The Ukraine submitted to WG SAM 2018 a proposal for a new toothfish research program in Subarea 48.1 (see document WG-SAM-18/11). The research area, which Ukraine intends to use for the new fisheries research program, is located within CCAMLR Subarea 48.1. Detailed analyses of the sea ice concentration and the repeated accessibility of this research area were carried out using the method presented at SAM 2018 (WG-SAM-18/01). The results demonstrate that in the months from January to April (when the survey proposed by Ukraine is to be carried out), difficult sea ice conditions prevail especially the southern parts between 64° S and 65° S of the suggested research area. Here, the mean sea ice concentrations range from 50 to 100 % and mean repeated accessibility is low (between 0 and max. 60 %), even for vessels able to operate under 60 % sea ice concentration.
Este documento trata de promover un diálogo sobre el desarrollo de un Plan de Investigación y Seguimiento (PISEG) del AMP de la Plataforma Sur de las Islas Orcadas del Sur (AMP-SOISS) que permita avanzar en la armonización de la MC 91-03 y la MC 91-04, reconociendo y tratando de contribuir al mismo tiempo al debate general sobre los procedimientos de planificación de AMP en el Dominio 1 y, según corresponda, en el Dominio 3.El marco propuesto describe los componentes de una propuesta preliminar de PISEG del AMP-SOISS a ser desarrollados como parte de la revisión de 2019, partiendo del borrador propuesto inicialmente en 2014 (SC-CAMLR-XXXIII/11). El propósito es dar tratamiento a los requisitos de la MC 91-04, y tomar en cuenta los principios generales del PISEG del AMP de la región del mar de Ross (SC-CAMLR-XXXVI, párrafos 5.39 a 5.42) y del PISEG del AMP del mar de Weddell propuesta.
Para mejorar la seguridad de los observadores, Estados Unidos propone añadir una disposición al texto del Sistema de Observación Científica de la CCRVMA (SISO) que exija que los observadores vayan equipados con dispositivos independientes de comunicación bidireccional por satélite y con balizas salvavidas personales.
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Cooperation between the Scientific Committee of CCAMLR (SC-CAMLR) and the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP) has been steadily increasing over the last few years to the mutual benefit of both. In order to avoid duplicate reporting between the two committees and following discussions between the Chairs of the CEP and SC-CAMLR, the report of the CEP meeting is presented to SC-CAMLR by the CEP Observer to SC-CAMLR and the report of the meeting of SC-CAMLR is presented to the CEP by the SC-CAMLR observer to the CEP. An agreed standard reporting template, to be routinely followed by both committees, has also clarified and simplified the reciprocal reporting. Accordingly, this report provides the CEP’s annual report to SC-CAMLR-XXXVII.