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... with the implementation of the electronic document management system and website archiving of meeting papers (CCAMLR ... of the overall translation requirements of Members and CCAMLR’s multilingual system, as provided ... 341 pa gross. 163 Allowances are based on the UN system and include post adjustment ... had deferred Item 3 (Finance and Administration) of its Agenda (CCAMLR-XXVII/1, Appendix A) to the ... the electronic document management system and website archiving of meeting papers (CCAMLR-XXVII/6 ... 67, Figures 1 and 2) particularly in respect to providing support for intersessional activities ... Commission working paper pages were translated compared to 1 292 pages submitted, in 2007, 390 out of 670 application/pdf attached to:SCAF-08
Meeting Report : SCAF-08
Day 4 - Session 2 - Fisheries Trade Data Analysis - Markus Bürgener
trade coding systems, the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (otherwise known ... as the Harmonized System, HS, or HTS) is generally the most applicable and available for fish/seafood trade. Eg ... : 030378 • While the system specifies that only the first six digits will be internationally standardized ... countries and costs are generally very reasonable • Catch data: Depends on how good systems ...
Document : Site Section: Compliance
... ...................................................................................... 362 Line Weighting – Spanish System ... ............................................................... 363 Line Weighting – Autoline System ... routine and a confidential web-based reporting system. A subset of the CDS data (landings by month ... of the booklet Fish the Sea Not the Sky. (iii) description of longline system design. Diagrams of Spanish ... Convention Area in the 1999/2000 split-year (1 July 1999 to 30 June 2000) were summarised in SC-CAMLR-XIX/BG ... /1. This paper provided an opportunity for Member countries to check their STATLANT data prior to application/pdf attached to:WG-FSA-00
Meeting Report : WG-FSA-00
... the effects of the new Australian taxation system introduced on 1 July, and the implementation of the Catch ... , including the effects of the new Australian taxation system introduced on 1 July, and the implementation of ... as included as Appendix A to the Commission’s Provisional Agenda (CCAMLR-XIX/1) was adopted ... receipt of annual Member contributions from 31 May to 1 March. As a number of Members had indicated ... in 2001 to 1 April for the following Members: Argentina; France; Italy; Japan; Republic of application/pdf attached to:SCAF-00
Meeting Report : SCAF-00
Results of research into distribution and status of stocks of target species in the Convention Area – Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean sectors of the Antarctic
, • particulars of bioproductivity cycle. The Atlantic Sector has be en studied more thoroughly. The biology ... , • particulars of bioproductivity cycle. The Atlantic Sector has be en studied more thoroughly. The biology ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-III/INF. 10 : Author(s): USSR Delegation
towards a Representative System of Marine Protected Area across the CAMLR Convention Area D.C. Welsford WS ...
... is required; (ii) to issue contribution notices earlier in order that Members’ internal systems had ... that the Commission is exempt from Australian direct taxes, the forthcoming changes in the taxation system ... direct the Chairman to write to the Australian Government urging that the new taxation system ... of the indirect impact of the changed Australian taxation system on the Commission’s budget through staff salaries ... (CCAMLR-XVIII/1) was adopted (Appendix I). AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2. The Committee recommended ... revised Financial Regulation 5.6, the Commission extend the due date in 2000 to 1 April for the following ... changes in the taxation system are expected to result in additional costs to the Commission. The ... that the new taxation system be implemented in such a way as to avoid additional costs to the application/pdf attached to:SCAF-99
Meeting Report : SCAF-99
Towards an initial operational management procedure for the krill fishery in Subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3
(or their probable ranges) for the krill dynamics operating model used for testing procedures are encouraged. File ... ) en las Subareas 48.1, 48.2 Y 48.3 necesita una base para la evaluaci6n de la condici6n de los ... luego en un Cr % por ano. Sin embargo, dependiendo de cuantos valores de CPUE de los tres anos previos ... hayan sido inferiores al objetivo de 0.75 CPUEref, este aumento puede ser suspendido 0 revocado en ... cualquier ano. Se ha desarrollado un modelo operativo de la dinamica del krill en la region con el fin de ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 189–219 : Author(s): Butterworth, D.S.
) SC-CAMLR-XXXIII/07 Comments and suggestions for the development of a feedback management system ...
Sensitivity investigation of the SDWBA Antarctic krill target strength model to fatness, material contrast and orientation
are identified and proposed solutions implemented in an improved package. File: 07calise-skaret.pdf ... be scaled to simulate other krill sizes. In the CCAMLR system, the codified Morris et al. (1988) AT length ... t D ef au lt va lu e R ef er en ce ke y K ril l l en gt h L A ct ua lL en gt ... h m 38 .3 5 · 1 0– 3 D en si ty c on tra st g g0 1. 03 57 2 So un d sp ee ... 10 0 4 Sc al in g fa ct or sc al in g m ax (r (:, 1) )/A ct ua lL en gt ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 18 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 18) : 97–122 : Author(s): Calise, L. and G. Skaret