cabo Shirreff, isla Livingston. Se obtuvo un total de 337 ... basuras en la temporada 2003/2004, con un peso de 39,05 kg y 97% de elementos plásticos. En total, para ... artículos obtenidos durante la temporada antártica 1996/1997. En cuanto al peso de los desechos, éste ... también ha disminuido ya que los objetos recolectados han sido más livianos que en otras temporadas. Así ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXIII/BG/10 : Author(s): Delegación de Chile
Relevamiento de desechos marinos en la costa de la base científica Antártica Artigas (BCAA) en la Isla Rey Jorge / 25 de Mayo – temporada 2000/01
Abstract: El Uruguay ha desarrollado un Programa de Relevamiento de Desechos Marinos en las áreas ... costeras próximas a sus instalaciones en el Area del Tratado Antártico y por tanto en el Area de la ... Antártica Artigas), en Isla Rey Jorge (o Isla 25 de Mayo), realizándose el relevamiento de desechos en las ... playas seleccionadas en la costa accesible desde la base en la Antártida. La finalidad del programa es la ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/21 : Author(s): Delegación de Uruguay
Relevamiento de desechos marinos en la Costa de la Base Científica Antártica Artigas (BCAA) en la Isla Rey Jorge/25 de Mayo – temporada 2001/02
Abstract: El Uruguay ha desarrollado un Programa de Relevamiento de Desechos Marinos en las áreas ... costeras próximas a sus instalaciones en el Área del Tratado Antártico y por tanto en el Área de la ... Antártica Artigas), en Isla rey Jorge (o Isla 25 de Mayo), realizándose el relevamiento de desechos en las ... playas seleccionadas de acuerdo al método establecido por la Comisión, en la costa accesible desde le ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXI/BG/35 : Author(s): Delegación de Uruguay