WG-CEMP-93 Nom: Groupe de travail chargé du Programme de contrôle de l'écosystème de la CCAMLRMeeting documents Doc Number Titre WG-CEMP-93/01 Provisional agenda WG-CEMP-93/02 List of participants WG-CEMP-93/03 List of documents WG-CEMP-93/04 Parameters for a model of the functional relationships between krill escapement and crabeater seal demographic performanceP.L. Boveng and J.L. Bengtson (USA) WG-CEMP-93/05 Draft management plan for the protection of Cape Shirreff and the San Telmo Islands, South Shetland Islands, as a site included in the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring ProgramDelegations of Chile and the United States WG-CEMP-93/06 Population dynamics of black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses Diomedea melanophris and D. chrysostoma at Bird Island, South GeorgiaP.A. Prince, P. Rothery, J.P. Croxall and A.G. Wood (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-93/07 A miniature storing activity recorder for seabird speciesV. Afanasyev and P.A. Prince (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-93/08 Population change in gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua at South Georgia: potential roles of adult survival, recruitment and deferred breedingJ.P. Croxall and P. Rothery (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-93/09 Factors affecting the growth rate and mass at weaning of Antarctic fur seal pups at Bird Island, South GeorgiaN.J. Lunn, I.L. Boyd, T. Barton and J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-93/10 Reproductive performance of female Antarctic fur seals: the influence of age, breeding experience, environmental variation and individual qualityN.J. Lunn, I.L. Boyd, and J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-93/11 Tooth growth in male Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) from South Georgia: an indicator of long-term growth historyI.L. Boyd and J.P. Roberts (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-93/12 Distributions and predator-prey interactions of macaroni penguins, Antarctic fur seals, and Antarctic krill near Bird Island, South GeorgiaG.L. Hunt, Jr (USA), D. Heinemann (USA) and I. Everson (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-93/13 Aggregation patterns of pelagic predators and their principal prey, Antarctic krill, near South GeorgiaR.R. Veit (USA), E.D. Silverman (USA) and I. Everson (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-93/14 Selecting sampling frequency for measuring diving behaviourI.L. Boyd (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-93/15 CEMP indices: sea ice dataSecretariat WG-CEMP-93/16 CEMP indices and trends 1993Secretariat WG-CEMP-93/17 Dive bout of chinstrap penguin at Seal Island, AntarcticaY. Mori (Japan) WG-CEMP-93/18 Analysis of data from time depth recorders and satellite linked time depth recorders: report of a technical workshopDelegation of the United States of America WG-CEMP-93/19 The effects of CEMP monitoring procedures on Adelie penguin coloniesJ. Clarke, K. Kerry (Australia) WG-CEMP-93/20 Report: Workshop on Researcher-Seabird Interactions - July 14-18, 1993, Monticello, MinnesotaW.R. Fraser and W.Z. Trivelpiece, Conveners (USA) WG-CEMP-93/21 Preliminary estimates of CPUE trends for the Chilean krill fishery in Subarea 48.1 from 1987 to 1993V. Marín (Chile) WG-CEMP-93/22 Antarctic park ice seals: indicators of environmental change and contributors to carbon fluxSCAR Group on Specialists on Seals WG-CEMP-93/23 Preliminary study on the breedings of chinstrap and gentoo penguins at Barton Peninsula, King George IslandH.-C. Shin and S. Kim (Republic of Korea) WG-CEMP-93/24 Analisis de los censos de Arctocephalus gazella efectuados en el sitio de especial interes cientifico no. 32, Isla Livingston, AntarcticaA. Aquayo L. and D. Torres N. (Chile) WG-CEMP-93/25 Rev. 1 Blue-eyed shags as indicators of changes in ittora fish populationsR. Casaux and E. Barrera-Oro (Argentina) WG-CEMP-93/26 Rev. 1 The diet of the blue-eyed shag, Phalacrocorax atriceps bransfieldensis at the west Antarctic PeninsulaR. Casaux and E. Barrera-Oro (Argentina) WG-CEMP-93/27 US AMLR Program - 1992/93 field season reportDelegation of the USA WG-CEMP-93/28 The autumn foraging range of Adelie penguins from Bechervaise Island, AntarcticaK. Kerry (Australia) WG-CEMP-93/29 Southern Ocean GLOBEC Lire la suite de WG-CEMP-93 English Русский Español WG-CEMP-92 Nom: Groupe de travail chargé du Programme de contrôle de l'écosystème de la CCAMLRMeeting documents Doc Number Titre WG-CEMP-92/01 Provisional agenda WG-CEMP-92/02 List of participants WG-CEMP-92/03 List of documents WG-CEMP-92/04 CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program draft management plan for Cape Shirreff CEMP land-based siteDelegation of Chile WG-CEMP-92/05 CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program draft management plan for Magnetic Island CEMP land-based siteDelegation of Australia WG-CEMP-92/06 Elephant seal and penguin population studies: tools to understand ecological changes and/or fisheries effectD.F. Vergani, Z.B. Stanganelli, A.R. Carlini and G.E. Soave (Argentina) WG-CEMP-92/07 CEMP indices: their calculation and comparison by the SecretariatData Manager WG-CEMP-92/09 Monitoring sea ice distribution: report of the Secretariat project on acquisition of satellite imagerySecretariat WG-CEMP-92/10 Suggestion for change in format of CEMP standard methods publicationSecretariat WG-CEMP-92/11 Can we use discriminant function analysis to sex penguins prior to calculating an index of a morphometric parameter?D.J. Agnew (Secretariat) WG-CEMP-92/12 CEMP indices and trends 1992 Part 2: flying birds and sealsSecretariat WG-CEMP-92/13 CEMP data availabilitySecretariat WG-CEMP-92/15 Distribution and abundance of krill in the vicinity of Elephant Island in the 1992 austral summerR.P. Hewitt and D.A. Demer (USA) WG-CEMP-92/16 AMLR 1991/92 field season report; objectives, accomplishments and tentative conclusionsDelegation of the USA WG-CEMP-92/17 Antarctic Peninsula Integrated Study Region penguin bioenergetic model input parametersDelegation of the USA WG-CEMP-92/18 Metabolic rates, foraging ranges and assimilation efficiencies of penguins: a reviewDelegation of the USA WG-CEMP-92/19 Synthesis and evaluation of data for estimating prey requirements of Antarctic fur seals in the Antarctic Peninsula Integrated Study RegionDelegation of the USA WG-CEMP-92/20 An automated weighing and recording system as an aid for the study of the foraging ecology of Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae)K. Kerry, J. Clarke and G. Else (Australia) WG-CEMP-92/21 An interpretation of the growth of the Adelie penguin rookery at Cape Royds, 1955-1990N. Blackburn (Denmark), R.H. Taylor and P.R. Wilson (New Zealand) WG-CEMP-92/22 Recent increase and southern expansion of Adelie penguin populations in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, related to climatic warmingR.H. Taylor and P.R. Wilson (New Zealand) WG-CEMP-92/23 Status and trends of Adelie penguin populations in the Ross Sea regionR.H. Taylor, P.R. Wilson and B.W. Thomas (New Zealand) WG-CEMP-92/24 New Zealand Antarctic research programmeP.R. Wilson (New Zealand) WG-CEMP-92/25 Preliminary assessment of the data available for estimating the krill requirements of crabeater sealsJ.L. Bengtson (USA), T.J. Härkonen (Sweden) and P. Boveng (USA) WG-CEMP-92/26 Homogeneity of Adelie penguins as krill samplersE. Marschoff and B.González (Argentina) WG-CEMP-92/27 Advice from the IWC Scientific Committee concerning estimation of prey requirements of baleen whales in the CEMP Integrated Study RegionsConvener, WG-CEMP WG-CEMP-92/28 Progress in preparing for a workshop on methods to study the at-sea behaviour of marine mammals and birdsConvener, WG-CEMP WG-CEMP-92/29 Potential relevance of the global environmental facility and a system of Marine Protected Areas to the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring ProgramConvener, WG-CEMP WG-CEMP-92/30 On the problem of Soviet krill fishery allocation and intensity in the area of Elephant Island in the season of 1988-1989V.A. Sushin and A.S. Myskov (Russian Federation) WG-CEMP-92/31 Geographic aspects of Euphausia superba resources exploitationR.R. Makarov (Russian Federation) WG-CEMP-92/32 Investigations of intensity of krill drift near South Georgia IslandV.V. Popkov (Russian Federation) WG-CEMP-92/33 Preliminary results of RV Dmitriy Stefanov researches in the Antarctic area of the Atlantic Ocean in April 1992L.G. Maklygin, V.N. Shnar, A.V. Remeslo, A.P. Malyshko, I.A. Trunov, I.A. Barabanov, V.P. Shopov (Russian Federation) and A.G. Shepelev (Ukraine) WG-CEMP-92/34 Preliminary results of the experiments on the krill transport study in the South Orkney area (April 1992)L.G. Maklygin, V.N. Shnar, A.P. Malyshko (Russian Federation) and A.G. Shepelev (Ukraine) WG-CEMP-92/35 Krill biomass and distribution variability in Subarea 48.3 in June 1991S.M. Kasatkina, E.I. Timokhin, P.P. Fedulov and K.E. Shulgovskiy (Russian Federation) WG-CEMP-92/36 The foraging range of Adelie penguins at Bechervaise Island, Mac. Robertson Land, Antarctica, and its overlap with the krill fisheryK.R. Kerry, J.R. Clarke and G.D. Else (Australia) WG-CEMP-92/37 Diving pattern and performance in nonbreeding gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) during winterT.D. Williams (United Kingdom), A. Kato (Japan), J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom), Y. Naito (Japan), D.R. Briggs, S. Rodwell and T.R. Barton (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-92/38 Diving pattern performance in the macaroni penguin Eudyptes chrysolophusJ.P. Croxall, D.R. Briggs (United Kingdom), A. Kato, Y. Naito, Y. Watanuki (Japan) and T.D. Williams (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-92/39 Pup production and distribution of breeding Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) at South GeorgiaI.L. Boyd (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-92/40 Effects of maternal age and condition on parturition and the perinatal period of Antarctic fur sealsN.J. Lunn and I.L. Boyd (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-92/41 Influence of maternal characteristics and environmental variation on reproduction in Antarctic fur sealsN.J. Lunn and I.L. Boyd (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-92/42 Southern Ocean environmental changes: effects on seabird, seal and whale populationJ.P. Coxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-92/43 Los pinguinos y el hombre (the penguins and the man)J.C.Ricca, M.A. Porretti and D.F. Vergani (Argentina) WG-CEMP-92/44 Standard methods of CEMP in videoJ.C.Ricca, M.A. Porretti and D.F. Vergani (Argentina) WG-CEMP-92/45 Changes in Adelie penguin population between 1963-1992 breeding seasons at Hope BayA. Carlini, D.F. Vergani and M.A. Gasco (Argentina) WG-CEMP-92/46 What is the key factor in breeding success of Adelie penguins at Antarctic Peninsula areaZ.B. Stanganelli and D.F. Vergani (Argentina) WG-CEMP-92/47 The hazard assessment of cetaceans by the use of a non destructive biomarker in skin biopsyM.C. Fossi, L. Marsili, C. Leonzio and S. Focardi (Italy) WG-CEMP-92/48 Especifidad de habitats para Arctocephalus gazella (lobo fino antartico) y Pygoscelis (pingüinos) en Cabo ShirreffL. Lavanderos, H. Torres E., y J. Capella A. (Chile) WG-CEMP-92/49 Notes on the status of krill predators in Prydz Bay Integrated Study Region 58.4.2J.R. Clarke (Australia) WG-CEMP-92/50 Estimation of prey requirements for krill predatorsJ.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-92/51 Evaluacion y proposicion de estudios sobre bioenergetica antartica ChileC.G. Guerra Correa (Chile) WG-CEMP-92/52 Sintesis de los estudios sobre impacto ambiental en Cabo Shirreff, Isla Livingston, AntarticaD. Torres N. (Chile) WG-CEMP-92/53 Distribucion de Arctocephalus gazella en Cabo Shirreff, Isla Livingston, Antartica, durante diciembre de 1991 y enero de 1992A. Aguayo Lobo and D. Torres Navaro (Chile) WG-CEMP-92/54 Report on bird studies on Ardley Island, South Shetland archipelagoM. Sallaberry A. and J. Valenica (Chile) WG-CEMP-92/55 The population ecology of seabirds at Svarthamaren, Dronning Maud Land: causes and consequences of variation in reproductive success of two long-lived seabirds species (Antarctic petrel and south polar skua) at Svarthamaren. An experimental approach WG-CEMP-92/8 Rev. 1 CEMP indices and trends 1992 Part 1: penguin parametersSecretariat Lire la suite de WG-CEMP-92 English Русский Español WG-CEMP-91 Nom: Groupe de travail chargé du Programme de contrôle de l'écosystème de la CCAMLRMeeting documents Doc Number Titre WG-CEMP-91/02 List of participants WG-CEMP-91/03 List of documents WG-CEMP-91/04 Temporal and spatial scales for monitoring CEMP predator parametersWG-CEMP WG-CEMP-91/06 Changes to standard methods required by the inclusion of gentoo penguinSecretariat WG-CEMP-91/07 Draft management plan for the protection of seal islands, South Shetland Islands, as a site included in the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring ProgramDelegation of the USA WG-CEMP-91/08 A proposal for CEMP predator parameter indicesSecretariat WG-CEMP-91/09 Acquisition and archiving of satellite imagery of sea-ice distributionData Manager (CCAMLR) WG-CEMP-91/1 Rev. 1 Provisional Agenda for the 1991 Meeting of the Working Group for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (WG-CEMP) WG-CEMP-91/10 Development of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program 1985 to 1991Secretariat WG-CEMP-91/11 AMLR 1990/91 field season reportDelegation of the USA WG-CEMP-91/12 Report of the Workshop on Southern Elephant SealsSCAR Group of Specialists on Seals WG-CEMP-91/13 Temporal variability in Antarctic marine ecosystems: periodic fluctuations in the phocid sealsJ.W. Testa, G. Oehlert, D.G. Ainley, J.L. Bengtson, D.B. Siniff, R.M. Laws and D. Rounsevell (USA) WG-CEMP-91/14 Surveys of breeding penguins and other seabirds in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica January-February 1987W.D. Shuford and L.B. Spear (USA) WG-CEMP-91/15 CCAMLR/IWC Workshop on the Feeding Ecology of Southern Baleen Whales progress reportSecretariat WG-CEMP-91/16 Interactions of Antarctic marine mammals and birds with fisheriesK.