Results presented here contribute to the currently poor knowledge of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in Southern Ocean, based on preliminary results regarding the distribution of the species around the northern Antarctic Peninsula. We show a broad view of the sightings based on data collected from 2013 to 2018 by the Brazilian Antarctic Program the Polar Vessel (NPo) Almirante Maximiano during the austral summer. Distance sampling methods were used during the cetacean monitoring effort. A total of 630 fin whale individuals were sighted within 287 groups that varied in size form 1 to 31 ( = 5.12). The species seems to the shifting or spreading its distribution to the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula and also to southern regions than previously recorded. We still working on these data and aim to present the results of such further research on the oncoming CCAMLR meetings. The information we are generating with this research is essential for decision makers to consider management strategies to this endangered species and to its main prey item, the Antarctic krill Euphausia superba.
Understanding of the dynamics of the Antarctic krill fishery and the krill population played an important role in the feed-back management of krill fishery. The CPUE data collected from the Chinese F/V Fu Rong Hai from 2012/13 to 2016/17 fishing seasons were used to describe the temporal and spatial dynamics of the population and the fishery of krill in CCAMLR Subarea 48.1. The acoustic data collected from the fishing season of 2015/16 was also used to show the development of the krill population. In most fishing seasons, krill abundances were found higher in autumn than that of in summer. In autumn, the fishing activity usually concentrated in the middle of the Bransfield strait Acoustic data showed similar dynamics of the krill in the Bransfield strait with CPUE data in the 2015/16 fishing season.
Data of basic parameters of foraging behaviour (foraging trip duration, total foraging trip distance, and maximum distance from the colony) and of foraging range for Gentoo penguin and Chinstrap penguin studied in Byers Peninsula and Deception Island respectively are given.
In order to adequately achieve CCAMLR’s conservation objectives and preserve the biodiversity of the Southern Ocean, a variety of ecosystems must be protected. This holds especially true for the benthic communities of this region that are characteristically mosaic in their distributions. As such, disparate communities cannot be assessed by a single blanket methodology, as explicitly expressed in CCAMLR’s Report of the Workshop on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (E-SC-XXVIII-A10, 2009) and as recognized by WG-EMM in previous years. Herein, evidence appropriate to the diverse characteristics of the communities encountered during this submarine expedition demonstrates the particular vulnerability of five sites that exemplify CCAMLR’s definitions of a VME. Three sites are proposed based on highly significant abundances of VME indicator taxa. One is proposed based on the observance of a high density and diversity of cold-water coral taxa not observed at the sites that were triggered as vulnerable by a high abundance of indicator taxa and, which are considered particularly vulnerable to climate change. One is proposed based on the last criteria set out in the Report of the WS-VME (E-SC-XXVIII-A10, 2009) that states that rare and unique populations should be considered highly vulnerable regardless of their habitat-forming characteristics. Finally, recommended amendments to CCAMLR’s VME Taxa Classification guide (Parker et al., 2009) - now almost a decade old - are provided.
The spatial distribution and swarm characteristics of Antarctic krill were studied using the swarm-based method established in SG-ASAM-17. Acoustic data were collected from the FV Fu Rong Hai using Simrad EK60 echosounder (38/70/120 kHz) during four transect surveys conducted in December 2013, March 2015, January 2016 and February 2018 around South Shetland Islands. The swarm characteristics, including Volume Backscattering Strength (Sv), Nautical Area Scattering Coefficient (NASC), depth, thickness and length of swarms were estimated from the 120kHz data. The full spatial distributions of acoustic density were obtained with Kriging space interpolation, which showed that krill usually aggregated as swarms in a patchy fashion and the mean krill densities in December 2013 and February 2018 were markedly higher than the other two years. Meanwhile, much more swarms (1055) were detected in February 2018 than the other three years. The results also indicated that more krill swarms located at deeper water in March 2015 compared with those in December 2013, January 2016 and February 2018, although the majority of swarms were also found in the upper 100 m layer. The swarm-based method provides a promising way not only for biomass estimation but also for the study of swarm characteristics.
