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Chapter 1: Progress since PR1
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Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Notes on the use of virtual population analysis for stock assessment of the mackerel icefish, Champsocephalus gunnari (Lönnberg, 1906) in Subarea 48.3 for the 1990/91 and 1991/92 seasons
is recommended, based on the results of surveys by Falklands Protector in 1990/91 and 1991/92. File: 05 ... ) a evaluer proprement en 1991 le statut de la population de Champsocephalus gunnari par la VPA dans la sous ... -Shepherd et ADAPT, en remontant de 1991 a 1977. La structure d'age prevue, dominee ces demieres annees ... par la classe d'age 1987 (ages d'un an en 1988) etait assez robuste, en depit d'une ajustement ... observe lors de la campagne du Falklands Protector en janvier 1992. La baisse de credibilite des ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/9 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/9) : 49–79 : Author(s): Parkes, G.
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 10-04 (2015)
Automated satellite-linked Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XXXIV ... Automated satellite-linked Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) ... a security system administrator. The security system administrator shall review the log files generated ... satellite-linked Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) Species all Area all Season all Gear all ... of the vessel, transmitting the vessel monitoring system (VMS) data referred to in (v) hereunder. (ii ... to transmit VMS data. (iv) VMS: means a satellite-based monitoring system which, at regular intervals ...
Conservation Measure : 10-04 (2015)
Monitoring, control and surveillance
(2016) CCAMLR-XXXV/24 and CCAMLR-XXXV/29. Secretariat’s implementation of Data Systems Management Review ... system. Linkages to USA proposal to establish Member query and reports in the E-CDS (CCAMLR-XXX/27 ... and contemporary inspection regime. SCIC/ Commission Proposals to consider the system of inspection have been ... of the CAMLR Convention in particular as they relate to the System of Inspection. Greater use should ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 10-04 (2018)
Automated satellite-linked Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XXXVII ... Automated satellite-linked Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) ... a security system administrator. The security system administrator shall review the log files generated ... ) Automated satellite-linked Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) Species all Area all Season all Gear all ... of the vessel, transmitting the vessel monitoring system (VMS) data referred to in (v) hereunder. (ii ... to transmit VMS data. (iv) VMS: means a satellite-based monitoring system which, at regular intervals ...
Conservation Measure : 10-04 (2018)
2. Management plan Delegation of Australia WG-CEMP-90/24 Automated penguin monitoring system K.R. Kerry ...
Plan d'action pour l'évaluation du stock de légine dans les Terres australes et antarctiques françaises (une campagne de chalutage scientifique)
lors de cette réunion. Il comporte deux volets:- une campagne de marquage de légine pour l’année en ... cette réunion. Il comporte deux volets : - une campagne de marquage de légine pour l’année en cours ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXIV/BG/21 : Author(s): Délégation française
... adopted by the Working Group for CEMP. The Group agreed that the words ‘the monitoring system ... sensing), R. Hill (systems design) and L. Kuechle (telemetry and tracking). The results of the work ... , (b) appropriate methods already exist for implementing monitoring at recommended filed sites, using the specified ... on krill (e.g. seabirds, WG-CEMP-87/9) and the deployment of moored systems (including sediment traps ... MEETING REFERENCES SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Table 1. Sites within the integrated study areas at ... background information needed to interpret changes in monitored predator parameters APPENDIX 1 LIST OF ... . Hureau, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris. A list of participants is attached (Appendix 1 ... that the words ‘the monitoring system should be designed’ were redundant and should be deleted. The application/pdf attached to:WG-CEMP-87
Meeting Report : WG-CEMP-87
by IUCN WS-MPA-05/06 Guidelines for establishing the [Australian] national representative system of marine ...
Peculiarities of Euphausia superba size composition in Statistical Subarea 48.2 (South Orkney Islands)
due to system of current, namely advection of Weddell Sea waters to the north in eastern part ... due to system of current, namely advection of Weddell Sea waters to the north in eastern part ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-91/11 : Author(s): V.I. Latogursky and R.R. Makarov (USSR)