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M. Pinkerton and J. Scarrow WS-SM-18/04 Developing the risk assessment framework for the Antarctic krill ... and D. Welsford WS-SM-18/05 An experimental approach for the Antarctic krill fishery: advancing management ... and conservation through the use of Krill Reference Areas and Krill Fishing Areas P.N Trathan and O.R. Godø WS-SM ... , R. Cavanagh and S. Grant WS-SM-18/18 Further information in relation to krill fisheries in the D1MPA process ...
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of krill catch data ... and other data, which will be used for research and estimating krill abundance, status and trends. A Special ... . New procedures for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of krill catch data ... and other data, which will be used for research and estimating krill abundance, status and trends. A Special ... . New procedures for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of krill catch data ... and other data, which will be used for research and estimating krill abundance, status and trends. A Special ... . New procedures for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of krill catch data ... and other data, which will be used for research and estimating krill abundance, status and trends. A Special ... . New procedures for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
CCAMLR Strengthens Marine Conservation in Antarctica
for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted by the Commission. This refined way ... limits. A feed-back management system for krill fisheries, using real-time abundance of krill catch data ... and other data, which will be used for research and estimating krill abundance, status and trends. A Special ... . New procedures for estimating green weight (live catch) in krill fisheries have been adopted ...
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 24-01 (2019)
system requirements other than those specified in paragraph 4 below. For krill and finfish ... krill fisheries, where the reporting system in Conservation Measure 51-04 shall apply; and (iii) other ... krill fisheries with a catch limit greater than zero, where the reporting system in Conservation ... , division or SSRU, whichever is designated as a zero catch limit. 4 In the case of krill research ...
Conservation Measure : 24-01 (2019)
Full Name: Workshop on Plausible Ecosystem Models for Testing Approaches to Krill Management ... Workshop on Plausible Ecosystem Models for Testing Approaches to Krill Management ...
... ........................................................................... 5 Acoustic estimates of krill biomass.................................................... 5 Krill-dependent ... HARVESTED SPECIES ...................................................................... 12 Krill ... fishing season.................................................................. 12 Krill fishery ... notifications in 2009/10.................................................. 13 Trends in krill fishery ... ........................................................................... 5 Acoustic estimates of krill biomass.................................................... 5 ... Krill-dependent predators .............................................................. 6 Management application/pdf attached to:SC-CAMLR-XXVIII
Meeting Report : SC-CAMLR-XXVIII
... .......................................................................... 6 Status and trends in the krill-centric ecosystem.......................................... 8 Subgroup ... on allocation of the krill catch limit among SSMUs ............. 17 Workshop on Plausible Ecosystem Models ... for Testing Approaches to Krill Management ... SPECIES ...................................................................... 23 Krill resources ... .......................................................................... 6 Status and trends in the krill-centric ecosystem.......................................... 8 ... allocation of the krill catch limit among SSMUs ............. 17 Workshop on Plausible Ecosystem Models for ... Testing Approaches to Krill Management application/pdf attached to:SC-CAMLR-XXIII
Meeting Report : SC-CAMLR-XXIII