Resultados de la búsqueda
Secretariat WG-CEMP-92/13 CEMP data availability Secretariat WG-CEMP-92/15 Distribution and abundance of krill ... available for estimating the krill requirements of crabeater seals J.L. Bengtson (USA), T.J. Härkonen ... (Sweden) and P. Boveng (USA) WG-CEMP-92/26 Homogeneity of Adelie penguins as krill samplers E. Marschoff ... -CEMP-92/30 On the problem of Soviet krill fishery allocation and intensity in the area of Elephant ...
... WORKSHOP ON PLAUSIBLE ECOSYSTEM MODELS FOR TESTING APPROACHES TO KRILL MANAGEMENT (Siena, Italy, 12 to ... .................................................................................... 251 Krill ...................................................................................... 252 ... ..................................................................................... 260 Krill fishery .............................................................................. 260 ... WORKSHOP ON PLAUSIBLE ECOSYSTEM MODELS FOR TESTING APPROACHES TO KRILL MANAGEMENT (Siena, Italy, 12 to application/pdf attached to:WS-PEMTAKM-04
Meeting Report : WS-PEMTAKM-04
Third Meeting of the Working Group on Krill(Yalta, USSR, 22 to 30 July 1991) SC-CAMLR-X/05 Report of the ... Secretariat SC-CAMLR-X/09 Proposals on Krill Aggregation Model Project (KRAM Project) Delegation of USSR SC ... -CAMLR-X/10 Precautionary catch limits for krill Delegation of United Kingdom SC-CAMLR-X/11 Draft ... the diet of Antarctic predators Secretariat SC-CAMLR-X/BG/07 Krill catches and consumption by land ...
Diet and trophic niche of Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarcticum) in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
Paraeuchaeta sp., with krill and fish having low IRI (IRI 2.2% and 5.6% overall). However, according to weight ... of prey in stomachs, fish (silverfish and lanternfish) and krill dominated diet overall (48% and 22 ... . By weight, krill identified to species level in silverfish stomachs were predominantly Euphausia ... ) and in the SW of the Ross Sea. Juvenile silverfish (SL 96-151 mm) consumed predominantly krill by ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/54 : Autor(es): M.H. Pinkerton, J. Forman, S.J. Bury, J. Brown, P. Horn and R.L. O’Driscoll (New Zealand)
Low breeding success of the Adélie penguin at Béchervaise Island in the 1998/99 season
al., 1999; van Heezik and Davis, 1990). Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is an important Some ... smaller meals and The potential for human harvesting of krill to affect increased foraging trip ... success. Reduction in krill, krill predators and the relationships between chick provisioning rates and ... -prey relationships between the Addie penguin and Antarctic krill to detect - fluctuations in the ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 7 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 7) : 151–167 : Autor(es): Irvine, L.G., J.R. Clarke and K.R. Kerry
The ecosystem approach to managing fisheries: achieving conservation objectives for predators of fished species
ecosystem approach to the management of fisl~eries, particularly in relation to the krill fishery. This is ... ), which was initiated to detect significant changes to the ecosystem, particularly in predators of krill ... for managing the krill fishery (de la Mare, 1996,1998), CCAMLR has take11 a precautionary approach ... to protecting predators of target species by adopting the krill yield model Ecosystem approach ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 8 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 8) : 37–64 : Autor(es): Constable, A.J
documents SG-ASAM-12/04 Semi-empirical acoustic estimates of krill biomass derived from simulated commercial ... . Kinzey (USA) SG-ASAM-12/05 Estimating Antarctic krill density from multi-beam observations using distance ... equipment on krill fishing vessels Secretariat WG-SAM-12/02 List of participants- Subgroup on Acoustic ...
A noise removal algorithm for acoustic data with strong interference based on post-processing techniques
important way to estimate the distribution and relative abundance of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba ... of the method was demonstrated by comparing the appearances of krill swarm echograms, the dB ... retained krill swarms were maintained in good geometrical shape and volume backscatter strength. Author(s ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-15/02 : Autor(es): X. Wang, X. Zhao and J. Zhang (People’s Republic of China)
Distribución provisional del nivel crítico de captura para la pesquería de Euphausia superba en las Subáreas estadísticas 48.1, 48.2, 48.3 y 48.4
. Taking into account the current state of krill fishery in Area 48 and other important factors, Ukraine ... includes additional precautional measures to avoid interceptance of the krill fishery and the preadors ... an economic damage to the krill fishery. Author(s): Delegation of Ukraine Title: On interim ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXV/30 : Autor(es): Delegation of Ukraine
Annual changes in species composition and abundance of myctophid fish in the north of South Georgia (Subarea 48.3), Antarctica, during austral winters from 2002 to 2008
samples collected by scientific observers on board Japanese commercial krill fishing vessels in the area ... CCAMLR has expressed concerns about the impact of incidental catch in the krill fishery on some fish ... stocks, and recommended that those countries participating in the krill trawl fishery collect ... krill trawl fishery. As pointed out by Collins et al. (2008), the eco- logical role of myctophid fish ... observers on board Japanese commercial krill fishing vessels in the area north and northwest of South ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 18 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 18) : 155–163 : Autor(es): Iwami, T., M. Naganobu, K. Taki and M. Kiyota