-H. Kock (Germany) WG-CEMP-91/17 Myctophids in the diet of Antarctic predatorsE. Sabourenkov (CCAMLR Secretariat) WG-CEMP-91/18 Diving pattern and performance in relation to foraging ecology in the gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua T.D. Williams, D.R. Briggs, J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom), Y. Naito and A. Kato (Japan) WG-CEMP-91/19 Diving patterns and processes in epipelagic and benthic foraging sub-Antarctic seabirds T.D. Williams, J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom), Y. Naito and A. Kato (Japan) WG-CEMP-91/20 Annual variation in return rate, mate and nest site fidelity in breeding gentoo and macaroni penguinsT.D. Williams and S.R. Rodwell (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-91/21 Age distribution of breeding female Antarctic fur seals in relation to changes in population growth rateI.L. Boyd, N.J. Lunn, P. Rothery and J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-91/22 Pupping-site fidelity of Antarctic fur seals at Bird Island, South GeorgiaN.J. Lunn and I.L. Boyd (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-91/23 Diving behaviour of lactating Antarctic fur sealsI.L. Boyd and J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-91/24 Time budgets and foraging characteristics of lactating Antarctic fur sealsI.L. Boyd, N.J. Lunn and T. Barton (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-91/25 Krill catches and consumption by land-based predators in relation to distance from colonies of penguins and seals in the South Shetlands and South Orkneys, 1987-1990D.J. Agnew (Secretariat) WG-CEMP-91/26 Investigation of the marine living resources in Antarctic waters: a collection of short papersDelegation of the USA WG-CEMP-91/27 Prospects for a workshop on methods to study at sea behavior of marine mammals and birdsJ.L. Bengtson, Convener, WG-CEMP WG-CEMP-91/28 Increases in Antarctic penguin populations: reduced competition with whales or a loss of sea ice due to environmental warming?W.R. Fraser, W.Z. Trivelpiece, D.G. Ainley and S.G. Trivelpiece (USA) WG-CEMP-91/29 Census techniques for grey seal populationsA.J. Ward, D. Thompson and A.R. Hiby (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-91/30 Mixed function oxidase activity and chlorinated hydrocarbon residues in Antarctic seabirds: south polar skua (Catharacta maccormicki) and Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae)S. Focardi, C. Fossi, C. Leonzio, L. Lari, L. Marsili (Italy), G.S. Court and L.S. Davis (New Zealand) WG-CEMP-91/31 Identification of sex of Adelie penguins from observation of incubating birdsK.R. Kerry, J.R. Clarke and G. Else (Australia) WG-CEMP-91/32 Estimation of primary organic matter production intensity and its interannual changeability in the Cooperation Sea regionA.T. Kochergin (USSR) WG-CEMP-91/33 Foraging behavior and reproductive success in chinstrap penguins: the effects of transmitter attachmentDelegation of the USA WG-CEMP-91/34 Activities related to CEMPDelegation of Spain WG-CEMP-91/35 Modeling the energetics of Adelie penguin populationsDelegation of the USA WG-CEMP-91/36 Comments of WG-CEMP-91/8 by Dr P. Rothery (BAS)P. Rothery (BAS) WG-CEMP-91/37 Estimates of prey requirements for krill predatorsJ. Croxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-91/5 Rev. 1 The use of morphometric parameters for the determination of sex of Adelie penguinsK.R. Kerry, D.J. Agnew, J.R. Clarke and G.D. Else (Australia) Lire la suite de WG-CEMP-91 English Русский Español WG-CEMP-90 Nom: Groupe de travail chargé du Programme de contrôle de l'écosystème de la CCAMLRMeeting documents Doc Number Titre WG-CEMP-90/02 List of participants WG-CEMP-90/03 List of documents WG-CEMP-90/04 An approach to integrated analyses of predator/prey/environmental dataS.N. Sexton and J.E. Rosenberg (USA) WG-CEMP-90/05 Draft standard methods for monitoring of environmental parameters (Methods F1 to F4)Secretariat WG-CEMP-90/06 Development of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program 1982 to 1990Secretariat WG-CEMP-90/08 Raw data and development of an annual index for parameter A1, adult weight on arrival at breeding colonyZ.B. Stanganelli, H. Galelli, J.A. Scolaro and D.F. Vergani (Argentina) WG-CEMP-90/09 Optimization of the sampling design in the detection of