Resultados de la búsqueda
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 51-04 (2016)
General measure for exploratory fisheries for Euphausia superba in the Convention Area in the 2016 ... ) General measure for exploratory fisheries for Euphausia superba in the Convention Area in the 2016/17 ... following conservation measure: 1. This conservation measure applies to exploratory fisheries for ... Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba), except for such fisheries where the Commission has given specific ... these fisheries when the total catch of Euphausia superba combined in any statistical subarea or ...
Conservation Measure : 51-04 (2016)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 51-04 (2017)
General measure for exploratory fisheries for Euphausia superba in the Convention Area in the 2017 ... ) General measure for exploratory fisheries for Euphausia superba in the Convention Area in the 2017/18 ... following conservation measure: 1. This conservation measure applies to exploratory fisheries for ... Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba), except for such fisheries where the Commission has given specific ... these fisheries when the total catch of Euphausia superba combined in any statistical subarea or ...
Conservation Measure : 51-04 (2017)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 51-04 (2018)
General measure for exploratory fisheries for Euphausia superba in the Convention Area in the 2018 ... ) General measure for exploratory fisheries for Euphausia superba in the Convention Area in the 2018/19 ... following conservation measure: 1. This conservation measure applies to exploratory fisheries for ... Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba), except for such fisheries where the Commission has given specific ... these fisheries when the total catch of Euphausia superba combined in any statistical subarea or ...
Conservation Measure : 51-04 (2018)
Resolution Resolution 20/XXII (2003)
Ice-strengthening standards in high-latitude fisheries Limitations: Subareas and divisions south ... The Commission Recognising the unique circumstances in high-latitude fisheries, especially the ... extensive ice coverage which can pose a risk to fishing vessels operating in those fisheries, Recognising ... fisheries, Concerned that collisions with ice could result in oil spills and other adverse consequences ... vessels fishing in high-latitude fisheries should be suitable for ice conditions, urges Members to ...
Resolution : 20/XXII (2003)
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... setting catch limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of ... Ecosystem-based fisheries management since the 1980s Harvesting of Antarctic marine living resources in ... managed fisheries, from close to 7,000 seabirds in 1997 to close to zero in 2012. Combating illegal ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... setting catch limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of ... Ecosystem-based fisheries management since the 1980s Harvesting of Antarctic marine living resources in ... managed fisheries, from close to 7,000 seabirds in 1997 to close to zero in 2012. Combating illegal ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... setting catch limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of ... Ecosystem-based fisheries management since the 1980s Harvesting of Antarctic marine living resources in ... managed fisheries, from close to 7,000 seabirds in 1997 to close to zero in 2012. Combating illegal ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... setting catch limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of ... Ecosystem-based fisheries management since the 1980s Harvesting of Antarctic marine living resources in ... managed fisheries, from close to 7,000 seabirds in 1997 to close to zero in 2012. Combating illegal ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... setting catch limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of ... Ecosystem-based fisheries management since the 1980s Harvesting of Antarctic marine living resources in ... managed fisheries, from close to 7,000 seabirds in 1997 to close to zero in 2012. Combating illegal ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 112/XV (1996)
General Measures for New Fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in the Convention Area for the 1996/97 ... MEASURE 112/XV General Measures for New Fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in the Convention Area for the ... appropriate catch levels in fine-scale rectangles in these new fisheries, adopts the following ... shall notify Contracting Parties participating in these fisheries when the total catch for ... . 4. The by-catch of any species in the new fisheries for Dissostichus spp. other than Dissostichus ...
Conservation Measure : 112/XV (1996)