We elucidated characteristics of interannual variability in density index, recruitment index and diurnal vertical distribution for Antarctic krill in krill fishing grounds (hotspots) at South Georgia during winter based on Japanese krill fishery data during the period 1990-2012. High density and predictable fishing grounds occurred in the restricted areas throughout the study period. Main results are as follows:
Median CPUEs did not show particularly low values in winter even when krill abundance and predator performance were poor in the previous summer.
Krill recruitment index at South Georgia suggested the strong influence in recruitment from the Antarctic Peninsula in the 1990s, whereas the influence was speculated to be from the Weddell sea during 2000-2006.
Median winter trawling depth (a proxy for krill vertical migration) for each daytime and night-time was significantly positively correlated with average krill body length in winter. This could be the optimal behavior of krill to balance food intake against predation risk by Antarctic fur seals, the most abundance krill-eating predator there.
High densities of pennatulaceans (Phylum Cnidaria: Order Pennatulacea), a vulnerable marine ecosystem (VME) indicator taxa, were encountered at three sites on the northeastern shelf of the South Orkney Islands (Subarea 48.2). The details of these encounters, utilizing occurrence and abundance in bottom trawl catches, are provided. These three new sites are in close proximity to two other currently registered VMEs, one of which was based solely on high densities pennatulaceans. Although the three proposed new VMEs are consistent with requirements for designation as VMEs under CM 22-06, it is proposed that consideration be given to creating a larger precautionary region that encompasses the cluster of these VMEs. The physical height of these pennatulaceans should also be taken into consideration when providing advice on midwater trawling activities in this region. This notification is structured according to the guidelines set out in Conservation Measure 22-06 (2009), ANNEX 22-06/B.
Over the past years, the subject of whether there is a functional overlap between the krill fishery and pelagic krill predators has been discussed throughout the SC-CAMLR Working Groups. Specifically, these discussions centre around two key issues: a) whether there are potential interactions and competition between the krill fishery and krill-dependent predators during fishing operations, and b) how krill acoustic surveys and transects could also be used to provide data for wider ecosystem monitoring. The Scientific Committee noted that consideration is needed on what specific scientific questions required answering, to ensure data collection requirements were robustly designed. This paper, therefore, considers what types of scientific questions can be answered with the two approaches to data collection and analysis, to facilitate the discussion of WG-EMM on developing specific scientific questions and enabling the development of a robustly designed data collection programme.
Australia is adapting the risk assessment framework used in Area 48 to assess the risks involved in any redevelopment of a commercial krill (Euphausia superba) fishery in CCAMLR Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2, off the coast of East Antarctica, and to evaluate whether the current management procedure has a high likelihood of achieving CCAMLR’s objectives in this region. This paper outlines a relatively simple derivation of the risk assessment framework to assess whether the current conservation measures that are relevant to Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 sufficiently mitigate the risk of a krill fishery disproportionately concentrating catches in areas that are also important to krill predators. In particular, this application of the risk assessment framework explores how estimated predation needs of baleen whales, crabeater seals and Adélie penguins, in parallel with the currently agreed krill biomass estimates across Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2, suggests a distribution of catch across the four subdivisions. This risk assessment found the regional risk of the current conservation measures in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 to be higher than the baseline regional risk. That would suggest that, in the event that krill fishing within a CCAMLR season begins to approach the catch/trigger limits, krill predators across Division 58.4.1 could be potentially exposed to disproportionate effects of fishing. This result is driven primarily by the krill biomass/density estimates across Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2, which highlights the need to support future surveys to update these parameters. We also discuss a path towards a future update of this risk assessment using modified methods and new data.
In 2009, CCAMLR agreed that the establishment of a representative system of marine protected areas (RSMPA) by 2012 was a priority. This assessment shows that the Scientific Committee and Commission can be kept informed of progress towards this goal using a relatively short list of simple criteria that are based on robust ecological and experimental design principles, and the Commission’s objectives. This study indicates that the currently designated marine protected areas provide important contributions towards a RSMPA, however we are not there yet. Establishment of the proposed MPAs in Domain 1, Weddell Sea and East Antarctica would make significant contribution towards a RSMPA under a scientific definition of representation, and enable CCAMLR to focus efforts on the remaining values yet to be included in proposals.