interannual variability and prey size selectivity in the diet of penguinsE. Marschoff and B. Gonzalez (Argentina) WG-CEMP-90/1 Rev. 1 Provisional agenda WG-CEMP-90/10 Measuring meteorological and ice conditions within the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring ProgramM. Whitehead (Australia) WG-CEMP-90/11 Surface water masses, primary production, krill distribution and predator foraging in the vicinity of Elephant Island during the 1989-90 austral summerA.F. Amos, J.L. Bengtson, O. Holm-Hansen, V.J. Loeb, M.C. Macaulay and J.H. Wormuth (USA) WG-CEMP-90/12 Temporal and spatial scales for monitoring CEMP predator parametersWG-CEMP WG-CEMP-90/13 Is chick fledging weight a good index of food availability in seabird populations?T.D. Williams and J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-90/14 The gentoo penguin as a candidate species for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring ProgramJ.P. Croxall and T.D. Williams (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-90/15 Chick growth and survival in gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua): role of hatching asynchrony and variation in food supplyT.D. Williams and J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-90/16 Foraging ecology and diet of gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) at South Georgia during winter and an assessment of their winter prey consumptionT.D. Williams (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-90/17 Factors affecting variation in foraging and activity patterns of gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) during the breeding season at Bird Island, South GeorgiaT.D. Williams and P. Rothery (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-90/18 Annual variation in breeding biology of macaroni penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus) at Bird Island, South GeorgiaT.D. Williams and J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-90/19 Investigations of required sampling regimes for environmental parametersD. Agnew and E. Sabourenkov (Secretariat) WG-CEMP-90/20 The CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP)Secretariat WG-CEMP-90/21 An effect of instrument attachment on the behaviour of chinstrap penguinsD.A. Croll, S.D. Osmek and J.L. Bengtson (USA) WG-CEMP-90/22 United States 1989/90 marine mammal and bird studies in support of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring ProgramDelegation of the United States WG-CEMP-90/23 CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP), land-based site, Prydz Bay Integrated Study Region, Magnetic Island 1. Proposal for registration 2. Management planDelegation of Australia WG-CEMP-90/24 Automated penguin monitoring systemK.R. Kerry (Australia) WG-CEMP-90/25 Standard measurements on Adelie penguinsK.R. Kerry, R. Weatherly and G. Else (Australia) WG-CEMP-90/26 Information on Brazilian CEMP activitiesJ. Trotte and M. Sander (Brazil) WG-CEMP-90/27 Comments on the CEMP standard methods and estimating the prey requirements of pinnipedsSCAR Group of Specialists on Seals WG-CEMP-90/28 Proposal for the designation of Seal Island, Elephant Island, South Shetland Islands, as a monitoring site under the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring ProgramDelegation of the USA WG-CEMP-90/29 Proposal for the designation of Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, as a monitoring site under the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring ProgramDelegations of Chile and the USA WG-CEMP-90/30 Rev. 1 Estimation of the energy and prey requirements of predators breeding on the South Shetland IslandsD.A. Croll (USA) WG-CEMP-90/31 Food consumption by predators in CCAMLR Integrated Study RegionsJ.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-90/32 Comments on the CCAMLR requests related to CEMPSCAR Bird Biology Subcommittee WG-CEMP-90/33 Observation of birds in the Southern Ocean in the season of 1988/89 (available in Russian only)A.A. Vagin, V.V. Popkov (USSR) WG-CEMP-90/34 Inter-annual comparisons of growth of Antarctic fur seals pups, Seal Island, 1988-1990P. Boveng, M.E. Goebel and J.L. Bengtson (USA) WG-CEMP-90/35 Antibodies to canine distemper virus in Antarctic sealsJ.L. Bengtson, P. Boveng (USA), U. Franzén (Sweden), P. Have, M.P. Heide-Jørgensen (Denmark) and T.J. Härkönen (Sweden) WG-CEMP-90/36 Interdependence among sampling methods and results of predator monitoring and changes in prey abundanceDelegation of the USA WG-CEMP-90/37 Annual fluctuations in productivity and breeding success of Adelie penguins and fulmarine petrels in Prydz Bay, East AntarcticaM. Whitehead, G.W. Johnstone and