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Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 23-07 (2009)
exploratory krill fisheries Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XXVIII Period in Force: 2009- 2010 ... exception of exploratory krill fisheries Species all except krill Area various Season all Gear all ... Contracting Parties with vessels operating in exploratory fisheries, with the exception of exploratory krill ...
Conservation Measure : 23-07 (2009)
Joinville–D’Urville Islands (Subarea 48.1) – a former fishing ground for the spiny icefish (Chaenodraco wilsoni), at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula – revisited
reviewed. Some new information was available on the reproduction and feeding of some of the species. Krill ... reviewed. Some new information was available on the reproduction and feeding of some of the species. Krill ... régime alimentaire du poisson des glaces se compose en grand partie de krill (Euphausia superba ... , these vessels also fi shed for krill (Euphausia superba) and mackerel icefi sh (C. gunnari) in the ... (Table 5). Stomachs of C. wilsoni contained primarily krill, while C. rastrospinosus took krill and fi ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 11 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 11) : 1–20 : Autor(es): Kock, K.-H., L. Pshenichnov, C.D. Jones, K. Shust, K.E. Skora and Zh.A. Frolkina
acoustic techniques used to identify Antarctic krill J. Watkins and S. Fielding (United Kingdom) SG-ASAM-09 ... FOR THE ESTIMATION OF KRILL BIOMASS T. Jarvis (Australia) and K. Reid (Secretariat) SG-ASAM-09/13 ... APPLYING A TS-PROBE FOR MEASURING ANTARCTIC KRILL (EUPHAUSIA SUPERBA) TARGET STRENGTH IN SITU: PROCEDURES ...
Seabird research at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, Antarctica, 2005/06
gentoo and chinstrap penguin diets were comprised mainly of adult female Antarctic krill, the majority of ... female krill and increasingly larger krill. Chinstrap penguin total chick meal mass was lower than almost ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-06/P1 : Autor(es): E.S.W. Leung, R.A. Orben and W.Z. Trivelpiece (USA)
Future work of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management and implications for the format of its meetings
is provided by a yield model,which assumes a freely distributed krill population, homogeneously ... toinput parameters are included, but spatial and temporal trends in krill demographics,predator demand and ... that the development of an integratedmanagement scheme for krill fisheries can be best achieved by ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XIX/06 : Autor(es): Convener WG-EMM
Preliminary results on by-catch of fishes caught by the fishery vessel Chiyo Maru No. 3 to the north of the South Shetland Islands (February to March, 1996)
Abstract: Investigations on by-catch of fishes captured during krill fishing by F/V Chiyo Maru No ... ind./t (0 to 220 ind./t) of catch and 32±178 ind./h (0 to 1509 ind./h) trawling. Although the krill ... occurred in hauls with lower krill CPUE. Author(s): Ichii, T., Kawaguchi, S., Naganobu, M. Title ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-96/52 : Autor(es): Ichii, T., Kawaguchi, S., Naganobu, M.
Variation in reproductive performance of seabirds and seals at South Georgia, 1976–1986 and its implications for southern ocean monitoring studies
significantly. The other species at South Georgia, which breed in summer and for which krill forms a significant ... mainly responsible; circumstantial evidence relating this to reduced availability of krill is discussed ... . The fluctuations in reproductive performance of the krill-eating, summer-breeding penguins at Signy ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/15 : Autor(es): J.P. Croxall, T.S. McCann, P.A. Prince and P. Rothery (United Kingdom)
Variation or reproductive performance of seabirds and seals at South Georgia, 1976–1986 and its implication for Southern Ocean monitoring studies
/ significantly. The other species at South Georgia, which breed in summer and for which krill forms a significant ... mainly responsible; circumstantial evidence relating this to reduced availability of krill is discussed ... . The fluctuations in reproductive performance of the krill-eating, summer-breeding penguins at Signy ...
Meeting Document : WG-CEMP-87/13 : Autor(es): J.P. Croxall, T.S. McCann, P.A. Prince and P. Rothery (United Kingdom)
Adult male Antarctic fur seals: tourists, trouble makers or marine ecosystem sentinels?
understanding the impacts one predator can have on another. The fishery for Antarctic krill operates along the ... ecosystem. Considering the fishery as another krill predator then, it follows that understanding how it ... functionally overlaps with other krill predators such as seals, whales and seabirds is critical. Similarly ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/49 : Autor(es): A. Lowther, C. Lydersen and K. Kovacs
... ............................................................................. 8 Krill resources .............................................................................. 8 ... .................................................................... 9 Continuous trawl catch recording by Norway ..................................... 10 Krill ... ageing workshop ............................................................... 10 Krill management ... work plan ........................................................ 11 SCAR Krill Action Group (SKAG application/pdf attached to:SC-CAMLR-38
Meeting Report : SC-CAMLR-38