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Polish Academy of Sciences letter
. Examination of the character of •krill• agglo~ration. 3. Determination o~ tho r0eourcee of •krill• in the ... 1nveet1geted reoione. . 4. Determination of the trophic conn~ctions of •krill• with other organisms. 5 ... conditions in the region of •krill- agglomeration. 7. Elaboration of technology:of the processing of ... "krill~ for food. Scientific Secretary Polish Academy of Sciences _,/-~~ Pro~J~~~ ,~ZI-JA.'1EK ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
... krill, fish and squid as prey and another to consider and report on items 5, 6 and 7 in relation to ... seals, seabirds and whales as predators. 8. The Chairman of the Sub-group on Krill, Fish and ... of indicator species (of seals, seabirds and whales) (b) the monitoring of harvested species (krill ... Krill, Fish, and Squid and the Sub-group on Seabirds, Pinnipeds, and Cetaceans. The following section application/pdf attached to:WG-EM-85
Meeting Report : WG-EM-85
The gentoo penguin as a candidate species for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program
those most likely to be useful as indicators of changes in krill availability: • crabeater seal ... ; krill certainly not the only significant prey, (v) - breeding biology largely unknown, or (vi) - no ... baseline data available; and that the black-browed albatross did not adequately meet criteria (i) - krill ... adults feeding creched chicks, at South Georgia, Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) has averaged 71 ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 483–488 : Autor(es): Croxall, J.P. and T.D. Williams
... useful potential indicators of change in food availability (especially of krill, Euphausia superba) in ... potential indicator of the effects of changes in krill availability (Appendix 4 of the report of the ... impact of krill fishing on trends in whale abundance. It was also noted that the Comprehensive ... indicating changes in the krill/whale system. It recommended that SC-CAMLR correspond with the IWC application/pdf attached to:WG-CEMP-86
Meeting Report : WG-CEMP-86
Datos de captura y esfuerzo
: CEf_v2023 – for finfish fisheries (65.89 KB) CEk_v2023 – for krill fisheries (57.91 KB) Instructions for ... completing the data forms (352.72 KB) (finfish fisheries and krill fisheries, see also 'Download' ...
CCAMLR-XXXII/05 Rev. 1 Notification of Chile’s intention to participate in the krill fishery in 2013/14 ... of China’s intention to participate in the krill fishery in 2013/14 Submitted by the Secretariat on ... intention to participate in the krill fishery in 2013/14 Submitted by the Secretariat on behalf of the ... Republic of Korea CCAMLR-XXXII/08 Rev. 1 Notification of Norway’s intention to participate in the krill ...
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 24-01 (2013)
. For krill and finfish, this paragraph does not apply for catches less than 1 tonne. 3. Application ... daily reporting system (Conservation Measure 23-07) shall apply; (ii) exploratory krill fisheries ... , where the reporting system in Conservation Measure 51-04 shall apply; and (iii) other krill fisheries ... limit. 4 In the case of krill research undertaken by fishing vessels, the presence of qualified ...
Conservation Measure : 24-01 (2013)
Cierre de la reunión de especialistas en asuntos antárticos celebrada en Hobart
for young scientists. A new survey has estimated that the size of the krill stock in the South ... Atlantic is 62.6 million tonnes. This is very similar to the krill stock size of 60 million tonnes ... provide a new approach to managing krill fisheries. The program will focus on regular determination of ... krill population size in different areas, utilising scientific and fishing vessel-based studies, and ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Distribution of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) (Channichthyidae) around South Georgia at various stages of its life cycle
surveys in 1990. Food items included krill (Euphausia superba) (50–70%), amphipods (15–20%) and fi sh ... including young C. gunnari, Notothenia larseni and myctophids. The highest content of krill was observed ... 2% each. In the northeast, the proportions were krill 60%, amphipods about 15%, myctophids and ... young C. gunnari about 2% each. In the northwest, krill constituted about 50%, other euphausiids and ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 9 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 9) : 49–69 : Autor(es): Frolkina, Zh.A
Seabird research at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, Antarctica, 2004/05
. The diet of both chinstrap and gentoo penguins contained primarily adult female Antarctic krill ... , peaking in the 46-50mm range, continuing a four year trend of increasing proportions of female krill and ... increasingly larger krill. The diet of both species contained less fish than in other years on average. Total ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/9 : Autor(es): A.K. Miller, E. Leung and W.Z. Trivelpiece (USA)