H.R. Burton (Australia) WG-CEMP-90/38 Annual variation in breeding biology of gentoo penguins, (Pygoscelis papua) at Bird Island, South GeorgiaT.D. Williams (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-90/39 Annual variation in the timing of reproduction in Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) at Bird Island, South GeorgiaC.D. Duck (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-90/40 A new method for the measurement of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana from predator food samplesH.J. Hill (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-90/41 Abundance of Antarctic fur seals in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during the 1986/87 austral summerJ.L Bengtson, L.M. Ferm (USA), T.J. Härkönen (Sweden) and B.S. Stewart (USA) WG-CEMP-90/42 Sexing fledglings and yearlings of magellanic penguins by discriminant analysis of morphometric measurements.J.A. Scolaro (Argentina) WG-CEMP-90/43 Draft second edition – standard methods for monitoring parameters of predatory species WG-CEMP-90/7 Rev. 1 Sexing of adult Adelie penguins by discriminant analysis of morphometric measurementsJ.A. Scolaro, Z.B. Stanganelli, H. Gallelli and D.F. Vergani (Argentina) Lire la suite de WG-CEMP-90 English Русский Español WG-CEMP-89 Nom: Groupe de travail chargé du Programme de contrôle de l'écosystème de la CCAMLRMeeting documents Doc Number Titre WG-CEMP-89/01 Provisional Agenda WG-CEMP-89/02 Annotated Provisional Agenda WG-CEMP-89/03 List of Participants WG-CEMP-89/04 List of Documents WG-CEMP-89/05 Development of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program 1982–1989Secretariat WG-CEMP-89/06 On the Power to Detect Changes Using the Standard Methods for Monitoring Parameters of Predatory SpeciesP. Boveng and J.L. Bengtson (USA) WG-CEMP-89/07 Sensitivity Analysis for Predatory Parameters. CCAMLR Ecosystem Program in response to SC-CAMLR-VII, Paragraph 5.22 (i) and (ii)M.D. Whitehead (Australia) WG-CEMP-89/08 Use of Indices of Predator Status and Performance in CCAMLR Fishery Management StrategiesJ.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-89/09 Krill fishing: An Analysis of Fine-Scale Data Reported to CCAMLRI. Everson and C. Mitchell (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-89/10 Map of Distribution of Krill Concentrations Off George V LandS. Nicol (Australia) WG-CEMP-89/11 Sensitivity Analyses for Monitoring Parameters of Predatory SpeciesM. Sander (Brazil) WG-CEMP-89/12 Member’s Responses to Various Topics Addressed by the Convener and the Secretariat During the Preparation of the WG CEMP Meeting WG-CEMP-89/13 Instructions for the Preparation of Sensitivity AnalysesSecretariat and the Convener of the Working Group WG-CEMP-89/14 Advice Regarding Submission, Validation, Storage, Access and Analysis of Ecosystem Monitoring DataSecretariat and the Convener of the Working Group WG-CEMP-89/15 Activities of Argentina into the Ecosystem Monitoring Program - CEMPZ.B. Stanganelli, D.F. Vergani, C.A. Aguire and N.R. Coria (Argentina) WG-CEMP-89/16 The Use of Penguin Stomachal Contents for the Simultaneous Study of Prey and Predator ParametersE. Marschoff and B. González (Argentina) WG-CEMP-89/17 Discrimination Between Larval and Juvenile Specimens of Euphausia superba from Gut ContentsE. Marschoff and M. Ravaglia (Argentina) WG-CEMP-89/18 An Experimental Approach to the Analysis of Zooplankton Escape Reactions and PatchinessE. Marschoff, G. Díaz and I. Schloss (Argentina) WG-CEMP-89/19 Replaced by document SC-CAMLR-VIII/4 Rev. 1 WG-CEMP-89/20 Letter from the Convener of WG-DAC to the Chairman, Scientific Committee WG-CEMP-89/21 Methods for Detecting Annual Changes in Fur Seal Foraging Trip DurationP. Boveng and J.L. Bengtson (USA) WG-CEMP-89/22 Foraging Areas for Fur Seals and Penguins in the Vicinity of Seal Island, AntarcticaJ.L. Bengtson (USA) and P. Eberhardt (Chile) WG-CEMP-89/23 Reference tables for the CEMP Sensitivity AnalysisJ.