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-CEMP-87/09 The utilisation of seabird censuses for krill monitoring E.R. Marschoff, J.G. Visbeek ... as an indicator of krill availability Y. Shimadzu (USA) WG-CEMP-87/19 Can we satisfactorily estimate variation ... in krill abundance? I. Everson (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-87/20 Overview of NASA’s Oceanic Process Program ...
Report of the biologist observer on vessel RKTS General Petrov - March to July 1995
of operation, fishing regime, data on krill biological state. Author(s): Delegation of Ukraine Title: Report ... , fishing regime, data on krill biological state. ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XIV/BG/32 : Author(s): Delegation of Ukraine
Report of biologist observer on commercial vessel RKTS General Petrov - April to August 1994
of operation, fishing regime, data on krill biological state. Author(s): Delegation of Ukraine Title: Report ... , fishing regime, data on krill biological state. ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XIV/BG/30 : Author(s): Delegation of Ukraine
Use of net cable in monitoring trawl and marine organisms during operations
and suggests an adjustment in the CCAMLR requirements that enable the industry and researches onboard the krill ... an adjustment in the CCAMLR requirements that enable the industry and researches onboard the krill vessel ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/06 : Author(s): O.R. Godø
Defining smaller management areas within CCAMLR
, notably krill, in other harvesting units. The manner in which predator units can be used to help ... populations of krill, the potential foraging density of predators (i.e. abundance of predators, distribution ... , notably krill, in other harvesting units. The manner in which predator units can be used to help ... populations of krill, the potential foraging density of predators (i.e. abundance of predators, distribution ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-01/52 : Author(s): A.J. Constable and S. Nicol (Australia)
CAMLR Convention
, Australia, 7–20 May 1980. It is a multilateral response to concerns that unregulated increases in krill ... for seabirds, seals, whales and fish that depend on krill for food. The CAMLR Convention consists of: 33 ... that unregulated increases in krill catches in the Southern Ocean could be detrimental for Antarctic marine ... ecosystems particularly for seabirds, seals, whales and fish that depend on krill for food. The CAMLR ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Descriptive analysis of mesopelagic backscatter from acoustic data collected in the Ross Sea
to estimate middle trophic level prey organisms (e.g., krill and mesopelagic fish) in the Ross Sea. Single ... kHz, and weak on 12 kHz. This type of acoustic response is typical of krill or other large zooplankton ... middle trophic level prey organisms (e.g., krill and mesopelagic fish) in the Ross Sea. Single frequency ... kHz, and weak on 12 kHz. This type of acoustic response is typical of krill or other large zooplankton ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-06/11 : Author(s): R.L. O’Driscoll (New Zealand)
... WITH FUR SEALS BY-CATCH OF YOUNG FISH IN THE KRILL FISHERY INTERACTIONS WITH WHALES RESEARCH SURVEYS ... and was found to be similar to the regression stage reported for the 1991 year of krill shortage. A revision ... 1994. Both concluded that in the absence of large concentrations of krill, the hyperiid amphipod ... hitherto appreciated, particularly in the absence of krill concentrations such as occurred during the 1993 ... WITH FUR SEALS BY-CATCH OF YOUNG FISH IN THE KRILL FISHERY INTERACTIONS WITH WHALES RESEARCH ... 1991 year of krill shortage. A revision of the gonad maturation scale was presented. The Working ... concentrations of krill, the hyperiid amphipod Themisto gaudichaudii was the major component in the diet of C ... C. gunnari at South Georgia than hitherto appreciated, particularly in the absence of krill application/pdf attached to:WG-FSA-94
Meeting Report : WG-FSA-94
A summary of scientific observer programs undertaken during the 2011 and 2012 seasons
and 13 internationally designated scientific observers on board krill vessels operating in the Convention ... ;internationally designated scientific observers on board krill vessels operating in the Convention Area.  ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-12/64 Rev. 1 : Author(s): Secretariat
Fishery Report 2017: Champsocephalus gunnari South Georgia (Subarea 48.3)
Rocks, forming large aggregations. They feed on krill and their abundance has been linked ... to interannual variations in krill abundance. Spawning takes place in shallow water, with eggs laid ... shelf as predators of krill (Euphausia superba), other euphausiids and the hyperiid amphipod (Themisto ... of C. gunnari standing stock have been shown to vary in relation to krill abundance at South Georgia ...
Document : Site Section: Publications