Resultados de la búsqueda
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21-02 (2012)
Exploratory Fisheries Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands ... Exploratory fisheries Species all Area all Season all Gear all The Commission, Recognising that ... in the past, some Antarctic fisheries had been initiated and subsequently expanded in the ... Article IX of the Convention: 1. For the purposes of this conservation measure, exploratory fisheries ... fishery; (e) information from other fisheries in the region or similar fisheries elsewhere that may ...
Conservation Measure : 21-02 (2012)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21-02 (2013)
Exploratory Fisheries Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands ... Exploratory fisheries Species all Area all Season all Gear all The Commission, Recognising that ... in the past, some Antarctic fisheries had been initiated and subsequently expanded in the ... Article IX of the Convention: 1. For the purposes of this conservation measure, exploratory fisheries ... proposed fishery; (e) information from other fisheries in the region or similar fisheries ...
Conservation Measure : 21-02 (2013)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21-02 (2006)
Exploratory Fisheries Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands ... 21-02 (2006)1,2 Exploratory fisheries Species all Area all Season all Gear all The ... Commission, Recognising that in the past, some Antarctic fisheries had been initiated and subsequently ... Article IX of the Convention: 1. For the purposes of this conservation measure, exploratory fisheries ... proposed fishery; (d) information from other fisheries in the region or similar fisheries elsewhere ...
Conservation Measure : 21-02 (2006)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21-02 (2004)
Exploratory Fisheries Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands ... fisheries Species all Area all Season all Gear all The Commission, Recognising that in the past ... , some Antarctic fisheries had been initiated and subsequently expanded in the Convention Area before ... . For the purposes of this conservation measure, exploratory fisheries are defined as follows: (i) an ... of their being affected by the proposed fishery; (d) information from other fisheries in the ...
Conservation Measure : 21-02 (2004)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21-02 (2005)
Exploratory Fisheries Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands ... CONSERVATION MEASURE 21-02 (2005)1,2 Exploratory fisheries Species all Area all Season all Gear all ... The Commission, Recognising that in the past, some Antarctic fisheries had been initiated and ... , exploratory fisheries are defined as follows: (i) an exploratory fishery shall be defined as a fishery that ... likelihood of their being affected by the proposed fishery; (d) information from other fisheries in the ...
Conservation Measure : 21-02 (2005)
intention to conduct exploratory longline fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in 2011/12 Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXX/22 : Autor(es): Delegation of the United Kingdom
Some examples of time budget data recorded by a Japanese trawler, Ehiko Maru in 1986/87 season
Author(s): Far Seas Fisheries Laboratory (Japan) Title: Some examples of time budget data ...
Meeting Document : WS-KCPUE-89/12 : Autor(es): Far Seas Fisheries Laboratory (Japan)
Propuesta de la Unión Europea para enmendar la Medida de Conservación 51-06 de la CCRVMA sobre la observación científica en las pesquerías de kril
Conservation Measure 51-06 on scientific observation in krill fisheries Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXI/32 : Autor(es): Delegation of the European Union
Notificaciones de la intención del Reino Unido de realizar pesquerías de palangre exploratorias de Dissostichus spp. en 2012/13
intention to conduct exploratory longline fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in 2012/13 Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXI/27 : Autor(es): Delegation of the United Kingdom
Conservation measures 2018/19 adopted changes accepted
. (ii) Fisheries monitoring centre (FMC): means the government authority or agency of a Flag State ... Annex 10-04/C. For finfish fisheries, commencing 1 December 2015, the ALC must transmit VMS data every ... hour while the fishing vessel is operating in the Convention Area. For all other fisheries, the ALC ... longline fisheries subject to conservation measures adopted at CCAMLR-XXIII; or (ii) but not later than ...
Document : Site Section: Conservation and Management