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-89/24 Comments on CEMP Monitoring Sites (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Working Group on Biology, Bird Biology Subcommittee, 22 and 28 August 1988, Hobart, Australia)SCAR Bird Biology Subcommittee Lire la suite de WG-CEMP-89 English Русский Español WG-CEMP-87 Nom: Groupe de travail chargé du Programme de contrôle de l'écosystème de la CCAMLRMeeting documents Doc Number Titre WG-CEMP-87/01 Agenda WG-CEMP-87/02 List of Participants WG-CEMP-87/03 List of Documents WG-CEMP-87/04 Development of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program, 1982–1986Secretariat WG-CEMP-87/05 Data and methodological requirements for CEMP: seabird parameters WG-CEMP-87/06 Survey of breeding penguins and other seabirds in the South Shetland Island, Antarctica, January–February 1987W.D. Shuford and L.B. Spear WG-CEMP-87/07 Survey of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during the 1986–87 austral summerJ.L. Bengtson, L.M. Ferm (USA), T.J. Härkönen (Sweden), E.G. Schaner and B.S. Stewart (USA) WG-CEMP-87/08 Observations on trends of the population of Arctocephalus gazella at Laurie Islands–South OrkneyD.F. Vergani and N.R. Coria (Argentina) WG-CEMP-87/09 The utilisation of seabird censuses for krill monitoringE.R. Marschoff, J.G. Visbeek and L.F. Fontana (Argentine) WG-CEMP-87/10 Micromonitors dive recorder systemsG.L. Kooyman (USA) WG-CEMP-87/11 Poseidon systems dive recorder - Model 1G.L. Kooyman (USA) WG-CEMP-87/12 Designs of a seal datalogger compatible with the service ARGOS satellite location and data collection systemB. McConnell and M. Fedak (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-87/13 Variation or reproductive performance of seabirds and seals at South Georgia, 1976–1986 and its implication for Southern Ocean monitoring studiesJ.P. Croxall, T.S. McCann, P.A. Prince and P. Rothery (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-87/14 Long-term trends in the foraging patterns of female Antarctic fur seals at South Georgia (DRAFT)J.L. Bengtson (USA) WG-CEMP-87/15 Archival and satellite-linked data recordersR.D. Hill (USA) WG-CEMP-87/16 Telemetry monitoring of ecological resourcesV.B. Kuechle (USA) WG-CEMP-87/17 Initiation of United States participation in the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program in the South Georgia and Antarctic Peninsula integrated study areas, December 1986–February 1987 WG-CEMP-87/18 An analysis of early change in the blubber thickness of minke whales as an indicator of krill availabilityY. Shimadzu (USA) WG-CEMP-87/19 Can we satisfactorily estimate variation in krill abundance?I. Everson (United Kingdom) WG-CEMP-87/20 Overview of NASA’s Oceanic Process Program (Excerpt form NASA Annual Report)G.C. Feldman (USA) WG-CEMP-87/21 Stages in CEMP implementationY. Shimadzu (Japan) WG-CEMP-87/22 Some observations on logistics associated with the United States Contribution to the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring ProgramK. Sherman (USA) Lire la suite de WG-CEMP-87 English Русский Español WG-CEMP-86 Nom: Groupe de travail chargé du Programme de contrôle de l'écosystème de la CCAMLRMeeting documents Doc Number Titre WG-CEMP-86/01 Draft Agenda WG-CEMP-86/02 Members’ Comments on Draft Agenda WG-CEMP-86/03 Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Scientific Committee (Item 7: Ecosystem Monitoring and Management) WG-CEMP-86/04 Response of the IWC Scientific Committee to the Questions of the CCAMLR Scientific Committee on Ecosystem Monitoring WG-CEMP-86/05 Krill Sampling and the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring ProgramD. Miller (South Africa) WG-CEMP-86/06 A Preliminary Program of Japanese Activities on Ecosystem MonitoringY. Shimadzu and T. Hoshiai (Japan) WG-CEMP-86/07 The Soviet Proposals on the Program of the Ecosystem Monitoring of the Commonwealth Sea and Prydz BayT. Lubimova (USSR) WG-CEMP-86/08 Adopted Agenda WG-CEMP-86/09 List of Participants WG-CEMP-86/10 List of Documents WG-CEMP-86/11 Members’ Research Activities in1984/1985 and 1985/1986 Seasons Related to Ecosystem Monitoring WG-CEMP-86/12 ernational CCAMLR Applied Research and Monitoring Program Prydz Bay Priority Area (Australian contribution to the First Five Year Program)Australia WG-CEMP-86/13 Directed Research. Antarctic Marine Living Resources (AMLR). A Program Development PlanUSA WG-CEMP-86/14 Establishment of a Group of Specialists on Southern Ocean Ecology (Annex 3 to the XIX SCAR Report) WG-CEMP-86/15 CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Early Life Stages of Fish (Comments on the Agenda Item 5 of the 1986 Meeting)W. Ślósarczyk (Poland) Lire la suite de WG-CEMP-86 English Русский Español WG-CSD-88 Nom: Groupe de travail chargé d'une stratégie de conservationMeeting documents Doc Number Titre WG-CSD-88/01 Provisional Agenda for the Meeting of the Conservation Strategy Working GroupConvener WG-CSD-88/02 Provisional Agenda for the Meeting of the Technical SubgroupConvener WG-CSD-88/03 List of ParticipantsSecretariat WG-CSD-88/04 List of DocumentsSecretariat WG-CSD-88/05 The Selection of Performance Criteria in the Evaluation of Conservation StrategiesConvener WG-CSD-88/06 Performance Criteria for the Evaluation of Conservation StrategiesDelegation of Argentina WG-CSD-88/07 EEC Background Paper on Conservation