During its 26th Meeting, the Scientific Committee 'noted the ongoing efforts to use and develop effective mitigation measures in the French EEZ fisheries and that France continues to reduce its total seabird by-catch (13% decrease from the previous season). However, the seabird captures during longline fishing in the French EEZs are the only remaining substantial seabird by-catch in the Convention Area. The Scientific Committee recommended that France strive to eliminate the incidental mortality of seabirds in accordance with CCAMLR policies and practices'. This document summarises the papers submitted by France in response to the recommendations recorded in paragraph 5.6 of the Scientific Committee report. Some of these recommendations have been implemented without specific comments being made. Where the recommendations have led to a specific development, study or report, details are given below.
France's action plan aims to reduce considerably seabird by-catch by longliners operating in the Crozet and Kerguelen EEZs. The aim of the present document is to list the set of measures that France will pursue in the next few years to limit bird mortality. The plan will also list the measures which have been implemented since 2002 to limit seabird by-catch. This action plan is submitted in response to the recommendation made during the CCAMLR-XXVI meeting that France should 'urgently submit a strategic plan to eliminate seabird mortality' (SC-CAMLR-XXVI, paragraph 5.6 (vii)).