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Resolution Resolution 24/XXIV (2005)
cooperation between non-Contracting Parties and CCAMLR through: 1. the exchange of information about IUU ... -Contracting Parties, 1. Recommends that Members consider, at CCAMLR-XXV, the development of a cooperation ...
Resolution : 24/XXIV (2005)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 51-07 (2014)
under Article II, hereby adopts the following conservation measure: 1. Pending the review in paragraph ... 15%. 2. The interim distribution of the trigger level in paragraph 1 will be reviewed and revised ...
Conservation Measure : 51-07 (2014)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 170/XX (2001)
: 170/XX 1. Each Contracting Party shall take steps to identify the origin of Dissostichus spp ... CDS Fund are found in Annex B. 1 Excluding by-catches of Dissostichus spp. by trawlers fishing on ... Parties. The standard form for re-export is attached to this annex. 1 Excluding by-catches of ... Number PRODUCTION SECTION 1. Issuing Authority of Document Name Address Tel: Fax: 2 ...
Conservation Measure : 170/XX (2001)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 10-05 (2006)
Article IX of the Convention: 1. The following definitions are intended only for the purposes of the ... CDS Fund are found in Annex 10-05/B. 1 Excluding by-catches of Dissostichus spp. by trawlers fishing ... Convention Area, the Flag State verifies, by the use of a VMS (as described in paragraph 1 of Conservation ... to all Contracting Parties. The standard form for re-export is attached to this annex. 1 ...
Conservation Measure : 10-05 (2006)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 22-04 (2010)
with Article IX of the Convention: 1. The use of gillnets1 in the Convention Area, for purposes ... which has not given such advance notice shall be in breach of this conservation measure. 1 Gillnets ...
Conservation Measure : 22-04 (2010)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 29/XI (1992)
seabirds during longline fishing. 1. Fishing operations shall be conducted in such a way that the baited ... incidental mortality of seabirds. APPENDIX TO CONSERVATION MEASURE 29/XI 1. The streamer line ...
Conservation Measure : 29/XI (1992)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 170/XIX (2000)
Scientific Committee. 1 Except for waters adjacent to the Prince Edward Islands CONSERVATION MEASURE 170 ... adopts the following conservation measure in accordance with Article IX of the Convention: 1. Each ... V1.2 Document Number Flag State Confirmation Number PRODUCTION SECTION 1. Issuing Authority of ... -EXPORT SECTION Re-exporting Country: 1. Description of Fish Species Type of Product Net Weight ...
Conservation Measure : 170/XIX (2000)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 22-04 (2006)
following conservation measure in accordance with Article IX of the Convention: 1. The use of gillnets1 ... advance notice shall be in breach of this conservation measure. 1 Gillnets are strings of single ...
Conservation Measure : 22-04 (2006)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 118/XVI (1997)
Convention: 1. A non-Contracting Party vessel which has been sighted engaging in fishing activities in the ... vessel. 4. When a non-Contracting Party vessel referred to in paragraph 1 enters a port of any ...
Conservation Measure : 118/XVI (1997)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 29/XII (1993)
seabirds during longline fishing. 1. Fishing operations shall be conducted in such a way that the ... . APPENDIX TO CONSERVATION MEASURE 29/XII 1. The streamer line is to be suspended at the stern from a point ...
Conservation Measure : 29/XII (1993)