StrategyDelegation of the EEC WG-CSD-88/08 Preliminary Consideration of Performance Criteria for the Evaluation of Conservation StrategiesAustralia WG-CSD-88/09 Towards a Conservation Strategy for Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesDelegation of USSR WG-CSD-88/10 Modelling and Decision Making as Part of the CCAMLR Management RegimeD.G.M. Miller (South Africa) WG-CSD-88/11 Objectives of Ecosystem Monitoring WG-CSD-88/12 Report of the Meeting of the Technical Sub-group of the CCAMLR Working Group for the Development of a Conservation Strategy (Hobart, Australia, 20–22 October, 1988) Lire la suite de WG-CSD-88 English Русский Español WG-CSD-87 Nom: Groupe de travail chargé du développement d'une stratégie de conservationMeeting documents Doc Number Titre WG-CSD-87/02 Draft Agenda WG-CSD-87/03 List of Participants WG-CSD-87/06 Development of a Conservation strategy for Antarctic marine living resourcesAustralia WG-CSD-87/07 EEC Background paper on Conservation strategy WG-CSD-87/08 IUCN statement for the 1987 meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources WG-CSD-87/09 Considerations for the development of a Conservation and Management strategy for Antarctic marine living resourcesJ.G. Cooke (IUCN) WG-CSD-87/1 Rev. 1 Draft Terms of Reference WG-CSD-87/10 Japanese comments concerning the guidelines for the development of Conservation strategy for Antarctic marine living resources WG-CSD-87/11 Proposals on the implementation of a procedure for the management of Antarctic marine living resourcesDelegation of South Africa WG-CSD-87/12 Beyond MSY: a consideration of definitions of management objectivesJ.A. Gulland (EEC), Convener of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment WG-CSD-87/13 Conservation approaches: the implications of Article IIUnited Kingdom WG-CSD-87/14 Consideration of a management strategy for Antarctic fish stock recoveriesUS Delegation WG-CSD-87/15 Proposals by the Soviet delegation on the possible approaches to development of a conservation strategy for Antarctic marine living resources WG-CSD-87/16 Proposal for the adoption of interim krill management measures for application until the implementation of a long term conservation strategyDelegation of Argentina WG-CSD-87/17 Comments on the long term strategy for the conservation of the Antarctic ecosystemDelegation of Argentina WG-CSD-87/18 Preliminary study on a conservation strategy of Antarctic marine living resourcesDelegation of Chile WG-CSD-87/19 Rev. 1 Rational useComments from Submissions of Member States WG-CSD-87/20 Technical group – explanatory note WG-CSD-87/4 Rev. 1 List of Documents WG-CSD-87/5 Rev. 1 Australian summaryConvener Lire la suite de WG-CSD-87 English Русский Español SCOI-97 Nom: Comité permanent sur l'observation et le contrôleMeeting documents Doc Number Titre SCOI-97/01 Provisional agenda SCOI-97/02 Rev. 2 List of documents SCOI-97/03 Reports of InspectionSecretariat SCOI-97/04 Illegal fishing for toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in French waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands (Division 58.5.1 and Subarea 58.6 respectively)Delegation of France SCOI-97/05 On sightings of fishing vessels of non-Members (copies of correspondence) SCOI-97/06 Summary of sightings of fishing vessels in the Convention Area in the 1996/97 seasonSecretariat SCOI-97/07 The provision of information on the implementation of the Scheme of International Scientific ObservationSecretariat SCOI-97/08 Amendments proposed to the text of the System of InspectionSecretariat SCOI-97/09 Information on reflagging of vesselsDelegation of Uruguay SCOI-97/10 Additional information on sightings of vessels of CCAMLR MembersDelegation of France SCOI-97/11 Background information on the nationality of catches being reported to CCAMLRPrepared by the Secretariat SCOI-97/12 Illegal fishing within Australia’s EEZ around Heard Island including fishing in breach of CCAMLR conservation measuresDelegation of Australia SCOI-97/13 List of vessels involved in the fishery in the South Indian Ocean and the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern OceanDelegation of South Africa SCOI-97/14 Response of the Flag State on sightings of its vessels in the Convention AreaDelegation of Chile SCOI-97/14 Addendum Response of the Flag State on sightings of its vessels in the Convention AreaDelegation of Chile SCOI-97/15 Rev. 1 Report on the implementation of CCAMLR conservation measures in the 1996/97 seasonDelegation of Uruguay Lire la suite de SCOI-97 English Русский Español Pages« premier ‹ précédent … 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 … suivant › dernier »